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Monday, May 23, 2011

#153 "Temptation" By Susan Pearl

When I was a child of five, one of the bigest temptations for me this time of year was the luring sight of a dandelion standing in the yard with the fuzzy circle top.
The dandelions that had gone to seed looked like fuzzy bubbles on the end of a slim stem.
I knew we didn't want to spread the dandelions but I couldn't resist picking the slim stem and blowing or scattering the fuzzy seeds all over the yard as far as the wind and I could take them.  I just couldn't resist doing this as a child of five.
I think the important part of life is to grow and as we grow what used to be a temptation to us will become no longer a temptation.
I can walk through the yard now and I don't feel compelled or prone to pick and or even see with fascination the scattering of the fuzzy seeds.
So it is in life, as the things that used to be a temptation to me and held such a thrill no longer hold my attention and in fact I wouldn't even walk across the street to see or be a part of them.
In fact I don't even notice them now.
Feeling hurt was a big temptation for me at one time in my life.
I felt hurt by what others had said or what they had done and their actions affected me.
Now the actions of others are still there but I don't notice those actions or pay attention to them.
I have outgrown the temptation and I no longer experience the hurt just the same as I no longer experience a fascination to pick the whimsical dandelion going to seed.

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