My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

"Imagination And Life" by Susan Pearl

 I think that imagination is a beautiful part in the life of an innocent childhood.

I remember pretending to be a teacher or a telephone operator, or a nurse with my nurse's kit.

It was fun to imagine that the fairytales and wonderful characters in stories on TV and in books to be real.

But with adulthood comes the realization that changes the world of make believe-

The adult years move us on to discover life in new ways-

 and, as adults, 

We realize that life is truly fascinating with more to learn and explore than ever imagined. 

Monday, October 3, 2022

"Getting to Know You" by Susan Pearl

 I was in the waiting room at a doctor's office the other day.

There were ten of us in the waiting room.

One person was telling of his travels.

It was enjoyable to hear of his traveling adventures, 

Then he stopped talking as he looked at his arm saying, "Well, I be".

He was referring to a bruise on his arm then told of being on blood thinner. 

I said, "I got you beat, I'm on blood thinner, too.  

Then I pointed to a bruise on my arm.

Another person in the waiting room pulled up a sleeve and showed a bruise.

The adventurous person said, "My, isn't this something? 

We are all showing each other our bruises.

What's left? Would you like to see my scar"? We all laughed.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

"Some Things Just Take Time" by Susan Pearl

 When we were young my friend would run in a marathon,

Later, as the years would come and go, my friend joined a running club,

Now thirty years later, at the last Running Club business meeting-

a motion carried by unanimous vote to change the name from "Running Club"

to now be named "Walking Club", 

I was the first new member to join.

Afterall, I had waited over thirty years,

   to be in the same exercise club as my lifelong friend.

Some things just take time.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

"My Thank You Note" by Susan Pearl

 I'm in the process of writing a thank you note:


Hope things are going well for you. I wanted to write to you today to tell you how much appreciation I have for being given the opportunity in my lifetime of knowing you years ago.

Only good came into my life by knowing you.  I think this is an ultimate compliment- "only good came into my life from knowing you".

It is so true, and I wanted to tell you.

Susan Pearl

Thursday, September 22, 2022

"The Ultimate Compliment" by Susan Pearl

 This morning I remembered a couple I had known years ago.

I instantly thought, "Only good came into my life from knowing them".

I thought, "One of them has passed away but the other is still living.

     I should write a thank you note expressing my sincere and thankful sentiment for knowing them".

Afterall, it is the ultimate compliment.

Friday, July 29, 2022

" Milestone Blog" by Susan Pearl

Today is my 1150th blog.  This is a milestone for me, so it is a day of celebration.

Let's celebrate life and each gift.

And believe hearts that are down will lift.

Lifting high, high, high-- seeing new opportunities than ever before.

Because that is what a changed view can do-

Let's keep our minds open to see and learn more-

and share for the good of all-whatever has changed us for the better-

something new and kind to know-

for that is when we all truly grow.

And without a doubt---

   that is what I hope my blog is all about.

Monday, July 25, 2022

"It Has A Name" by Susan Pearl

 Sometimes it is safe to go into the water-

Sometimes it is not.

Sometimes it is what is in the water-

The contents of the water can change and be unseen,

Sometimes the chemical elements of the water can change-

  this is, also, an unseen change.

We don't have to see these changes to heed the warnings. 

Sometimes it isn't safe to go into the water-

Whether we can swim or not.

Being aware of our surroundings and applying this awareness to our current situation has a name.

It is called "reality".

Staying in reality will show us when we should stay out of the water and a lot more.

It becomes a way of life that will shine

 and show us more and more about our surroundings all of the time.

Being "aware" is the boundary of reality.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

"Sharing Humility" by Susan Pearl

 A lady in her eighties was telling me of her travels.

She told of seeing the Redwoods.

She said, "When I stood beside a redwood, I felt humble."

I asked about how a redwood tree could teach humility.

She answered by saying, "Anyone who thinks they are really something should stand beside a redwood. That's what it did for me. It humbled me."

She dabbed the tears away from her eyes and took a deep breath.

I could tell that of her eighty years plus on this earth this had been a very meaningful experience.

I'm so glad she shared it with me and now I'm sharing it with you.

It is a moment of reflection to see ourselves in the true perception of knowing our place in the design of all things.

"Unexpected Laugh" by Susan Pearl

 My husband makes me laugh when he disagrees with the decorating experts of homes on some TV programs.

My husband doesn't like anything "busy".

So, a TV program was showing the "after" of the newly decorated home---- first scene was the pillows on the couch.  The pillows were all of different designs on a solid-colored couch.

----the second scene was the showing of the two side chairs which were made with a geometric designed material-----

......the third scene took people's breath away....  It was of the main floor bathroom...... and the wallpaper looked like wall to wall miniature scenes of famous landmarks from throughout the entire world .....

At that point everyone on TV raved and said, "How Beautiful" ..."We Love It"....

My husband said, "It's getting worse".

I just had to laugh.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

"Ghost Back Ghosting" by Susan Pearl

It has happened. It was bound to happen sometime. I have been ghosted.

No reply for me. But how can they know I want to ghost them, too.

Oh, well, it's not that big of deal.

It is their way of saying they are fine without me.

    but I am fine without them, too.

I just want them to know if you ghost me, I ghost you.

Monday, July 18, 2022

"Last Bite Politeness" by Susan Pearl

 A very dear person made my potato salad recipe for a recent July birthday cookout.

I was told, "Your potato salad recipe was a hit as there was only one spoonful left."

I thought, "My, aren't people trying to be polite

 when no one wants to eat the very last bite?"

Saturday, July 16, 2022

"Guy Who?" by Susan Pearl

 Years ago, there was a comedy team named, Abbott and Costello. 

One of my favorite routines they did was called, 'WHO'S ON FIRST?"

Using that idea, I have written this blog for today:

(A)  "Who's that guy?"

(B)   "Guy."

(A)   "Yes, that guy over there. Who is he?"

(B)   "Guy."

(A)   "Do you know who he is?"

(B)   "Yes, Guy."

(A)   "What is his name?"

(B)  "He is Guy." 

(A)   "Guy who?"

(B)   "I don't know Guy's last name for sure."

(A)   "So, Guy is his first name?"

(B)   "Guy who?" 

(A)   "That Guy over there."

(B)   "That's another guy."

(A)   "How many guys are there?"

(B)   "Lot's."

Monday, July 11, 2022

"Being Home" by Susan Pearl

 When I was growing there was a kitchen stove under a window overlooking the driveway in front of an attached garage.  The stove had a light on top that could be pulled off and on by a chain pull. It was a reliable practice that if Mother had gone to bed, she left the light on the stove on until the last one was home.  The stove light made a beautiful glow in the kitchen window.  It was a comforting sight because it meant being home and it, also, meant someone else was there and had done the thoughtful welcoming gesture that marked there was someone else thinking of you coming home. 

OH, that glow of light in the kitchen window.

A light in the kitchen window that showed the feeling of being home.

It may seem like a small thing to do but it left an indelible memory in my heart.

The true feeling of being home, I know-

  by having a light left on for me under the kitchen window.

Years pass away-

But uplifting true memories of love stay-

Like a beautiful glow in a kitchen window.

Monday, July 4, 2022

"Counting Backwards" by Susan Pearl

 I don't like to count backwards-

A newspaper article made me remember a good friend of mine-

I wondered how long ago did this good friend pass away.

I remember my brother had called me to tell me of the passing-

My brother has been gone now for two years-

So, I counted that my friend's passing would be four years this October.

It didn't seem right that much time had already passed by.

There should be a college graduation in our family in two years.

That seems like quite a ways off from now.

Has it really been two years since my brother is gone?

That amount of time seems so fast-

I don't like counting backwards.

Friday, July 1, 2022

"Hidden Forgiveness" by Susan Pearl

I have watched several shows about a person confronting a childhood bully.

I wondered what I would say if I confronted a childhood bully.

So, I imagined a show with me and my childhood bully-

There I pretended the bully was before me and it was time for me to say something to the bully,

To my surprise I said, "I want no harm to come to you." 

That amazed me. I truly felt that way.

Where did that comment come from, I wondered? 

I truly think the comment came from forgiveness and that I am completely over it.

I was glad to learn that about myself and to know I truly am free of this bully and free of what the

being made fun of had done to me while growing up. 

I don't know when or where, but I completely got over it-

I think there is more to us than we can ever know or understand,

We could be having a hidden forgiveness even while doing other tasks at hand.

And we don't know how far we have come-

   until we realize we have forgiven someone.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

"Good Self Esteem is Essential" by Susan Pearl

 Don't be concerned about things other than what is currently and essentially needed.

Self-esteem is stronger than what people say.

Sometimes self-esteem is the needed current essential. 

When we do the current needed essentials first everything else will fall into place.

Friday, May 27, 2022

"May Terrible Tragedy" by Susan Pearl

 May heartbreak-- shattering and taking young lives.

With deepest sorrow--praying for families and friends-

So, so sorry--- this is a national tragedy of great proportion.

Only God, and God alone can lead through-

and show us what to do.

Children should be protected and 

we all know we fail them--time and time again.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thursday, March 3, 2022

"Childhood Thoughts Apply Today" by Susan Pearl

 I have a very distant childhood memory I would like to share. My mother had brought me to help with a church supper. I think I may have been six years old and could help clean off the tables and bring dishes to the kitchen.

It seemed like there was some sort of loud crying coming from the kitchen.  The woman who was scraping leftover food off of the plates into the garbage was crying and trembling.  Her hands were shaking, and her sobs were from deep within.

She cried out loud in broken English, "I don't know if my family has enough food to eat- and here I am throwing food away."  She broke down and sobbed.

Several ladies held and comforted her with one lady helping her put on her coat and telling she would give her a ride to her home.  The crying lady had no car and walked to everywhere she went.

I watched at a distance and now it is a distant memory to me, but I am currently focusing on remembering it. Especially now, with the world scene the way it is, I can still hear her cries. As a child of six I can remember seeing her break down and unable to go on because of the pain she was going through with great love for her family in another country.

Her cries still sound and are touching my heart to share this childhood memory to all of you.

I saw her being held and comforted and may we hold and comfort those suffering at this time of world events. 

Saturday, February 26, 2022

"Heavy Heart" by Susan Pearl

 We are now seeing monstrous and terrible acts, 

At the same time, we are seeing inspiring bravery

 and above human strengths-

 rising up against the monstrous terrible acts.

May peace come soon and make a way

   to lift this hour of gloom and heartache.

My heart weighs heavy from what others are going through-

May the children see what "coming together" can really do.

And stop the forces that threaten them so-

Alllowing them to stay in their homes and not having to flee or go.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

"Our Very Own Best Friend" by Susan Pearl

What is pretending all about?

Is it a form of denial?

That is all too complex for me.

All I know is that to have peace and harmony,

We have to be our own best friend and not pretend,

But keep it real, going with facts not how we feel.

To be true and not pretend,

Is being our very own best friend.

We are the only one that can do that-

  to speak of what we see to be the latest fact...

Not saying what we think others want us to say,

But to tell it like it is each and every day.

Keeping it real, not how we feel, and not pretend--

That is being our very own best friend.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

" A Wise Life" by Susan Pearl

Living a life and appreciating who we know and what we have-

   while we have them -

is living a wise life, indeed.

Bringing a special contentment and a feeling of "no need".

Time is fleeting, limited resources are depleting-

We have only so much to give for a limited amount of time.

We choose wisely how we spend our time and talents,

 Giving our best to do our part to add support and encouragement, 

   knowing these ways are how we want our time and talents to be spent---

 We have feelings of reward and happiness for the life we are living and for what we are giving.

  Over and over again, we will have peace of mind in knowing how the years of our efforts went-

Years of gratitude we have known and the love we have shown while truly holding it all so very dear-

Thankfulness that we did what we could do while we could do it, 

A lasting peace of mind we live-

This is what living a wise life can give. 

Monday, February 21, 2022

"Making Progress" by Susan Pearl

Sometimes when I think of making progress, I think of going forward one step at a time-

But then I, also, remember the "tug of war" game.

Progress in the "tug of war" game is made by holding our own-

Or even by pulling back a few steps.

I think that sometimes in life we make progress by just holding our own-

And not being pulled to cross a line we don't want to cross.

We hold our own under pressure-

We hold our own when forces are pulling us to go in a direction we don't want to go.

Progress can be made by going froward-

But progress can. also, be made by holding own under difficult circumstances.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

"When is it OVER?" by Susan Pearl

When do we know when something is "O""V""E""R"?  Amazingly, just spell the word "OVER".

 "O" is for-- going around in circles--no matter which way a person goes it is the same--going in circles "over and over" again-

"V" is for--no matter which way we try to go up we hit a dead end "over and over" again-

"E" is for --- we try up and down and side to side, back and forth--and still we hit a dead end over and over again-

"R" is for --- when we can go in circles and go up and down and still hit dead ends and keep going in circles over and over again.

It is----- "O"  "V"  "E"  "R"----  

   and the sooner we recognize it the better off we will be.

How to change it?

Change the "O" of "over" to be the "O" of the word "OPEN" and open that door to a better life.

Change the "V" to be the "V" in the word "VALUE" and live a life of self-value.

Change the "E" to be the "E" in the word "EQUALITY" and know everyone is equal.

Change the "R" to be the "R" in "RESPECT" and have the respect that you deserve.

Friday, February 18, 2022

"Adding Strong Links" by Susan Pearl

 I've heard it said: 

"A chain is only as strong as its weakest link."

Individual words and actions link the hours together for each day.

Each day, day after day, add up to reveal weak areas and strong areas in our life.

Instead of working on our links to weaknesses-

   let's concentrate on making our strengths even stronger and stronger.

Each link of each hour of each day will be spent pursuing strength.

Kindness is stronger than meanness-- so choose to concentrate on kindness.

Love is stronger that hate so let's concentrate on love.

Hope is stronger than despair so let's concentrate on hope.

Peace is stronger than unrest, worry and anxiety so let's concentrate on peace.

After a while we have hours of the day linking up our strengths of kindness, love, hope and peace.

Also, building on our natural talents and unique special interests for good with a willingness to do our best will add even more strong links to our life.

After time, an entire day is spent linking strength to strength to strength.

The weakness links are not attached to our day 

   because there is no time for them as the hours are used to make our strengths stronger.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

"Job Interview" by Susan Pearl

 I remember a friend telling me about an interview.

The interviewer asked, "Do you have any questions?"

My friend answered the interviewer with a question, "What are the problems here?"

They had a conversation about the problems with my friend troubleshooting possibilities that could be tried to resolve some problems.

Sometimes our discoveries in life will show us a problem that we need to recognize, address and work towards a solution.

It is an important part of awareness and seeing things in a new and better way for ourselves and for others.

My friend got the job and has brought a lot of beneficial innovation and change to the workplace.


Monday, February 14, 2022

"Results Within Result" by Susan Pearl

 To see someone, achieve a goal is seeing a victory.

The victory is a result of hard work, discipline and willingness to meet the challenge and even the talents of others showing us or the giving of their time and skills to teach or correct problems.

 Results, from the victory result- no matter how big or how small it may be- advances the person to the next level and to a new time that had been had hoped for. There will be new and ongoing results from that achievement for the person's own benefit and for the benefit of others in many ways. Willingness to meet a challenge, attaining the victory of the achievement will bring many new discoveries that will be the results from the result of the hard work and effort. There are results within result. 

Friday, February 11, 2022

"Changes Within Change" By Susan Pearl

 No matter how many Springs, Summers, Autumns and Winters we have the opportunity to live through, there probably won't be two the same.

A wet Spring is different than a dry Spring, Same season of change but different circumstances and settings.

Adapting to changes within a change is an important part of finding new ways that were not needed before.

This gives a time of opportunity that can make us resourceful in ways we didn't know we could do.

It becomes a time of discovery, a time of learning, a time of growing, creativity and a time of knowing more than we knew before. Experiencing this process brings change to us and we become more than we were before. Like the awakening bulbs bringing forth flowers in our yard, we cannot ever tire of seeing the new flowers of Spring and we cannot ever tire of finding new discoveries that challenge us to grow.

Sometimes, we, ourselves are one of the changes within a change.

Let's think about it and apply it to each new season of change we live - that gives more to us to know and will show the challenge for us to grow----changes within change continue on----our whole life long.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

"About the Glass" by Susan Pearl

Is the glass half empty or half full?

What is that supposed to show?

All I know is that if it is my glass,

Whether it is half empty or half full-

It means it is time for me to drink the rest real slow.

And then decide if a refill is the way want to go.



Tuesday, February 8, 2022

"Give and Take" by Susan Pearl

 Sometimes we think that with "give and take" things are one way or the other.

But "give and take" can work together beautifully.

When we take pride in what we are doing-

We give it our best.

To give our best takes pride.

Pride that we keep wanting to do things right.

Pride that we keep being responsible.

To give our best and keep our pride- it is like we have two good friends.

They go hand in hand along our way.

Keeping our pride and giving our best each day-

   working together beautifully,

What else can I say?

Monday, February 7, 2022

"Discovering Encouragement" By Susan Pearl

 Whenever we think that life has let us down,

Let's look beyond and then look around.

For there are people to be found-

  that have gone through so much and yet they abound.

And for them to have made it through-

Gives encouragement that we can make it, too.

Inspiring encouragement is what they give,

Inspiring encouragement is what they live, 

for we can tell, they draw their strength from within themselves- they have a deep well,

To discovery of such encouragement will show,

We have that same ability to rebound more than we know.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

"My Thank You Tree" by Susan Pearl

 An extra tall blue spruce stands under beautiful Kansas skies.

Alone on the prairie surrounded by piles of rocks each evening a shadowy disguise arrives.

I was there when the blue spruce was a small seedling sprout,

Along with an area elderly gardener, both of us wondered how in the rocks this tree came about.

 A tree remarkably growing in the center of a rock query is a very unusual sight-

We thought a bird must have dropped the seed while in flight.

The gardener was elderly and frail, but each day poured a pale of water on the seedling tree.

The gardener said to me, "I will water the seedling once a day for a month,

    then once a week for a month-

     and then once a month, for as long as I can, this I understand."

Then the gardener said, "They tell me that soon I will die- but don't cry,

Cause if there's a way, I'll try to pull the seedling tree up high." 

Life called me away, but I carried that moment wherever I went---- to this day-

Now, I am the elderly one, and I have come to see the tree in the middle of the rock query.

Here I stand with a cane in my hand, looking at the most beautiful blue spruce tree I have ever seen-

It is sunset and the shadow of the tree is cascading and hopping over the variation of rocks galore,

Transforming the shadow's view into that of the gardener holding a water pale that is being poured,

This moment, too, I will carry as I go, remembering the gardener saying that a possibility grew,

And knowing that dream of a possibility has come true.

I ask myself; "Do I believe in miracles from above?"

Then I answer, "I believe in the power of love, 

And I believe that the power of love is what miracles are made of." 

This one-of-a-kind moment had been given to me-

Standing before rocks galore and the nicest blue spruce tree.

All that is within me began to soar-

Seeing that the possibility grew into a one-of-a-kind dream come true,

   all within me says, "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You."

Thursday, February 3, 2022

"Pearls Take Time Characteristics" by Susan Pearl

Pearls Take Time- is like discovering new and original thoughts that show us more about life or about ourselves that we did not know before. This knowledge enriches our lives in a multitude of ways and we can build on it to find more discoveries about life and about ourselves.

Pearls Take Time- is the ability to spot a pearl moment as it unfolds giving us a rare hard to find one-of-a-kind moment to behold. This pearl moment brings great joy and becomes a special gift of living in the "now".

Pearls Take Time--is knowing that with time and grace a change takes place.  Sometimes this change is a perception and a new view that gives peace and acceptance.

Pearls Take Time--is learning to live with what we cannot change. It is the realization that we cannot change others or what they say and do but we can change our own response to not let it affect us..

Pearls Take Time---is living with an attitude of gratitude and having great appreciation for what has been done for good, what is being done for good and for what will be done for the good of all. It is living a life of recognition and awareness of possibilities, options, opportunities and having thankfulness for the greatness of it all.



Tuesday, February 1, 2022

"Unknown Circumstance Revealed" by Susan Pearl

A very wise person said to me: 

"Don't judge the tree standing before us-

Because it is crooked and leans terribly to the West.

Like a backwards letter "C",

Stands this fir tree.

The first of four trees in a row

It is the closest tree to the awning over the entrance door.

It faces the South, its back towards the North and near the building it stands

 But oh, so crooked pointing towards the West-

But don't judge the tree because it is doing its best.

I was here at sunrise and saw a surprise,

The awning casts a shadow on the tree

   blocking the early morning sunlight.

That is why the tree leans to the West,

It is leaning to the West for the East morning light,

Beyond the shadow of the awning, it leans for the sunlight early each day.

But here within is where wisdom lies before our eyes.

When someone is doing the best that they can-

With the difficult circumstance they have at hand,

Give them the benefit of the doubt

And don't judge them for what conditions has brought to be.

Hear me,

Don't judge the tree that stands before us,

Because it is crooked and leans terribly to the West-

Because it truly is doing its very best."

Monday, January 31, 2022

"Hidden Treasures" by Susan Pearl

 If we really don't "take time" to look-

Can we really find the hidden treasures in life?

Yes, hidden treasures are there for us to find-

All we have to do is "take time" to look for them.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

"The Will to "Try" Again" by Susan Pearl

 My will to "try" and I go back a long way, like a good and faithful friend.

"Try" has been there for me through thick and through thin,

And each time, I will "try" is there to help me make it around life's next bend,

Then I "try" and "try" again to find the new discoveries that are waiting to see,

Knowing full well that another 'around the bend' will come to be.

Then my will to "try" and I continue on for the next adventure to show-

 More of life's hidden beauty to know.

Friday, January 28, 2022

"My Reintroduction" by Susan Pearl

 Hello Readers, 

After writing this blog, "Pearls Take Time", for over ten years, I think it is time for me to reintroduce myself to the newer readers.  By reintroducing myself I will tell of why the meaning of the pearl has been an important part of my writing, the reason it has meant so much to me and to how it has contributed to my personal viewpoints of life.

The "Pearls Take Time" blog has been a dream come true for me to convey that I believe in my heart each of us has abilities within ourselves that show us new lessons to learn teaching us to find new discoveries of living with change and living with what we cannot change. We can learn to live with life's irritations and hurts by surrounding ourselves with our strengths and capabilities that will assist us to discover a rare, one-of-a-kind, beauty in our lives. Our strengths and abilities are too numerous to mention individually and will be different for each person. But strengths like self-respect, self-esteem and self-worth with knowing we are loved, and our best interests are hoped for by many desiring the good for all. We are a one-of-a-kind unique person, and we are worth every effort that brings valuable and meaningful new perspectives into our lives that show things about life and about ourselves that we did not know before. 

These perspectives show insights that bring it into view a new beauty and understanding that we had not seen before because we had to grow to know them.  These discoveries add meaning and value to our life because it gives us an appreciation for the beauty we now can behold to enjoy and lifts our heart and spirit.

My Dad selected the name Susan Pearl for me. It was important to him. I consider my name to be a very special gift from him. 

When I was in my forties, I was given an explanation for the June birthstone, the pearl. I read that explanation to a group of people in a fact about June program.

From the explanation I learned that the pain and irritation from a grain of sand to the shellfish activated a "mother of pearl" substance that is built into the shellfish defense mechanism. The "mother of pearl" coats (surrounds) the irritating grain of sand and with time it becomes a one-of-a-kind, rare, beautiful pearl.  What starts out as a pain and irritation becomes a pearl, but it takes time. We have to learn to live with what we cannot change. We, also, have the abilities to see the beauty around us in new ways. 

My Dad died when I was one year old. I have no memory of him, but I know he loved me very much and he wanted to name me, Susan Pearl.  After reading the explanation of the pearl I knew I had discovered something about myself and about life that I had not ever known before. It was inspiring to me. Whenever I see or understand something I had not known before I call it "a pearl moment".  I use that expression often in this blog.

It was an ongoing irritation and a source of pain to me to not have my dad, while I was growing up, but I had to learn to live with it and I learned to appreciate what I did have and be thankful for it, too.

It was a beginning of a journey to see and understand new discoveries that all of us have a built-in strengths and abilities to live with changes with the beauty of peace and acceptance.... but it takes time ...."Pearls Take Time".

This blog is my way of expressing my appreciation and gratitude for the "Pearl Moments" my life has had. These "Pearl Moments" have shown me things I hadn't known and from them great beauty has grown for living a life of healing, change and happiness. 

This is an updated blog that was published July 26, 2012. All my blogs are my own personal opinion.

"Sands Of Time"

It has been said that each moment in life is like a grain of sand going through the hourglass of time.

I concentrate in this writing on the sand passing through the hourglass of time.  The sand can represent the irritations and pains in life. The sand can, also, represent that we have the strengths and abilities within us to learn and grow and to see something new of beauty that we didn't know.

Each grain of sand can become a pearl with the passage of time. By having a "Pearl Moment" of discovery, a new and meaningful beauty come to be appreciated in our lives. "Pearl Moments" show a recognition of this beauty which gives an appreciation and thanksgiving for all the wonderful things that we have been given.... bringing a peace and acceptance to the life we are living.

Sand through the hourglass can represent the irritations and hurts in life that all of us will go through. That is true. Sand through the hourglass can, also, represent the strengths and abilities in each of us to surround the pain and irritations. Once we do that we grow and with time and change we see new things that we hadn't known or noticed before. Once shown this new discovery we have a new beauty to perceive and recognize that is a one-of-a-kind experience especially designed for us to have a better life........but "Pearls Take Time". 



Tuesday, January 18, 2022

"Polishing a Dream" by Susan Pearl

 Each of us, within ourselves has a dream,

Take time to polish that dream and make it glitter and gleam,

Take time to work towards goals to make that dream come true.

And no matter what- rain or shine-that dream will shine through.

Then we will know when the time has come,

And we will know the hard work we have done-

To turn the dream into a reality wasn't easy and at times was very hard to do,

But it was well worth it because-rain or shine- that dream is shining through.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

"Tightly Woven" by Susan Pearl

 I am not a seamstress, but I do keep two spools of thread and three needles by my chair at all times.

I sew on buttons and mend holes or rips as they happen or are needed.

Yesterday I noticed a seam on my garment had simply come apart.

It looked like an easy fix, so I grabbed a spool of thread and threaded a needle.

But it was very difficult from the beginning to get the needle in and out of the material.

The material was so tightly woven, and I had to change needles to my finest size.

It made me think that by looking, I could not tell how tightly woven the material is, it was not thick, very thin, but it didn't take long to find that out it was a challenge to hand sew. It was sewing machine material and here I was with needle in hand trying to do the best I could do with what I had.

There are two lessons I learned from this moment--First, maybe there are areas in my life that need repaired, but I am too tightly woven to receive help.  Maybe I need to loosen up and be more open to beneficial suggestions or good council.

Second, maybe, in some areas of life that are hard for me all I need to do is to change and refine my approach and try a better more accommodating way to accomplish the results I am hoping for.

At any rate, just that little bit of mending taught me two big lessons about life and about myself. It was a pearl moment because I learned more than I knew before.

Friday, January 14, 2022

"Taking Our Time" by Susan Pearl


Let's take our time to discover and develop our own hidden

qualities and natural abilities- that we have within ourselves- 

that shield us AS WE LEARN TO LIVE WITH life's irritations and displeasures. 


With time and grace a change takes place

That will give beauty in our days with accepting ways

That will add more

 to what we have ever known before.


Sunday, January 9, 2022

"The Key" by Susan Pearl

 Acceptance of change is the key-

To free us from being locked in the past.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

"Opportunity for Discovery" by Susan Pearl

 Use every opportunity 

  to show our maturity.

For in each of us there is more depth of character

   yet to be discovered.

To the depth of our character will be the height of our maturity.

They will match---

   and when they do

   what we say and what we do 

   will match, too.