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My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sept. 23- "Pumpkin Time": By Susan Pearl

Why does pumpkin taste better this time of year?
I have looked at every recipe for pumpkin with cream cheese frosting that I have, 
I simply can't hardly wait to have the permeating smell of pumpkin as it bakes in the oven, 
The luscious sight of the pumpkin loaf, 
The blending tastes of the pumpkin, spices and cream cheese frosting,
And hearing the endeared enjoyment of others,
Who even give me a grateful hug for bringing them some,
This covers all five senses, smell, sight, taste, hearing and touch,
Maybe that is why I like pumpkin this time of year so much,
And I really do love fall best of all.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Sept.20- "My Realization" By Susan Pearl

Sometimes in the deep recesses of my soul, I know, I know,
Sometimes in the very core of my ability, I strive, I strive,
Sometimes in the heights of my imagination, I soar, I soar,
Sometimes in the piercing moments of my sensitivity, I see, I see,
That there is more to life than I ever thought there could be.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sept. 19- "What To Expand" By Susan Pearl

I would like to experience the new tastes of different cultures and broaden my mind,
I'd like to do this from time to time without broadening my waist line,
Because it sounds good to know the cuisine from every nation,
Oh, yes, I know, I have to remember it always comes down to having moderation.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sept. 18- "The Big Picture Of Respect and Dignity" By Susan Pearl

I do think that:
It is the right of all people to be treated with respect and dignity,
Because all people are equal and have the right to be treated the same,
So as we live a life of respect and dignity for all,
We treat others the way we would want them to treat us,
And that becomes a lifestyle of respecting our rights and the rights of others, too,
Then we become a part of a bigger picture for all to see, of people living together with respect and dignity,
And that is what doing our part is all about and it is important to know,
That our part in the bigger picture of "respect and dignity" does show,
And there will be a mutual harmony of many, eventually,
Because the bigger the picture of "respect and dignity",
The easier it is for all to see.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sept. 17- "Circling The Drain" By Susan Pearl

Going in circles is not good,
It reminds me of swirling water before it goes down the drain,
I think that when there is an underlying drain on us we tend to go in circles,
It is up to each of us to determine what is draining to us,
And go with the facts that helps us to no longer be so emotionally drained,
No matter how strong our feelings are to keep things the same,
We should remember as long as we don't make a change,
The circling around an underlying drain will remain.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sept. 16- "Maintaining Success" By Susan Pearl

I was thinking of a person today who has been successful for many years,
I was thinking of the quality in this person that is very impressive,
The quality that came to mind is that this person does not run from problems,
This person addresses each problem and does so publicly and with force,
"To not run from problems" is certainly the best,
And this person sure has passed the test of doing this while maintaining great success.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Sept.13- "Writing Exercise" By Susan Pearl

5 syllables, then 7 syllables, then 5 syllables, then 7 syllables, then 5 syllables, then 7 syllables.

I like to dance fast,
But two fast ones are too much,
The way it should go,
Is to dance fast then dance slow,
One fast then one slow,
Not two fast ones in a row.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sept. 12- "Pride and False Humility" by Susan Pearl

Relationships change over time,
Some become a mere whisper of what they used to be,
Some become stronger like a firmly planted  oak tree,
So, with our relationships we don't know what will come,
And this is why I try to remember this as a rule of thumb:

Knowing our place in retrospect to other people's lives keeps us humble,
If we want a place of more importance than they want to give us then we are being proud,
But if we stay below the place they want us to be, yet we want to have a strong relationship with them, then we have a false humility.

This works both ways because the place for someone else in our life we will at times have to show to them and convey.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sept.11- "Heartaches and Tributes" By Susan Pearl

Remembering 9/11/2001 is a memory in my mind that stays locked in time,
I can recall when I heard the news and I didn't realize at first what all it would encompass or its true magnitude,
It was a day of seeing horror before my very eyes,
And of seeing an America answering the calls and the cries,
Because in the midst of seeing what I thought couldn't be,
I saw great heroism, courage and bravery,
It was a very sad and tragic day that came,
And life like before hasn't been the same,
But we have chosen not to live in fear,
And to remember those who gave so much by holding their memory dear.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sept. 10- "Remembering Comment" By Susan Pearl

If ever I remember a comment for over ten years I think it somehow struck a chord in me,
The comment I remember was a person saying that all his relationships are because of forgiveness.
He said that he has misspoken at times,
And people have forgiven him,
And he is aware of their forgivness and it is humbling to him,
Are lasting relationships because of forgiveness?
Are we kept humble by being aware of the forgiveness others have given to us?
I keep remembering that comment.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Sept. 9- "Another Opportunity" By Susan Pearl

If only having fun becomes the first and foremost thought of each day,
With no thought of work responsibilities and only thoughts of play,
Then the open opportunities that require work may slip away,
Opportunities are like rainbows as they are there for awhile and then they evaporate,
And once they are gone ---they are no longer there like before and it can be just too late,
But rainbows do appear again from time to time,
So with being watchful and ready, another time and another opportunity may work out fine,
But if we are all work and no play,
Maybe we should look for an opportunity to enjoy some fun each day,
Because it is a balance between the two,
And not left to chance then we can decide what to do,
But if our work is fun and each day we enjoy our time,
That is the best of both, work and play, that we could find.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Sept.6- "Upside Down View" By Susan Pearl

In my opinion, if a person keeps having to bend over backwards to please  and accommodate everyone,
Then life will begin to look upside down for the accommodating person,
And after awhile it is time to stand up straight again and see things the way they really are.   

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sept. 5- "Rules, Rules, Rules" By Susan Pearl

Some people will only follow pre-set rules,
Some people make up the rules as they go along,
Some people think that they are the exception to the rule,
Some people say rules bring order,
Some say rules are to be broken,
Some say rules are there for safety reasons,
Games need to be played by the rules,
The very best rule is the "Golden Rule",
That rule is "To treat others the way we would want to be treated",
Or "To do unto others the way you would have them do unto you",
And with that thought now my little writing about rules is through.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sept. 4- "Hold And Held Away" By Susan Pearl

Hanging on to too many things can become problematic when it effects the functionality of our life,
There can be beds that no one can sleep in because the beds are covered with stuff, 
There can be a dining room table that no one can sit at because it is under clutter,
Could it be that when we hold on to too much, an excessive amount, we can become held away from embracing the "now",
Or could it be that the excessive amount "has a hold on us" and we are "held away" from embracing the now and how things could be--- the way they should be,
To function properly.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sept. 3- "The Friendship Combination" By Susan Pearl

There are some people who cannot pretend,
"Pretending" is not a quality they have within them,
And they make a very good friend,
Because truth and honesty will win, again and again,
And no matter what situation we may be in,
We can count on them to recommend to us where to begin,
To get where we need to be and what fences to mend,
Because such a setting they don't pretend that they have not ever been in,
And tell truthfully and honestly how they had to contend,
With not knowing what is around the next bend,
And since they made it then we can, too,
We know that is true,
Because it has been said by a friend who can't pretend.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Sept 2- "Expand The Horizon" By Susan Pearl

I have found the only way for me to expand my horizons,
Is to broaden my mind by seeing a view from a new perspective.