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My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Monday, May 31, 2021

"Memorial Day Thank You" by Susan Pearl

Remembering with great respect and gratitude all those who served our country so bravely and who gave their lives for freedom.  Thank you for your service.

Friday, May 28, 2021

"Temporary" by Susan Pearl

I have been wanting to write a blog about the concept of time that is referred to as "temporary". So I thought I would start by listing some things that are temporary.

I thought, "What is temporary?"  Then I thought, "What isn't temporary?" I concept of time that is called "temporary" can be harder to convey than I thought it would be.

Feelings, emotions, upheavals, unrest and disappointments are temporary, yet while experiencing these times they may not seem temporary but may seem long lasting for the years and years to come.

The problem can be that when these things are happening our concept of time may not be seeing things as temporary but seeing them as ongoing and maybe even unending.

We need to have a concept of time that allows for temporary to be a frequent part of life and thought process so in appropriate and various situations no matter how deeply consuming the situation is and how permanent it may feel we are aware that it is temporary.  

To realize that such combinations of circumstances coming together are temporary is a big step forward in understanding the current circumstances being experienced.

When I was growing up the adults had gone through wars, the great depression, epidemics and many hardships in many ways.

Yet, they taught me the expression "This, too, shall pass".

Isn't saying "This, too, shall pass" another way of saying "This is temporary"?

That generation had a true concept of time that is known as "temporary" and we should, too.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

"Taking Delight" by Susan Pearl

Taking delight in other people's happiness is a joy to behold,

"I'm so glad I got to experience this moment with you"-

I have heard this said and it can be applied to so many different happy occasions.

Graduation is one of those occasions.

A person achieving a long hoped for goal-

When that goal is realized the people have delight to be experiencing the happiness of the attained goal.

 It brings happiness and joy in seeing the person who has worked hard for years to have this dream become true and the experience of receiving it.  There is true delight in knowing the accomplishment is so well earned and deserved.

It truly is wonderful!

Somehow we can identify with the joy of the happiness for the other person's moment, 

  and experience the beautiful emotion of it all---

Taking delight in the happiness of others a is true joy to behold.

Like I have said many times, "I'm happy for you and it gives me joy to see your happiness".

"Congratulations" and "Best Wishes" to all the Graduates of 2021.

We take delight in your happiness!

Thursday, May 20, 2021

"Hidden Pearls" by Susan Pearl

 Anytime we make a discovery---it's like adding a pearl to our pocket.

Learning something new, seeing something in a new way and even understanding something is a discovery.

Some pearls of discovery are hidden and some are waiting for us to learn more about life for us to be able to understand this waiting discovery. Fear is not an option in making beautiful discoveries about life. We have to trust that there are good things to find and take time look for them and notice them when we see them.

"Appreciation for good" is a big discovery to find gratitude and thankfulness in each day.

The grain of sand that makes way inside the shell fish oyster causes discomfort, pain and aggravation,

A "mother of pearl" substance is released by the oyster to surround the grain of sand and  coat it in comfort.

So it is with us when we have a discomfort, a pain or an ongoing aggravation.

If we can discover the ways to surround ourselves with love, trust for good and know it is not only for now, but, also, to have an appreciation for the good that has been done with love.

By surrounding ourselves with love each day and with trust that good is to be found we promote a protection from past pain. We talk about the wonderful things right now that are for us to see and find in the day.  This gives an incredible beauty to life just like finding the beauty a hidden pearl and our discovery is just as priceless.

I said to a lady once, "Have a nice day".  She asked, "How do I do that"? I answered, "It's there for us --all we have to do is find it".

Saturday, May 15, 2021

"Ongoing Ways" and "Incoming Options" by Susan Pearl

To align or realign "ongoing ways" with "incoming options" depends on if the "ongoing ways" are being beneficial for all or not.

"Ongoing ways" can mean the ways of approach to life that are done over and over again for years and years and the effects and results of such "ongoing ways" are evident.

"Incoming options" can mean new ways or approaches to life that are available for use and to be incorporated into the "ongoing ways" or not. Not all "Incoming options" are desirable. 

If the 'ongoing ways" are not working out well then there is a need for evaluation. New "incoming options" may need to be implemented and set in motion to become part of the "ongoing ways" to bring balance and effectiveness.

This is where having an "awareness" is so very crucial. 

Just because something has been done a certain way over and over again for years doesn't mean it is beneficial to continue it in the same way.  Just because new options are available to replace or slightly incorporate doesn't mean they will remedy what is needed. 

"Awareness" is so important to discern clearly the "reality" of the situation and evaluate the currents needs.  Sometimes is may take just a small critique to align things up in a better way.  Sometimes it may take a brand new connection to be able to fit together the "incoming options" to the "ongoing ways".

Awareness brings about the proper perception to see what is working and what is not working and how to implement positive change.

Good and beneficial decisions are made with "awareness".

It takes "awareness".

"Awareness" directs the "ongoing ways" for betterment to all by allowing "incoming options" to be implemented as needed.

It takes "awareness" for both.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

"Basic Needs From a Giving Heart" by Susan Pearl

Oh, let the light shine on the love of a giving heart-

The giving heart that is willing to do a part-

   in helping others have a good start.

Oh, let the light shine on the love of a giving heart.

A giving heart that does good for everyone's best-

   over and over again.

   with a strength from within that love makes to know no end.

Oh, let the light shine on the love of a giving heart-

The hope shown by a giving heart

   breaks bondage to being stuck in a rut,

And pulls a forward motion to come into place

that brings a dream that is unseen but believed can be

with a capable ability.

For a giving heart shows love

  and what love is capable of-

Oh, let the light shine on the love of a giving heart-

Willing to do the part that is needed to be done

  for meeting the basics that forward times can build upon.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

"For This I Pray" by Susan Pearl

 I pray that children will laugh and play today.

That none will have to carry the weight of the world-

But be happy and carefree while they may,

For this I pray.

Too much drama and trauma have gone on too long for the children

in many different ways.

It is time for them to experience childhood

 the way they should,

and laugh and play today,

For this I pray.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

"Now, Pay Attention" by Susan Pearl

I can remember so well my grade school teacher tapping her pointer stick on the blackboard and saying, "Now, pay attention".  In other words the teacher was asking us not to be distracted and to focus on what she wanted us to learn.  This teacher was a very good teacher and she led us through diagraming sentences and times table races at the blackboard.  I just don't think there could ever be a substitute for a live teacher tapping a pointer stick on the blackboard and saying, "Now, pay attention".  This is National Teacher's Appreciation Week and I would like to express my appreciation for all the teachers I had and for all teachers everywhere.  Thank You,... Thank You for all you do.  A good education has made a big difference in my life and to this day I like math puzzles for a hobby past time.  I have written this blog with a High School education.  I am so glad for the teachers I had in my lifetime and I am so glad I was told to- "Pay Attention"- and I'm so glad I did.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

"The Rain of Appreciation" by Susan Pearl

 I appreciate you, I appreciate you-

In you I see worth and value-

You don't have to look a certain way-to be appreciated every day.

Appreciation for others is like a gentle rain on the droughts of indifference, prejudice, bias or,     sometimes, just plain snobbishness-

Such a gentle rain of appreciation makes persistent droughts go away by bringing relief to the daily harsh conditions and hardships the drought has caused. 

Such a rain of appreciation makes a new standard of living that sees the inherit worth and value of everyone, including all, no one is ever left out.

There is more than enough rain of appreciation to cover the most severe drought. 

 There is more than enough people even though at times they may be harder to find-

Who believe in the inherit worth and value of all humankind. 

May there be a rain of appreciation that gently covers every corner of the earth.

Where people see all others as having inherit value and worth.

I appreciate you.  I appreciate you.

We all have inherit worth and value ----I believe that to be true.

I appreciate you, I appreciate you-