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My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

"Taking an Autumn Break" from Susan Pearl

Dear Readers,
I will taking some time off (the entire season of Fall plus a month) from writing my blog and would like to thank everyone for taking time to read my blogs.  There are 810 blogs to read.  I encourage everyone to read some past blogs until I hopefully write more in mid January of the new year.
Thank you so much.
Best Wishes,
Susan Pearl

Thursday, September 19, 2019

"Chicken Showdown" by Susan Pearl

My husband told me recently that he was hungry for fried chicken.  It had been years since we started buying the skinless, boneless chicken for baking.  We had incorporated it into our diet as a healthier way of eating chicken.  So we decided we were going to fry chicken thighs. I did the flouring and my husband monitored and turned the chicken in the electric skillet.  The moment had arrived for our fried chicken dinner.  I said that I didn't want to eat any chicken skin because I didn't want the extra calories.  My husband said he wouldn't be eating any chicken skin either. I said, "Wait a minute.  We just pan fried a chicken only to tear the skin off and not eat the crispy outside coating?  Why not just bake skinless chicken.?"  My husband said that he thought the meat had a different flavor from being fried and he enjoyed it fixed that way once in awhile.  I then learned from him that boneless, skinless chicken is more expensive so might as well buy the bone-in chicken with skin and just not eat the skin.  Why is this turning into a mathematical issue?  What happened?  When did something easy become so complicated to me?  I say, "Bring back the oven baked boneless, skinless chicken for our meals at home and call it good."  Which it really is!

Monday, September 16, 2019

"Getting Better" by Susan Pearl

I remember the words of a dear friend after she and I gave our very first guitar program.
After the program was over she said,  "Well, Susan, we can only get better."
I was surprised because I thought we had done really well and that it couldn't get much better.
She moved away shortly after that but I have since come to understand more about giving a first
performance and getting better.  It is a process that involves more than just the music.

I think that "getting better" can mean being less nervous, being more confident and more relaxed.
We both had butterflies in our stomachs and maybe a little trembling to remember everything in order and to try to do it right.

Once we know we could do it and do it well, it does get better.

Friday, September 13, 2019

"My Seasons Observations" by Susan Pearl

It seems like Summer fades into Autumn,
Autumn leaves with the frosty arrival of Winter,
Winter is pushed away as blooms push through the ground for Spring,
Spring blends away into the heat extremes of Summer.
Season after season keeps moving on
     with each of them not staying too long.
With ever changing the scenery for as far as one can see
   as pretty and abundance filled like captured pictures in a book,
And all one has to do is to take the time to just "look".
Something for everyone the seasons keep giving moments to recall,
Bringing the irreverseable cycles of time and changes to all.

Friday, September 6, 2019

"Three Wishes for Everyone" By Susan Pearl

If I could have three wishes for everyone I would wish-
That everyone could have a new creative thought today,
That everyone could have a new perception today-
   that would lead to a new vision for the betterment of all,
And everyone would have a new idea that brings encouragement
  through faith, in hope and with love that gives a special peace.