My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Monday, November 23, 2020

"Not a Good Idea" by Susan Pearl

When we first moved to the country it was a brand new experience to me.  The drive way to our house had an unique circle if parking by the front porch.  I wanted that area to be exceptionally pretty so I decided to put in a rock garden in the circle of the drive.

My husband cautioned me me that he did not like rocks because they attract snakes.  Snakes like to sun on the rocks and snakes like to hide under the rocks.  I promised him I would be very watchful.

One day I was working in the rock garden and I saw something light in color that almost looked like a  long piece of paper.  I reached for it and as I removed it I realized it was a snakeskin.  That's all it took.  I realized the rock garden was not a good "bye-bye" rock garden.  I think a very short frequently mowed stand of grass would be a better idea and, in fact, much easier, too.

My vision of having a beautiful rock garden came to a sudden end the moment I found the snakeskin.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

"Thanksgiving Preparations" by Susan Pearl

 Thanksgiving Day is one of my favorite times of the year.

There are preparations to be made for the day.

Now that I am older I realize there is ,also, a preparation time of my mind for Thanksgiving.

Really, it can, be three or four days of preparation.

So with thanksgiving less than a week away I am starting to prepare for this beautiful day.

The first element is "appreciation". To be thankful we truly have to have an "appreciation" and special meaning for the people and things we are thankful for.

Next we must be "grateful" for them.  This is humbling to realize we have been given a lot. By knowing and receiving all these gifts in life we are not only humbled we are amazed by the awesomeness of it all.

Another part of thanksgiving is to have "joy" in seeing others enjoy the fruits of our labors.  It gives us happiness to see their happiness.  They may now have their own thanksgiving and we are happy for them.  

The "appreciation", the "gratitude" and the "joy" are woven into the strong fabric of "love"  All of this makes something beyond beautiful because it covers time, space and distance.  It covers all situations,  settings, family dynamics, family systems and even pandemics. It covers having "the good for all" and thankful efforts this outcome comes to be------time and time again.

We don't have to embrace or see each other face to face for thanksgiving to take place.  Let us prepare with, appreciation, gratitude, joy and and love and continue living a life that works towards the good for all in any way we that can do so---- and have a---------- "HAPPY THANKSGIVING".

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

"Did it Happen in the Sixties?" by Susan Pearl

Because of my age I went through my teen age years during the "sixties".   The "sixties" were called an age of enlightenment.  It went forward with promoting a new culture of freedom as a way of life that is not inhibited for having true self expression.  It has been sixty years since the "sixties".  The time that has passed has brought about a whole generation being raised by "the sixties" concept of freedom and viewpoints to live a free life that is not limited to old standards and narrowmindedness.

Over twenty years ago years ago I was sitting by a young woman who was obviously angry.  It was close to the holidays and so I just casually asked "Are you going to be with family for the holidays"?  She looked directly at me and said,  "I don't have a family.  I never had a family.  They never knew who my dad was and my mother died from an overdose when I was one year old, I ran away from every foster home I was ever placed in and I'm telling you the system doesn't work".  Somehow, I automatically asked, "Did it happen in the sixties"?

She answered abruptly "No, it was 1970".  To this day I think of her and wonder how her life went.  I hope it has gone well for her.

The reason I am writing this is to give my humble opinion that sometimes the differences of we face now may have been put into place many years ago and have grown to be recognized, respected and even appreciated for the insight and their truth   Generations have had completely different experiences in life and that is all they have ever known. They want to have their reality to be part of the picture in a very real way and with an awareness for all to see.  This is meant for the benefit of all to bring the understanding needed for coming together in a renewed way with better insights and perceptions for the years to come.

It can work out when everyone is wanting the best for all and willing to work for it and willing to change to accommodate progress for a greater good.   

Thursday, November 12, 2020

"To Rest Can Be Moving On" by Susan Pearl

 In my opinion there are times that it is best to let things rest.

To know when or when not to let things rest is a personal judgement call.

We are the only ones who know what we have been through to be where we are today,

  the hard work, the broken relationships, the kept relationships- 

   the efforts of following one's heart and conscience for the good of all-

   may transpire into making a timely decision to "let things rest". 

In my personal journey, if it took considerable efforts to "not" have something in my life

because I could see it was not only taking a toll on me but it was taking a toll on others, 

whom I love--

I let it rest and not give any avenue for it to come back into my life.

I leave the door of entry boarded up and even if someone knocks on it--

I don't open it to what was before.

I think it is best to not project the past into the the future

   and sometimes to do that--

It is best to let things rest.

To see what the future will hold

we do not have to replicate the old.

We learn, we grow and we move on--

Sometimes a big part of moving on is to "let things rest"-

  and truly knowing it is for the best.