My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I will be taking a vacation break from my blog until January 2, 2012.
Best Wishes,
Susan Pearl

Friday, December 16, 2011

#305 "Ageless Teaching" by Susan Pearl

A child's right to dignity and respect does count,
And that is what the teaching of a child is all about,
A child should be told how important dignity and respect are,
And knowing this is an important part of a child going far,
Each child has a special uniqueness like a pearl to find,
And to find that 'one of a kind' quality within will last an entire lifetime,
Giving an insightful meaning to all of the wonderful beauty to behold,
Children can carry this timeless teaching from their youth on into growing old.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

#304 "What We Radiate" By Susan Pearl

A considerate person warned me that a kitchen countertop appliance was hot,
The person didn't want me to accidentally touch it because it was cooling and unplugged,
I thanked the person for the warning but I knew the appliance was hot because  I could feel the heat radiating from it without touching it,
By just being in close proximity I felt the radiated heat,
I wonder sometimes if people radiate what they are feeling,
A happy person radiates joy,
A calm person radiates peace,
A person of goodwill radiates love,
To radiate love, joy and peace makes for a wonderful atmosphere,
And that atmosphere is held to be near and dear to heart each day of the year,
So sometimes we should ask ourselves what we radiate in what we say and do,
Because to change our atmosphere it is likely that our life will change, too.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

#303 "Love Will" By Susan Pearl

Love will meet our every need for each day for what is good and true,
So at the end of a day, when it is all said and done,
Besides whatever we do,
Love will be the one,
That helped us through.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

#302 "My Adult Child Fun Thought" By Susan Pearl

The child in me doesn't know limits or when to stop,
The adult in me knows limits and knows there will be consequences to my actions,
I think I am a combination of both--I am an adult child,
The child in me is full of merriment and wonder,
The adult in me is sensible and analizes things to my highest degree of thinking things through,
I also think, "Don't take life so serious", "Don't be afraid to try something new",
"People don't have to understand every single reason for every single thing that they do",
But I know I like to stay within my comfort zone so I give the reply,
"I don't have to if I don't want to and you can't make me so don't even try".
But is it the child in me or the adult that would answer like that?
Seems like sometimes in trying to figure this all out I don't know on which side I'm really at.

Monday, December 12, 2011

#301 "Identity of A True Friendship" By Susan Pearl

When you are a good friend,
Then you are there through thick and thin,
But you have to watch out that you aren't suckered in,
Being a good friend to yourself first shouldn't ever have to end,
In order to keep being someone else's good friend,
Friendship should never ask you to go against what you know to be true,
And if it does ask that, then being a friend first to yourself is what you should  do,
For betrayal of your true self is far more than losing a friend you see,
Betrayal of one's self is the losing one's own true identity,
So no matter what "to our your own self be true",
And your own true identity will become stronger the more you do.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

#300 "Blog Journey" By Susan Pearl

Today is my three hundredth plus blog,
I have enjoyed writing this blog and on some days writing is like:
The feeling of keeping up with a playful, frisky, running and friendly fetching dog,
Or quickly I have to write down an escaping thought because it is like hanging on to a slippery frog,
Or sometimes seeing something new is like stepping through a thick fog,
Somedays writing is as easy as falling off a log,
Or it can be as hard as trying to free up a stuck wheel cog,
Yes, oh, yes, how I have loved the journey of writing this blog.

Friday, December 9, 2011

#299 "Tips for "Role and Roll" By Susan Pearl

With the word "role", spelled with one "l", remember the word "play" ( also spelled with one "l"),
Because actors 'play' a 'role' in a 'play',
"Roll" spelled with two "ll's" makes me think of another word with two "ll's" and that word is "hill".
We can 'roll' down the 'hill'.
Cicular motions over and over like a roll of yarn or a roll of paper.
Also, the two "ll's" make me think of a "jelly roll" and that I should take only one and not two.
And to eat one roll and not two is sometimes hard to do.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

#298 "Disappearing Time" By Susan Pearl

Jets high in the sky leave a trail like a long white stream,
It is easy for the line to catch our eye for a moment to pause and dream,
Wondering if, like the jet, our jouney of time will fly by,
And then somehow vaporize before our eyes,
Leaving a disappearing trail that vanishes into thin air,
Only to be known by us remembering it had been there.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

#297 " Two Circle Thoughts" By Susan Pearl

When something in life keeps coming around in a big unwanted circle,
I question myself, " What lesson am I missing?",
Something is not evenly distributed,
Someone is doing more than his or her fair share,
The answer usually lies within those two thoughts somewhere.
Going in circles can also happen when there is no sense of direction,
Or when there is a refusal to learn a new way,
And things come back to where they began day after day.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

#296 "Gridlock" By Susan Pearl

In my opinion there is a definate difference from when we "stop" from an agreement as to when we "balk" from an agreement,
When too many people "balk" we reach a situation that is called "gridlock",
Without agreement there is no unity to get things going forward,
Without unity progress will "stop".

Monday, December 5, 2011

#295 " A Turning Point" By Susan Pearl

When does good clean fun,
Become a dirty deal for everyone?
When excessiveness for more fun becomes the biggest part of a scene,
Chances are it will be then over the top and turn into something mean.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

#294 "I Knew Then" By Susan Pearl

First it was by the hour,
And 'then' it was by the day,
That's the way it went for me,
For a heartache to go away,
And 'then' one night on TV when they showed the national weather map,
My eyes didn't look to the place where you are now living at,
I knew 'then', oh, yes, I knew 'then',
The heartache was over, it had come to an end.
And so each day better and better thoughts to me had come,
Until this new time for me without a heartache had begun.

Friday, December 2, 2011

#293 "Take Pride" By Susan Pearl

Take pride in whatever you do,
Even if you are sweeping with a broom,
Leave not one crumb on the floor in the room,
Do your best no matter how big or small the task request,
Taking pride in your work gives satisfation in a job well done,
And that in return is where a good feeling of pride can come from,
You will be known as someone whom people can count on and would be excellent help,
Because you do things right and keep meeting the high standard you have set for yourself.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

#292 "Being Fired Up" By Susan Pearl

It is nice to see someone excited about life,
To see someone "fired up" and enthusiastic about what they do,
There are three parts to a fire; heat, fuel and oxygen,
Take away one of those parts and there will not be a fire,
To be "fired up"about life I think there are three imoportant parts,
The "heat" of the fire is our "passion" for something and it has to be important to us ,
We have to have passion about what we do and find reward and fulfilment in life,
The "fuel" part of the fire is to have an ongoing source of using our talents and abilities,
and a contiuing source of enjoyment,
The "oxygen" part of the fire is the energy we put into our efforts and living our principles and values,
In my opinion, if we have passion with continuing sources of giving our very best and receiving fulfilment with a renewing energy --we will be "fired up" about life--a life that we enjoy living with excitment.