My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 31- "Flaws and Strengths" By Susan Pearl

We all have some sort of  flaw,
A flaw that may be for others to see,
Or a flaw that will not outwardly show or for anyone to know,
But in us all there is a flaw,
Internal or external, it will be there to see or not to see,
Because the fact that all of us have a flaw is a reality,
And no one is flawless no matter what we see,
But with good in our heart and seeing more right than wrong,
We notice not the weakness but what is strong,
And build on the strengths we see and know,
Looking beyond any flaw that will or will not show,
Because that we all have a strength is a reality, too,
And how we see ourselves and others hold this to be true,
Because both flaws and strengths are there, a mixture for us to sort through.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 30- "Adding Time Recipe" By Susan Pearl

I was reading a recipe and thought,
Oh, my, it is time to add the thyme,
So I added thyme but it didn't give me any extra time to my day in any way,
But the recipe turned out fine,
And there is now another recipe I would like to try that if I added time to some of the things I want to do,
Maybe, just maybe, they will turn out fine, too.

Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29- "To Topple Or Not To Topple" By Susan Pearl

What can cause something to "topple"?
One cause could be a disproportional amount on the top as compared to the rest of the structure,
Another cause is if the structure becomes crooked and is out of a true alignment with the base,
Another cause could be if the bottom of the structure begins to develop stress fractures,
What can help something not to "topple"?
Great attention to maintaining the strength of the base is essential for a lasting structure to withstand the stress,
And having things in balance and in the right proportions by keeping a true and proper alignment at all times,
So the base, the balance, the alignment and proper proportions, all of these work together a lasting strength,
These principles can, also, be applied to other areas of life,
Because buildings are not the only things that can topple.

Friday, July 26, 2013

July 26- "My Craft Session" By Susan Pearl

I am not good at making crafts,
My craft projects usually have four steps,
Step 1---use the glue,
Step 2---now decorate,
Step 3---now cut intricate design,
Step 4---now throw it away.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

July 25- "Good Salad" By Susan Pearl

I quietly enjoyed my salad that was screaming with flavor,
The crisp lettuce with soft creamy dressing does it every time,
A delectable treat that is so heavenly to eat,
And it is good for me, too, as long as the dressing amount I don't over do,
But I do like the dressing the best,
So even eating a simple salad puts my self discipline to the test,
So if the salad is screaming with flavor I know the dressing amount I have over done,
Because to me the dressing is where the flavor of a salad comes from.

July 25- "Thank You" By Susan Pearl

A thank you note or a thank you card is an acknowledgement of the thoughtfulness and kind gesture from another,
A thank you call is, also, an acknowledgement to the other person of appreciation,
I even think a thank you e-mail is fine,
I hope that having the good manners of saying "Thank You" continues to be displayed and shown,
It should not become a lost art because taking time to say "Thank You" is in the art of good taste and good manners and perpetuates politeness.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 24- "Leadership" By Susan Pearl

The older I get the more I realize the benefits of good leadership, 
Leadership that works for the benefits of all,
Such leadership has a strong, consistent, guiding force that is deep set in good character,
A character that respects the rights of others and is unselfish in others behalf,
Leaders step up to the plate and keenly know what has to be done to promote good and have better results,
Results that are for the good of all and bring benefits with new creative resources for progress that only strong leadership can do and get done.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 23 - "Refresh" By Susan Pearl

I really do think that taking a short nap does refresh me,
And it is, also, refreshing to splash a little cold water on my face,
I prefer taking a nap,
But on some days it takes both- a nap plus splashing cold water on my face to keep me in the race.

Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22- "Our Best Need" By Susan Pearl

Try not to be afraid of people who are mean,
Because that is exactly the way they want it to be,
For if we are afraid of whatever is mean how can we trust kindness and learn to live a life that is free,
We all know when something hits us below the belt,
And we all know when those painful words or acts are felt,
So being afraid is a warning sign to us not to proceed,
Because knowing kindness and freedom will fulfill our best need.

Friday, July 19, 2013

July 19- "Jealousy" By Susan Pearl

Jealousy, to me, is a misled spirit of competition that travels down a wrong trail,
Where "winning" on this wrong trail means as much as seeing the other person fail,
There are winners and losers in competitions everyday and that is to say,
That "trying" is to be respected because it could have gone either way,
And so to sincerely wish the winner of a contest the very best,
Is good to show that our competitive spirit does not lack and that, in fact, our competitive spirit is on the right track.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

July 18- " Quick Opposite Descriptions" By Susan Pearl

Few and short words can quickly describe many and vast opposite settings--like:
   shout or a silent pout,
   new road or familiar route,
   assured or doubt,
   in or out,
   handshake or bout,
   average or clout,
   thin or stout,
Who knew so few words could describe so much?
But are things either one way or the other or mostly somewhere in between,
I guess it all depends if we are dealing with some various areas of extreme,
So that is for us to know or to find out before we describe what we are talking about.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 17- "Susceptible" By Susan Pearl

I recently burned myself and it became quite a large open wound,
I thought,  "Common sense tells me that with an open wound like this--- it's not time to go swimming in the pond."
That thought led me to another thought and then another thought and then to this new thought,
I think there are times in my life when we are more susceptible to more pain entering us,
Like dealing with "raw" emotion, exposed and a very vulnerable area in our life,
These sensitive areas cause us to experience a painful reaction that causes us to have even more pain,
During this time we should try to stay in an environment that is conducive to our healing process,
And keep our emotional wound covered with love and forgiveness until it is completely healed.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 16- "Stay Calm And Stay Free" By Susan Pearl

Some days it just seems like someone hands me a pearl of a new thought that I find to be a moment of discovery,
A person said,  "I have found that to stay free I have to stay calm",
I thought to myself, "Yes, when I don't stay calm and become anxious the anxiety is holding me from being free to enjoy life ",
So I am going to remember to stay calm and stay free,
And not let anxiety hook or get a hold of me.

Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15- "A Fear Weighs In" By Susan Pearl

Oh yes, I have a fear I must confess,
I am afaid to weigh, because I am afraid of what the scales may say,
I have been eatting a little too much day after day,
And now I think there is a fiddler that I need to pay,
So, here I go,
What will the scales show,
When I really already know,
I know I am suppose to face my fears,
I have been told that for years and years,
So I will face the scales with dread,
And after the numbers I have read,
I will begin again to try to lose some weight,
Then someday I will step on a scale and won't even hesitate,
And when that day comes for me,
I will gladly be weighing myself and liking the numbers that I see,
I know I can conquer this fear,
By eatting smaller portions the rest of the year,

Friday, July 12, 2013

July12- " What To Do" By Susan Pearl

Hitting our head against a brick wall over and over again is not for me and it is not for you.
It seems like a change in direction would be the best recourse in action of what to do,
And coming to the same dead end all of the time isn't good either,
Between hitting a brick wall or coming to a dead end let us choose neither,
Then maybe some progress will come to be,
Because we chose a better route for you and for me,
And this new route may be traveled for years to come,
Not only by us but, also, by the next generation.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

July 11- "Constructing Depth" By Susan Pearl

A very experienced decorator gave the insightful recommendation that:
The more "layered", the more "contrast", then the more "depth",
"Shallow" is the opposite of "depth",
Something or someone that is shallow is superficial,
Something or someone of depth has an individual character,
I would like to decorate my life with people of depth,
I think it would make a very beautiful life in so many ways.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 10- "Creativity Connection" By Susan Pearl

I hope this blog expresses my thoughts about a creative connection between people---people who do not know each other,
Yesterday I was watching a game show,
People were asked to name several movies a certain well known actor had starred in,
It amazed me how my thinking and the answers of the contestants were the same,
And then I thought---creativity joins people---it really does,  maybe, even more than we are aware of,
I know destructive forces of nature, accidents and acts of violence bring people together into a common connection with each other,
But I think people are also joined with a creative connection without even knowing how much we are joined together by this creative connection,
I think we need more creative connections with others that join us in a common bond that only the arts of creativity can do by reaching so many at the same time. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 9- "Together Strong" By Susan Pearl

So many times I have shared the sincerity of my heart and told what I thought was true,
And a person with more experience in life took time to share with me another thought and new point of view,
For some reason the other person just knew,
What to say to help me through,
And I grew,
I would like to say "thank you' for all the teaching moments in my life and for the insights shared with me, too,
For no "one person" has all the answers for each challenge but "together" we do.

Monday, July 8, 2013

July 8- "Simply Amazing" By Susan Pearl

I heard them describing the event as being "simply amazing",
And that was very well said,
Even though "simply" means to be "uncomplicated",
And "amazing" means to be "wonderfully astounding",
Somehow those two words go together to give an "uncomplicated"   description of something "wonderfully astounding",
And life has so many times, moments, events, happenings, places and sights that are "simply amazing",
Not to mention those very special people we know who are "simply amazing" too,
Yes, "simply amazing" describes it all very well,
Because to say the least life truly is "simply amazing".

Friday, July 5, 2013

July 5- "In My Day" By Susan Pearl

The other day I heard someone say before blowing out the candles on a birthday cake:

"I saw a lot,
I learned a lot,
I know a lot,
And I forgot a lot".

Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4- "Ripples Of Kindness" By Susan Pearl

Do we actually realize what the ripple effect of what one kind act can be?
Knowing that one kind act leads to another and this is the way many kindnesses have come to you and have come to me.
So when we pass on kindness in word and deed whenever we can,
Eventually these kindnesses will find someone somewhere to lend a kind word or a helping hand,
Because kindness to others can, by example, truly be taught,
And the more kindnesses in motion the more lessons of kindness will be shown and learned than not.

Happy 4th of July!

Thank You and Best Wishes,

Susan Pearl

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 3- "Portable Or Stationary Memories" By Susan Pearl

I heard a lady say, "Memories are what is around you",
I say, also, that,  "Memories are what you carry with you",
Either portable or stationary -- both kinds of memories are nice,
But to make your own memories is the very best advice.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 2- "Point Of View" By Susan Pearl

A "point of view" is something that at all times can be carried within me and within you,
It should give direction, purpose and vision for what we say and for what we do,
And you have your own "point of view" and I do, too,
So we respect the right of each of us having an opinion, that represents our own "point of view",
And if we listen to each other real close we just may find,
That our own "point of view" together might be pointing us in a direction that could be new,
Because we may have more in common than we ever knew.

Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1 -"To Each Their Own" By Susan Pearl

Things don't have to be absolutely terrible or intolerable for us to want to move on,
In fact we can love where we are and still decide to move to a new place and find a new time in life,
For some people the change to new surroundings is an exciting time and an easy thing to do,
But some people don't like change and what change requires them to go through and adapt to,
Some unhappy people move to find happiness but they still don't seem to be happy anywhere,
Other people are happy no matter where they are and carry with them a feeling of being at peace and at home no matter where they are,
So there is no set rule to follow to feel content and at home,
There are so many places for a person to live and to enjoy so to each their own.