My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Holiday Break--- from, Susan Pearl

Dear Readers,

I will be taking a holiday break from writing this blog.  I hope to be back in mid January.

Until then:

May--- Faith, Hope and Love be with each of you every day,
With good and positive thoughts coming your way.

Thank you,

Susan Pearl

"Pave it Forward" by Susan Pearl

There is an expression---"pay it forward",
In addition to that expression I, also, say----- "pave it forward",
To me this expression means "make improvements"-
   from no road, to path, to dirt road, to graveled road, to paved road.
    from prejudice or anger, to tolerance, to acceptance, to peace.
     from doubt, to hope, to confidence, to goals and dreams, to hard work, to achieving,
     to inspiring others.


But, whatever is paved forward- it has to be maintained
   or else the efforts will have been in vain.
To maintain stops decline,
     and adds an important part to quality of life.

So many good efforts have been done and given to "pave it  forward"
     for us today-
What else can I say?

Monday, November 14, 2016

" Let's Sparkle " by Susan Pearl

Faith, hope and love are like lights that shine
     through the darkest of times.
They will glitter along life's pathway,
     bringing special beauty and encouragement to our day.


"NOW" is the right time,
     of showing a reflection for the good things we are knowing,
     and the positive expectation we hold to be true-
     while being assured
     that there is more than enough good
     to go around for everyone, too.

"Now" is the right place for opportunities to come to be,
     and with faith, hope and love we will see the possibility.
It will catch our eye,
     even unexpectedly,
     or maybe
         while in deep thought,
     a new sight will come into view
         and be a light of what is beautiful and bright,
         and right.

LET'S SPARKLE!!!!! and see the awaiting hidden gems,
     because light reflects light, showing them, time and time again.
By seeing one, it will reflect another and then another,
     until we know---
     an ever warm glow within our self where ever we go.

Monday, November 7, 2016

" Giving Credit " by Susan Pearl

Today is a special day and I think credit should be given where credit is due,
I know a very good man and I am married to that man, too.
So I say to people, "If you have met my husband you have met a good man."
I don't spend time with friends because I so much would rather be with him.
To have such a good person in my life,
It is my previledge and a honor to be his wife.
I am as strong willed and opinionated as any person can be,
Sometimes I tease him that he is a brave man being married to me.
So to give credit where credit is due-----I would like to say?
I have had a better life and I have become the person that I am today,
By knowing the love of this fine and wonderfully kind man--- so true,
He deserves credit and being told with my deep heartfelt sincerity, "Thank You".

Monday, October 31, 2016

" Peace Awareness " by Susan Pearl

When peace becomes the strength of our inner character core,
Then we are centered and anchored on an ever enduring rock strong shore-
Where no storm can pull us out into the mighty and raging sea,
Because the design of peace won't allow such tossing about it to be.
And this core endurance lasts past the storms that come and go,
     because we are aware and we know-
Storms are temporary and the feelings they arouse will not last,
Such feelings will leave--like storms-- they pass-
     sometimes they pass fast,
     sometimes they last longer but they do go away,
     and there will be the dawn of a better day.
With an awareness of a peace that is strong we stay calm.
"Peace" is the rock strong shore,
     and "peace awareness" is the center of our character core.

Monday, October 24, 2016

" Comparison is a Thief " By Susan Pearl

The expression "Comparison is a Thief" is relatively new to me,
I saw it for the first time last year on a sign for a home decoration,
There is something about that expression that makes me ponder--
     what does it mean?

It may mean something to me and not have that same meaning to others,
For instance:

I was thinking what do I compare the most.
The answer is that I compare how things are to how things used to be.
How can comparing the past to the present or
     comparing the present to the past be a thief?

I am older now and when I think what I can do now
      as to what I used to be able to do,
      I am comparing  the present to the past.
When I think how much I could do to how much I can do,
      I am comparing the past to the present.
It is a waste of time and that is what the thief means to me,
     comparison is a waste of time, 
     comparison steals our time.

We cannot ever get that lost time back.

The past is gone, things have moved on and changes have taken place,
So enjoy the party of today and not compare it to yesterday's party.

Comparison is a thief.
It steals our time and it can steal our joy of the day.

Comparing ourselves to others,
Comparing others to ourselves,
Once again,  a precursor to grief,
     because "Comparison is a Thief",

Comparison is a bad habit
     that keeps the spontaneity of the moment from happening.
It's like a stuck record repeating over and over again the same thing.
We have to retrain our brain to get out of the deep comparison groove
   and to do so is a very important and worthwhile move.
For we will hear the entire original song that is new each day
     and be in the moment of life that is unlike any other previous way.

Monday, October 17, 2016

" No More Hurt Feelings " by Susan Pearl

If I could tell others what the most recent lesson in life
   that I have learned,
It would be---
   "Don't let it hurt your feelings".

I have recently outgrown "my feelings being hurt",
It took awhile, almost a lifetime,
     and it did have some growing pains, too,
     but a realization has come to be-- that is new.

The "hurt feelings" bring me to live under the influence of others negative attitudes.
I cannot allow myself to be under the influence of others negativity anymore.
Because their negative opinion does not have the influence on me like it did before.

I think , "It doesn't bother me, I am fine,"
   and then I move forward with my "no more hurt feelings" state of mind.

We have to keep moving and not get caught
    or stay put in one place of thought.

I think that as we grow in faith, hope and love-
     these three will show
     what we need to know
     in finding what is good and true.
Leading us to know how loved we truly are,
     and believing it, too.

Knowing we are loved-- our feelings remain free,
     constantly, naturally, easily
     from being influenced by others negativity.

Having "hurt feelings" doesn't fit after outgrowing it,
And just like trying to wear outgrown shoes there does comes a time
     to leave some things behind.
Then the influence of others negativity will no longer be,
For we have grown comfortable with what is called "maturity".

Monday, October 10, 2016

" Thoughts About a Picture" by Susan Pearl

There is a picture of two beach chairs under a large umbrella by the ocean that truly intrigues me every time I see it.

The beach chairs are empty so naturally I wonder why.

Could it be that beach chairs are empty because they are awaiting us to come and relax on the beach?
(like an invitation for a future vacation)

Could it be that the beach chairs are being used but the two people are currently doing something else like a swim in the ocean or a walk on the beach?  This conveys to me that there are more things to do at a beach than just to relax.
(like an invitation to have even more to do than just relax)

An, finally, could it be that the scene is to remind of past times enjoyed on a vacation or time of relaxation and fun and somehow it is inviting us to take time to do these activities again.
(like another invitation)

Whatever it is, there is something about that picture that intrigues me and gives me pause whenever I see it.  It pulls me in and then invites me into thought and exceptional contemplation.. That is what art is supposed to do.

Monday, October 3, 2016

" Amidst it All " by Susan Pearl

Amidst it all: 
God's love holds us strong.
Amidst it all:
Faith and hope carry us on.

And with the changes taking place,
And with time and with grace,
A new peace comes to be,
That thankfully and humbly we can see-
Amidst it all.

It had been awaiting there for us to find,
And it took grace and it took time,
Amidst it all,
For us to live a life that isn't going to be the same,
And to accept the change,
We keep reestablishing this peace within,
Time and time again-
Amidst it all.

Monday, September 26, 2016

"Time to Listen" by Susan Pearl

I remember well when a lady explained to me that not only does a lighthouse have a light for warning, but, it also has a very loud foghorn.
She said that when it was foggy the lighthouse would sound the foghorn and she said it was fierce for those living close but the sound could be heard from a distance for safety to others.
Another time I remember being shown that a shepherd will use his shepherd staff and tap the rocks to show the sheep where he is when they can not see him.
The sheep will hear the sound and know where to go.
The reason I am writing this is to say that there are times when we just have to listen for direction.

To listen is a wonderful part of our journey because we truly will know and recognize the moment we hear the direction for us to go when needed at certain points in our life.

It will be familiar to us.

Sometimes the sound can be a warning such as in the case of a foghorn.
Sometimes the sound can be comforting such as in the sound of a shepherd staff tapping on a rock.
There are so many different circumstances and settings that-
 sometimes, all we can do is to "listen" for direction.

It will come.
Meanwhile, all we have to do is to go about our life and listen.  We will know and recognize the direction we should go when we hear it.

Monday, September 19, 2016

"Trust and Respect " by Susan Pearl

I think that trust and respect go hand and hand,
      and lasting relationships are built on them. (respect and trust)

"Trust" and "Respect" go hand in hand,
I have been told that the most supreme form of respect is "Reverence"-
     and such "Reverence" is only to be given to God. 
God alone is worthy and deserving of our highest reverence.
God is true and faithful and we can "Trust in God"
    and we can trust in God's love for us and in His goodness and mercy.
He has proven His faithfulness and love in an utmost and true way,
     and He alone is deserving of our utmost respect and trust each day.

We can greet each day trusting God will meet the need of each day,
     and know the peace of God that shows by faith a kind and meaningful way.
We have reverence for God and we trust in God.
His love has, does and will prevail and His compassions will  not fail.


Monday, September 12, 2016

" No Contest " by Susan Pearl

People who see and appreciate every day the richness and fullness of life,
     live enriched full lives each day.

The small and simple things in life are truly the best,
     and they are free to you and free to me without winning any contest.
Like the stars at night are there for all of us to see
     with the richness and fullness of their special beauty.
Sunrises and sunsets and even twilights, too,
     are given to everyone the same with a wonderment of colors so true.
And a lovely full moon, the sound of a whippoorwill,
     wild flowers growing on the side of a hill-

The small and simple things in life are truly the best,
     and they are free to you and free to me without winning any contest.

Life is rich and life is full and it is there for all of us to see,
An enriched and a full life for each of us can truly be.
Without any contest for any of us to have to win,
It is "simply" seeing life through the eyes of appreciation.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

" Keep Giving " by Susan Pearl

"Keep" and "Give" does sound like opposites.
But---  REALLY----the words-  "Keep" and "Give"- work together for a consistent and constant source of an ongoing, steady, reliable resource.

One meaning of the word "keep"is the word "maintain".

"Maintain" is a very important part to continue an ability to make efforts for the good of all.

"Maintain Giving"------
"Keep Giving" ------

Such as:
Keep giving your best and take pride in what you do.
Keep giving your love with faith and sharing your hope for the best.
Keep giving time for just yourself each day and stay refreshed and renewed.
Keep giving your respectful opinion for the benefit and dignity of all.
Keep giving life opportunities to show how good it can be and the beauty it holds.
Keep giving encouragement with kindness.----

     Today and every day I would like to " keep giving " encouragement.
         So, it is my sincere hope for those who need encouragement that they know-    
     They are not alone and that God loves them very much-
God will keep giving the grace to meet the every need of each day
        and step by step He will guide and show the way.

Monday, August 29, 2016

" Switchback Mountains " by Susan Pearl

Switchback mountains have zigzag trails that form a pattern.

I use the term"Switchback Mountains" as an expression that illustrates with words how something very steep and hard to climb in life can be accomplished when we keep putting one foot in front of the other.  We have to keep moving to get to a level of having a new view.  If we don't keep moving we will stay in one spot and continue with the same outlooks.

Life is change.  Sometimes we get through one change just in time for another change to come.  Sometimes one change brings on another change and sometimes a change can happen without any forewarning.  So, it can seem like we are coming and going, back and forth, one way and then another, through all of the changes that comes with life.

That is what "Switchback Mountains" means to me is to be going through all of the changes in  our life and to keep moving through them.  We may not even realize at the time that we truly are climbing a mountain, but we are.  When we keep putting one foot in front of the other and take things one step at a time we will eventually get to where we can accept change, or learn to live with what we cannot change and above all be at peace with it all.

I heard a wise person say once, "Look at the pattern and not just part of the picture."

Switchback mountains have zigzag trails that form a pattern.  The pattern shows lots of sharp turns, short straights and the only way to get to the top is to keep moving, keep putting one foot in front of the other - taking it one step at a time-  making the climb- and with time -to find true peace of mind.

That will be the view that faith, hope and love have led to.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

" Embracing Time " by Susan Pearl

When we embrace the love in the moment,
  we are embracing time.
To embrace time
   we live in the moment,
   we stay in the moment,
We are not living ahead of our self,
   or living in the past,
We are embracing the love in the moment,
   we are embracing life as it is happening,
   we are living life to the fullest and healthiest measure,
And with time we will look back on these captured moments with great pleasure,
Because we didn't let them slip by or away,
   we embraced the love in the moment,
   we embraced time and lived life in the moment of each day.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

" Peace Appreciation " by Susan Pearl

In my life I have met few people who truly have a deep abiding peace within.
In fact the number of them is minimal, probably close to ten or eleven.

There is a genuine joy of life and of nature that brings a true peace of soul
   that these people know.
And they say they are alright whichever way things will go.
Such a deep abiding peace does overflow into the lives of others
   for such peace and beauty about life that they willingly show
   because they desire this way of life for others to know.
These wonders of nature and the wonderfulness of life they have known,
   but most of all they want others to be able to see this, also, 
   and to see it all on their own.
 Then others will experience times of being so carried away by the majesty of it all.
And to still keep being carried away when such majestic and grand times they recall.
This brings a deep abiding peace within and a thankfulness, too,
  for the appreciation of having seen a greatness in life that stays so meaningful and true.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

" Golden Wedding Anniversary Blog " by Susan Pearl

We are celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary this month.
It doesn't "feel" like there has been such a large passage of time since our wedding day.
But, like a good friend told me once, "Go with the facts and not the feelings".
With that in mind, we lived one place for eleven years,
   we lived another place for twenty two years,
   and we have been here for seventeen years.
I am not going into any personal ages of any family member
  to show the fact that fifty years really have come and gone,
  but I will say this about time:

Many years ago I read a handwritten note from my husband's grandmother. It read:

The past is in God's mercy.
The present is in God's love.
The future is in Divine Providence.

So the love of each day is very real and present with great gratitude and appreciation for the wonderful years together.


Monday, August 1, 2016

" The Rising of Minds " by Susan Pearl

Let our minds rise, more than ever before,
And let's see the love that can be and agree.
From a new height
   let us look beyond what we know
   and together we shall grow.
It is through faith that forward we shall go,
   sometimes fast, sometimes slow.
And by hope we keep moving towards our common goal,
With a  great love for good and kindness that knows no end,
Let us rise to new heights where we have not ever been
  and look to the new possibilities we haven't ever seen,
For they are there for us to realize
   if only we let our minds rise.

Friday, July 22, 2016

" Having Responsible Fun Rule " by Susan Pearl

As a rule of thumb about having fun,
It's alright to have fun
     as long as responsibilities are not left undone.

We do have a responsibility to our self and to others, too,
    and fun should stay within the limit of what we know to be true,
After having fun too many people have wept
    because responsibilities to themselves and to others were not kept.
Misfortunes happen, for sure, but in the blink of an eye the odds increase and scales tip towards
    the direction of an irresponsible act-and that is why-
Since we all are human, imperfect, we all make mistakes and have shortcomings,
    accidents do happen along life's way,
And all of these possibilities are in constant motion day after day,
Everyone brings strengths and flaws to the picture of our surroundings that we see,
So we don't need to add more problems by adding irresponsibility.

As a rule of thumb about having fun,
It's alright to have fun
    as long as responsibilities are not left undone.


Monday, July 11, 2016

Thoughts of Sympathy and Hope

Tragic times and sadness over the loss of lives this week,
Sympathy and condolence to family, friends and others who have a bond,
May an unifying healing come and a hopeful tying together of everyone
   bring a strength that will last across this land,
A strength that will stand and stay each day TO show a better way.

Monday, July 4, 2016

" Wrapped Gifts " by Susan Pearl

Each of us is a gift,
Each day is a gift,
It is important for us to unwrap the wonder of the gift our own special uniqueness,
    to unwrap the beauty in each day --the good is there -all we have to do is find it- 
    with efforts to unwrap the gift it is this unfolding that will show us what is inside,
It is the unfolding of gifts that open a new direction and new discovery for us to see.
Life is like opening one gift after another, giving us something new.
It is up to us to unwrap each day and to unwrap our talents for the good and possibilities held within, 
As we unwrap and realize the unfolding of these gifts we grow and we know, without a doubt,  that these gifts bring more than we had before.
Our life has been enriched.
We celebrate life with thanksgiving and appreciation for all the gifts that life has in store for us to know and to explore.

Monday, June 27, 2016

" Thankful and Strong " by Susan Pearl

It is wind that tightly wraps the flag around the flagpole,
It is the wind that unfurls it and has it fly and wave freely again,
Weather fronts come and go,
They bring still days and days with a different direction of wind,
Gentle breezes with a wispy touch that we love so much,
   and then stern and, oh, so fierce big winds blow,
We just don't know which way it will go,
We just don't know.
The weather brings ongoing changes, sometimes hard to understand,
  but we do know that we can't change the weather, no one can.
It is a mixture of things going our way and sometimes not,
With all the while us being thankful for what we've got.
The present becomes the past over and over again,
And we stand strong no mater what direction the wind is in,
Because the strength and love of others are there to show
  that we can make it through when big winds blow.

Monday, June 20, 2016

" Starlit Sky " by Susan Pearl

For some reason I have been thinking about the stars at night.
I learned that there are three kinds of stars.
One kind of a star is a star that has already burnt out but the light from the star is still in motion at the speed of light until it reaches the earth and can be seen until it is gone---
This reminds me of the people that have gone from my life but have left a light from knowing them that remains to be seen and remembered.  It reminds me of the past.

Another kind of light is the present star who is actually there and its light has traveled at the speed of light to reach the earth and this light is currently connected to a current star.
This current light from a current star reminds me of the present. There are many different people who shine a light of brightness in the darkest of times to me and I hope I do the same to them.

And then there is a very interesting star to think about.  It is the star that has been born but the light from this star hasn't reached the earth yet.  The light from this star is traveling at the speed of light but may take many years to be seen from earth.  This star reminds me of the future.  All we can do is put forth our best light to others but it will take a passage,of time for those efforts to come to light in their lives. Also, the light of others may only be seen and realized by us after a passage of time.   It is after years of living and experiencing life that we can finally see it and it is new to us.

It takes a lot of time for the light of any star to reach us even though it travels at the speed of light.
Some lights in our lives are from the past.  Some lights are currently present in our lives. 
And other lights have already been born and are in existence but it will take a passage of time for these lights to be able to be seen by us and others.

The past, the present and the future all coming together to be seen under a beautiful starlit sky.

Oh, Starlit Sky, you fascinate me twice,
Your beauty to behold and your light from past and present along with your light that is on the way to be seen on a future night holds me in captivating thought,
Oh, Starlit sky, you fascinate me twice.

Monday, June 13, 2016

" Deepest Sympathy " By Susan Pearl

Sincere condolence to Orlando, Florida.   Our thoughts and prayers are with the families, loved ones and friends of those whose lives were taken.  All of you have our deepest sympathy and all of you are being remembered.

Monday, June 6, 2016

" My Garage Sale " by Susan Pearl

Many years ago I went to a garage sale,
It was there a plaque with an inspirational reading caught my eye,
That inspirational reading spoke to my heart in a special way,
I got it and brought it home and still have it to this day.

I have often thought of how I was at the right place at the right time,
To be where I needed to be to make such a special find,
That plaque was exactly what I needed to read to make me realize,
There can be peace amidst the turmoil of the changes in our lives.

I put the plaque on a wall and read it often silently to myself,
And, as I read it, the inspirational reading would somehow help,
It gave me pause and I would reflect how thankful I am for the "serenity",
That comes with prayer and peace to accompany me daily.

Now I am older and the time has come for me to prepare for my own garage sale with many boxes to pack,
And as I do I found that, at first, I couldn't even think of parting with my inspirational plaque,
But as time went on I realized maybe the plague could help someone else as it had helped me,
And that is what I truly hope can be.
So the plaque is in the garage sale and like, so many years ago that now have past with time, it will there for someone else to find,
Just like it once had been given to me at a garage sale on a table where the items are marked "free".

Monday, May 30, 2016

" Every Day Strength " by Susan Pearl

People who are kind and want only the best for everyone are wonderful friends.
They are rare, sometimes hard to find and likened to "Pearls Take Time"
  because these people are true gems.
They face life with great faith, hope and love
    believing that on matter what, no matter where,
    the strength needed for that exact moment will be there.
They trust this to be true,
    and steadily and steadfastly faith, hope and love help them through.
Yes, through all of the the changes, stages, phases, processes and passages
    that come with life's way,
But their faith, hope and love will still remain strong at the end of every day.
They say "The more things change the more they remain the same",
 Faith, hope and love remain the same ---
    they can be counted on and depended upon for strength every day
    for whatever comes our way.

Monday, May 23, 2016

" Holding Our Own " by Susan Pearl

Let's hear it today for "holding our own",
Not everything is a win or lose situation and if we can hold our own we are doing fine,
"Holding our own" is keeping a balance no matter how pushed around we may feel,
And "holding our own" should be recognized from time to time,
Because if we are "holding our own" things stay very real,
So for all those who "hold their own" day after day,
No matter what may come their way,
"Hats Off " --Let's hear it today for those who hold their own,
And may proper respect for all of them be shown.

Monday, May 16, 2016

" Forgiveness Key " by Susan Pearl

Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door to the healing of life's hurts,
Once we walk through that open door we will experience a peace that we didn't know before.
Healing and forgiveness go hand in hand to pull us out of being stuck and held in the pain of what has come our way,
Forgiveness releases us to be free again and live a life of noticing the possibilities of good that are in each day.

Monday, May 9, 2016

"Wilderness Humility Lesson" by Susan Pearl

What have I learned this last week?

I think I have learned a lot.  I heard one gentleman comment that he had learned "humility" from the wilderness.  He said the wilderness taught him humility by showing him that things don't go like you think they will.  He doesn't let something very simple and routine become taken for granted.  People can slip, trip or fall and the wilderness teaches that lesson and it brings about a humble way to see ourselves and others.

I remember visiting with an 88 year old lady and she said the most humbling experience of her life was standing beside a giant redwood tree.  She said it made her wonder how anyone could feel so big, so important and so great while standing beside a redwood.  Even the conversation moved her to tears.

So, somehow, this week I learned that the wilderness shows us humility. I was told once that true humility is knowing our place in accordance to other people and their lives and not to think too much or little of ourselves.  Humility is simply knowing our place like knowing and accepting where our name card would be at a formal dinner in accordance to our relationship with the host or hostess.  We would be almost able to guess where our chair for table placement designation would be located.

There are no formal place cards in the wilderness.  We are all treated the same in nature's wilderness and that is what is so amazing.  The wilderness quickly shows to everyone  the lessons of what really is important and just as important we are shown what is "not" important. By not taking what is important for granted other things will be put in a proper place.  But if ever there is a time when  we do take for granted what is important then we should reevaluate our standards accordingly to what we know to be true.  Because knowing what is important and not taking it for granted is the wilderness humility lesson.

Monday, May 2, 2016

" Good Writing Reflects Life " by Susan Pearl

Good writing is like the weaving of words to form a fabric so strong that it can carry a person away
    to a time and place that's inviting to stay.
From beginning to end the woven words hold the person's attention intriguingly for there is
   something the person wants to know that only the turning of pages can show.
Pages that gently, kindly, waltz through like being swept of our feet
    then abruptly change to words staggering across the page in fear of who we will meet.
Characters are introduced and shown reminding us of the saints and scoundrels we have known.
All emotions are covered by exposing them one by one to the vulnerability of what will happen
   until it is revealed and then that is when we read "The End".
Good writing reflects true life as we have to wait and see because there is no guarantee,
And, also, like in true life we find the best part is not reaching the destination but it is in the journey.

Monday, April 25, 2016

" Thoughts of Age " by Susan Pearl

One thing about always staying in the groove
     is that it can eventually turn into being in a rut.
And if the rut gets too deep to get out of, I have been told,
    that is the true definition of being old.

Monday, April 18, 2016

" The Response" by Susan Pearl

Some memories seem so long ago and far away,
While others memories seem like only yesterday,
This is one of those "only yesterday" memories to me.

I had complimented a rancher for his success,
But his response was something I could have never guessed.
He told me straight faced, eye to eye, that there was something he wanted me to know,
That there was a time when he was about to lose everything many years ago,
A rancher two states away heard of his plight and called that night,
Telling that he had plush pastures but no cattle and if the cattle could be brought down to his place the cattle could graze for free,
So that is what they did and then his eyes became teary as he said to me,
"I want everyone to know that I am where I am today because of another person's kindness",
His response taught me that humbly so much good in our life is the result of a kindness given to us.

Monday, April 11, 2016

" Life's Grandeur " by Susan Pearl

In my opinion for something to be rare to find,
It won't be popping up everywhere all of the time,
But yet it can easily be in front of our very eyes,
Without being anything that money buys,
Like to see a new beauty where I did not see it before,
Or to understand and appreciate life's grandeur more and more,
Such rare moments I find or do they find me?
Showing me what before I could not see,
For I had to grow to know such moments one by one,
And life's grandeur will have more wonderful moments like these to come.


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

"Knowing True Fun" by Susan Pearl

True fun should not hurt anyone,
And that includes the other person's feelings, too.
But if it happens the person who is being made fun of
   has to have a strong self love-
And this fact of self love is a protection, too,
That gives confidence in knowing such unkind fun is not true,
And then the fake feelings do not come,
Because the fact is known that it is not true fun.

Monday, March 28, 2016

" Wouldn't it be Great " by Susan Pearl

Wouldn't it be great if for five generations in a row
     that no one could make them learn how to hate,
What a different world they would know,
And wouldn't it be great to live in a world without hate.

Monday, March 21, 2016

" Compassion / Service" by Susan Pearl

It is good to understand that compassion and service go hand in hand,
So, to have compassion for others there will be service to others, too,
And to have the best service for others that could possibly be,
There will be a true compassion for the good of all to see.

Monday, March 14, 2016

" Which Way " by Susan Pearl

Whenever I think, "I just don't know,"
I, also, try to think, "May kindness flow,"
Because meanness doesn't dwell where kind acts show,
And I do know that "kindness" is the way I hope things will go.

Monday, March 7, 2016

" With Condolence " by Susan Pearl

A very dear person passed away from cancer and I would like to give condolence with this blog.

If there had been a way out,
It would have been found.
If there had been more that needed to be done,
It would have been done.
The time had come for her to go to her heavenly home
   and she was welcomed with open arms.
She is now where there are no tears or suffering,
May there be comfort that only true peace can bring.

Monday, February 29, 2016

"Gives and Keeps" by Susan Pearl

Faith gives strength to a dream,
Hope gives perseverance to a dream,
Love keeps the dream alive.

Monday, February 22, 2016

"Going Forward" by Susan Pearl

Some say, "Let the chips fall where they may",
Maybe I shall start to say that each day,
Because no matter what, no matter who,
The chips are going to fall where they may, anyway.
And no mater what we go through,
We all will win a few and lose a few, too.
"Life is a mixture" they, also, say,
So while we go forward  "let the chips fall where they may",
As we we keep the important part in place each and every day.

Monday, February 15, 2016

" Believing with Faith" by Susan Pearl

They say "seeing is believing",
But when we envision the good that can be,
That is called "Faith" you see.

Monday, February 8, 2016

" Light Finds Light " by Susan Pearl

Oh, the reflection of the moonlight on the water
   is such a beautiful sight,
And it could only happen at night,
Because light finds light for a partner
   to make millions of glistening gems
   so pleasing to the eye,
Showing, as they simultaneously shine, a connection to the sky.
So, maybe, somehow for me to be right here right now
   is the only time I can see how-
The reflection of the moonlight on the water
  Is such a beautiful sight,
And it could only happen at night-
In the darkness light finds light,
  and it can only happen at night.

Monday, February 1, 2016

" New Normal " by Susan Pearl

Whenever I go through a process of change and things will not ever be the way they used to be,
I know a "new normal" has begun for me,
They say that "the more things change the more they remain the same",
And so I know, too, that no matter what----faith, hope and love will remain,
With love being the greatest of these three,
Somehow any "new normal" will hold faith, hope and love for me,
These three, faith, hope and love, will be there for me to find,
Through the process of changes as they come with the passage of time.

Monday, January 25, 2016

"The Imagined Daybreak" by Susan Pearl

Whether through imagination or by memory, nature's beauty makes lovely thoughts for me,
Like a baby fawn at dawn with the mother doe nearby,
Under the breathtaking colors of a sunrise sky,
Then coming into view, too, is a calm mountain lake,
All this to find within my mind---the imagined daybreak.

Monday, January 18, 2016

"Working With What We Have" by Susan Pearl

Just because we don't have the right ingredients doesn't mean we can't make something of delight,
The best things that have come to be have been made out of necessity,
They say "necessity is the mother of invention" and I believe that is true,
There is an art to living within our means and making do.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

"The Question That Holds an Answer" By Susan Pearl

I remember her and the question that holds an answer that she would say,
I'm thinking of her today and asking myself, "Why worry when you can pray"?