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My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

"Old Saying Emphasizes to Think Before we Talk" by Susan Pearl

"He stuck his foot in his mouth".

"Say what you mean and mean what you say".

I think many of us can identify with this old saying because we have said something that didn't come out the way we meant it or we were unaware of all the facts and interpretations of what we had said being offensive and insensitive to others.

It is a stinging moment and humbling because the last thing that was intended to do was to offend someone.  It is a mistake so an apology or sincere explanation of the basis for the statement and correction of that basis is in order.

All we can do is hope that others will let it go and not hold such ill spoken words against us.  Once such words are said it can go either way.  Such spoken words that are painful to others may end a friendship by the divisiveness and separation such thoughtless words cause.

We have to take responsibility for what we say.  There is a consequence to our words that inflict a hurtful moment to others in an unkind or thoughtless way...…even if unintended the damage is real.

To say something hurtful and then to say "just kidding" doesn't make any sense to me. I go by another old saying:  "Say what you mean and mean what you say"--then chances are you won't "stick your foot in your mouth".

Friday, June 26, 2020

Dates of Blogs for "Old Sayings" by Susan Pearl

Blog dates for an additional 10 "Old Sayings"  (82 in total now)

Other blog dates for "Old Sayings" are:  4-19-2020,    4-26-2020,    5-3-2020,   5-9-2020,
                                                                                      5-30-2020,   ( 6-26-2020, today's date)


"That's like comparing apples and oranges".


"It only takes a small leak to sink a mighty vessel".

"We are only as strong as our weakest link".


"If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, chances are it's a duck".


"There's a light at the end of the tunnel".


"Like walking on eggshells".


"It ended on a sour note".

"It ended on a high note".


They're the salt of the earth".


"Don't bite the hand that feeds you."

Thursday, June 25, 2020

"Old Saying is Like Artwork" by Susan Pearl

"Don't bite the hand that feeds you".

They say that good artwork is art that over time you look at it and you can see something new.  Something you haven't seen being there before.  I think sometimes that as we age we see things that we didn't see before in a lot of areas of our life.  This old saying is one of those times for me.
When I was very young I thought of a dog biting the hand of its owner when being fed.  That would be a "No-No".

Then in my middle years I thought of my paycheck and how it fed our family and that I would not do anything to cause harm to my employer.  My employer was the "hand" feeding me because I could buy groceries with my paycheck.

Then as I got older I see the "hand" that feeds us as the laborers in the field doing the work.  They are the ones who are actually putting the food into containers to leave the fields and be brought into the distribution process.

"Don't bite the hand that feeds you" is like artwork because over time I can see something new in it.

Monday, June 22, 2020

"Old Saying Describes People Who Want the Best for All" by Susan Pearl

"They're the salt of the earth".

When I was growing up this old saying was used to expressed sentiments or an opinion that another person is as good as people come.
As I have gotten older I have the thoughts of how salt is used to preserve certain items and that comes to mind.  I think "preservation and recognition of fairness" when I think of this this old saying.  There are things we truly want to preserve and we are responsible for doing so.  We have a responsibility to preserve our environment, we have a responsibility to preserve our freedoms and moral values.  We have a responsibility to treat others with respect for their rights and with dignity for their life.  I could go on and on about the important things that we hold dear and that we have been given through the lives and sacrifice of those who have gone before us.  We have to preserve the willingness to listen and to learn, to change and to attain peaceful and agreed upon solutions.
"They're the salt of the earth" means so much in so many ways.  There has been vast years of contributions of laboring hard works in inhuman conditions for our country to attain prosperity that need to be recognized and preserved in the rightful place of acknowledgement and gratitude they deserve.

Friday, June 19, 2020

"Old Sayings and Musical Notes" by Susan Pearl

"It ended on a sour note".

"It ended on a high note".

Sometimes we can describe a situation or setting that ended with the comparison to a musical note.
If things ended not mutually fine then one might say "It ended on a sour note".

If the situation or setting ended upbeat and mutually enjoyed then the comparison can be made that "It ended on a high note".

There is no such thing as a combination sour high note in these comparisons.  If it is sour- then it is sour- it ended in an unpleasant manner no matter how high the note ended with not wanting more of the same because something had gone wrong and we would rather not subject ourselves to the unpleasantries any longer.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

"Old Saying Illustrates An Applied Discretion" by Susan Pearl

"Like walking on eggshells".

The old saying "Like walking on eggshells" describes what it is like to maneuver through a very tense and volatile situation setting.  It is like "easing our way through" without adding anything that contributes to the volatility of the moment.   This is important because stress and tension is culmalative and such increases keep building up the pressure.  There can be internal pressures like strong and heated emotions and there can be external pressures like actions.  These pressures can be combined and rise quickly.

When we walk "like on eggshells" is because we don't want to add to the pressure of the setting situation with more tension and stress.  We try to ease our way through as carefully as we can because it a time of great caution---and all the while we are hoping for a peaceful resolution, a compromise, a CHANGE and a better way to go forward for all involved.

"Like walking on eggshells" is not a sign of weakness.  It is a sign of true awareness and recognition to the fact that it is time to stay calm unless the setting becomes dangerous to the life and welfare of others or to our own personal well being.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

"Old Saying Surpasses Time Elements for Generations" by Susan Pearl

"There's a light at the end of the tunnel".

This old saying has been used while I grew up and through my adult life.  In my opinion, the meaning is encouraging us to keep going----don't give up---it will be worth it---it won't always be the way it is right now---things will get better---we will get through this to a bright day.

One time I said this old saying to a friend and I was surprised to hear this response,  "I just hope the light isn't a train".  So I thought it over and now I say "make sure you aren't following  train track through a tunnel.  Don't go into a train tunnel because the light you see is not the light of day but rather the light of a train.  In other words --be aware, listen, learn and keep going towards the goal of your dream and you'll get there, because, "There's a light at the end of the tunnel".

Imagine of the thrill of being involved in the actual hard work of tunneling in the making of the tunnel when the moment the breakthrough happens to see the light of day. Maybe the tunnel had begun to be made several generations ago and it was our turn to further it. No matter how dark and difficult the times are- keep believing that we will see the light of a new day.  It will be there and we will continue to work towards that breakthrough moment of seeing the light of a new day. We know it will come  It is a matter of hard work and time to reach it because each generation is called upon to do its part and these ongoing efforts will bring about the awaiting breakthrough.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

"The Countdown is On" by Susan Pearl

The countdown is on to be "ten" times more aware of equal justice for all,
"Nine" times as kind and understanding,
"Eight" times more prompt in action and saying words of encouragement,
"Seven" times more willing to seek peaceful solutions that better all,
"Six" times more determined for the change to establish fair social justice
  by having "five" generations without seeing or being taught prejudice
  in any way, shape or form,
"Four" times more knowledgeable that by " beginning now" these generations will usher in a new era of social justice like a breath of fresh air to our nation that is of the utmost degree for the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all-
Moat important is that through it all these "three" that will remain, Faith, Hope and Love
And the greatest of these is Love.
Love can take a divided "two",
And make it into an united "one" ---the countdown has begun.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

"Old Saying Tells There's no Bargaining or Denial" by Susan Pearl

"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck chances are it's a duck".

The irony of this old saying is that it is not about a duck.  It is about seeing something for what it is and  being able to name it for what it really is.

We have to name things for what they truly are and not allow for false hopes, false interpretations, false feelings or imaginary fantasies keep us from seeing things for what they really matter who---no matter what.  It keeps us grounded.

"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck chances are it is a duck"-----and we have to recognize things for what they are.  There is no bargaining--it is what it is---and we know it when we see it...because it is a fact based reality of recognition that cannot be denied.

Friday, June 5, 2020

"Old Sayings Show Why Things go Wrong" by Susan Pearl

"It only takes a small leak to sink a mighty vessel".

"We are only as strong as our weakest link".

Policies, procedures, manuals are there for a reason and for proper training of these protocols is very important but even more important is following them. There are people who don't want to follow the rules, or want to bend the rules, or want to push the rules  These people have to be kept in check or working with them turns into an uncomfortable form of peer pressure and with time these peer pressure bullies are then running the show and not the policies or protocols.

Sooner or later this will be exposed for what is.  It will bring about a failure in operation or a complete demise of any kind of premise the operation was thought to stand for.

Wherever we work we have to be in line with the professional rules and following policy and procedure that we have promised to follow and we have to enforce this proper protocol.  That will bring about an integrity that can be counted on to uphold and represent the policy procedure.  A policy and procedure that are the requirements to the utmost letter of the law for the fairness and protection of anyone who comes into contact with them---thus building trust....thus building success...that a future that is equally administered for the good of all can be built upon for generations to come.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

"Old Saying Demonstrates Each is Fine in Itself" by Susan Pearl

"That's like comparing apples and oranges".

An apple and an orange are both a fruit.
One is orange in color and the other has a variety of colors. (mostly red, yellow, golden and green)
One has to be peeled and the other can be eaten with the skin.
One has a core and the other has sections.
One is soft and juicy and the other is crisp or a little softer.
Both have different  recognizable fragrances.

How can apples and oranges ever be compared?  Each are fine and wonderful in themselves.
Each is a fruit.
Both are delicious.

Some things aren't comparable and this old saying is used to express that.

Monday, June 1, 2020

"The One in a Mililon Pet Dog Talk" by Susan Pearl

"Where you've been?
In and outside and inside the house again-
Afraid you might miss something
  unless you come in and see what is going on?
You need to go out
  but want to stay inside both at the same time.
You've got to make up your mind
  because letting you  out and right back in is wearing me out.
Can't you stay outside for just a little bit
  without barking relentlessly to come back in?
Oh, well, they say that a dog is man's best friend-
  and you truly are that and I'm glad to have you.
Without a doubt I know you need to go out
and as quick as you can you will want back in-
So here we go again.
But could the real reason simply be
that you only want to be with me
and be by my side
and not miss our next pickup ride"?