My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

"More Good Times" by Susan Pearl

When I am totally embracing the "now",
I am not able to hold on to the past.
Living in the now is a good way to live,
The past does give-
Memories so fine, snapshots in time-
An appreciation for the good we have known,
That brings a gratitude for the now
  with more good times to be shown.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

"Unrealistic Me" by Susan Pearl

A part of my life had ended,
But another part had just begun,
I  thought things were over
Without realizing what could be-
Unrealistic me.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

"Word Choice" by Susan Pearl

Today after I got up from my nap and came into the TV room my husband was watching a movie with a very dry and witty sense of humor.  I thought to my self that this movie is something different than what we usually watch and it might be fun to watch it.  I said to my husband, " This movie is so different but we can watch something different".   He immediately changed to the list of movies we could watch.  I thought, " We just had some sort of communication gap but it seems too complicated to explain".  How can something so simple become so complicated?  To watch something different means to watch something out of the ordinary and/or to watch something different means to change channels.  I'm beginning to think word choice is a very big part of communication.

Monday, August 19, 2019

"Why is That?" by Susan Pearl

My husband and I watch a popular evening game show.  After the show is over we try to remember the eight or nine puzzle solves.  Last night my husband said the first solve then I said the second solve.  Then my husband said the third solve and I "passed".  Then my husband said the fourth solve and I "passed".  My husband said the fifth solve and I "passed",again. My husband skipped the sixth solve and went on to say the seventh solve. I "passed".  He said the eighth puzzle solve.  There was only the sixth puzzle solve left to remember and all of a sudden I remembered it.  Just then our son called to visit and casually asked how our memory game went that evening.  I quickly said that I had saved the day by remembering the last puzzle that we both had forgotten.  Then my thoughts directed me to maybe I wasn't being fair to my husband for remembering six of the eight puzzles.  So I explained I had passed for most of the puzzle solves but I remembered the last one to finish all of the solves so I felt like I had won the game for us.  There is no "I" in the word "team" so it was really a team effort and I have to give credit where credit is due.  But it seems with games the one who scores the last winning score is the one who wins the game --why is that?

Friday, August 16, 2019

" Ebracing Good " by Susan Pearl

Embracing change is embracing life
Life is change,
Some changes are losses
Some changes are gains

So to be embracing life
   a person is embracing change
We have to take the good along with the bad.
In the midst of the bad we remember there is more good than bad.
And that is the thought we embrace.
We embrace good.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

"Prince Charming Thoughts" by Susan Pearl

Today is my 800th blog.  WOW!!!  I thought a fun blog would be for me to write a blog about how I have changed over the years.

When I was young I thought of Prince Charming riding on a beautiful horse, coming and sweeping me off of my feet.  We would ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after.

As I got a little older I thought of Prince Charming sweeping me off of my feet and me asking, "Where are we going"?

Then as I got older I thought of Prince Charming and me flagging him down -  to stop before sweeping me off of my feet and me saying, "I want my own horse".

Then as I got older I thought of Prince Charming and I would tell him to get off his horse to sign a pre nep before we continued on.

Now, I'm old and think that there's no Prince Charming but I do tell people,"If you have met my husband you have met a good man".

We have now been married 53 years and we have had a very wonderful and happy life together.   We want what is best for each other and with respect and kindness it works out well.

Monday, August 12, 2019

"A New Recipe" by Susan Pearl

My husband and I were talking about some different cooler foods to fix to eat during this hot week.  The conversation came to discuss two main selections.  One of the selections was tuna and the other selection was beef summer sausage.  I said,  "Well, I like the sausage over tuna."  My husband asked, " Really, you like sausage over tuna?"  I answered, "Yes."  My husband looked like he found that hard to believe.  Then I realized he literally thought I met that I like sausage over (on top of) tuna to eat.  I'm so glad we realized our miscommunication before he fixed me a sausage over tuna surprise meal.  That would have been a new recipe for sure!

Monday, August 5, 2019

"With Deepest Sympathy"

Deepest sympathy to the families, friends and loved ones who are suffering the heartbreak pains of loss and terrible tragedy.  Our thoughts, prayers and love are with you.  Susan Pearl

Saturday, August 3, 2019

"A Very Special Grocery Delivery" by Susan Pearl

I heard a story of a family who many years ago had a pay day and off to the grocery store they went. They were on a very tight budget with two daughters in college, a son growing up, mortgage payment, car payment, utilities etc.  But they were so happy as life was so filled with hopes and dreams and they knew that they were making progress in several important ways.   They were doing their part, like so many others were doing, to lead the way with hard work and a desire to see their children's dreams come true.
Later that week the phone rang with their daughter asking if they could send her some money for groceries.  The family said that their funds were low but their cupboards were full.  They knew they would be able to send her some groceries with a friend who would be making the three hour trip the following day to the city where their daughter lived.
Without hesitation their friend agreed. Several bags of groceries and some fresh baked homemade cookies were delivered to their daughter the very next day.
That was a very special grocery delivery!!!