My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Holiday Break--- from, Susan Pearl

Dear Readers,

I will be taking a holiday break from writing this blog.  I hope to be back in mid January.

Until then:

May--- Faith, Hope and Love be with each of you every day,
With good and positive thoughts coming your way.

Thank you,

Susan Pearl

"Pave it Forward" by Susan Pearl

There is an expression---"pay it forward",
In addition to that expression I, also, say----- "pave it forward",
To me this expression means "make improvements"-
   from no road, to path, to dirt road, to graveled road, to paved road.
    from prejudice or anger, to tolerance, to acceptance, to peace.
     from doubt, to hope, to confidence, to goals and dreams, to hard work, to achieving,
     to inspiring others.


But, whatever is paved forward- it has to be maintained
   or else the efforts will have been in vain.
To maintain stops decline,
     and adds an important part to quality of life.

So many good efforts have been done and given to "pave it  forward"
     for us today-
What else can I say?

Monday, November 14, 2016

" Let's Sparkle " by Susan Pearl

Faith, hope and love are like lights that shine
     through the darkest of times.
They will glitter along life's pathway,
     bringing special beauty and encouragement to our day.


"NOW" is the right time,
     of showing a reflection for the good things we are knowing,
     and the positive expectation we hold to be true-
     while being assured
     that there is more than enough good
     to go around for everyone, too.

"Now" is the right place for opportunities to come to be,
     and with faith, hope and love we will see the possibility.
It will catch our eye,
     even unexpectedly,
     or maybe
         while in deep thought,
     a new sight will come into view
         and be a light of what is beautiful and bright,
         and right.

LET'S SPARKLE!!!!! and see the awaiting hidden gems,
     because light reflects light, showing them, time and time again.
By seeing one, it will reflect another and then another,
     until we know---
     an ever warm glow within our self where ever we go.

Monday, November 7, 2016

" Giving Credit " by Susan Pearl

Today is a special day and I think credit should be given where credit is due,
I know a very good man and I am married to that man, too.
So I say to people, "If you have met my husband you have met a good man."
I don't spend time with friends because I so much would rather be with him.
To have such a good person in my life,
It is my previledge and a honor to be his wife.
I am as strong willed and opinionated as any person can be,
Sometimes I tease him that he is a brave man being married to me.
So to give credit where credit is due-----I would like to say?
I have had a better life and I have become the person that I am today,
By knowing the love of this fine and wonderfully kind man--- so true,
He deserves credit and being told with my deep heartfelt sincerity, "Thank You".