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My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Mar.29- "Acceptance of Others" By Susan Pearl

I have read about the processes of learning how to accept things about ourselves and about how to accept different changes in life,
"Acceptance" is the key that finally unlocks the door to having peace with ourselves, peace with the situation and peace with our changing life,
Having an "Acceptance" of others is the key that would unlock doors to peace in many an aspect,
Unlocked doors opening to peace with the key of "Acceptance"- that all people are equal and have a right for dignity and respect.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mar.28- "My Realization Moments" By Susan Pearl

When I don't know the way,
I do know that it is time for me to pray,
When I don't know what to do,
I do know that grace and prayer will lead me through,
And when I am in despair,
Once again I believe,
Someone, somewhere, is saying a prayer,
And that prayer includes a request "to bless all those in need",
Making me realize at that moment that hope is on the way,
Because someone, somewhere, is taking the time to pray.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mar.27- "Home" By Susan Pearl

So very comfortabe like being suspended in air without a care,
Drifting and floating into slumberland after a long hard day,
What can I say,
That's the way a person's own bed can make one feel,
And that's why the expression, "There's no place like home" is so true and real,
But, oh, there is so much more to being at home then just one thing,
It is being home and experiencing the most familiar comfort known once again.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mar.26- "Good In Turbulent Times" By Susan Pearl

One day I was vacuuming the carpet in the upstairs hallway,
I heard a "clunk" and so I knew I had vacuumed up something out of the ordinary,
Upon inspection of the contents of the sweeper bag I found a small glistening gem,
The gem had been hidden for years in the carpet and now it had been found,
And it had been found when no one was even looking for it,
The turbulence of the vacuum sweeper had uncovered it and brought it to be right at hand,
A comparison to life could be--- that out of turbulent times sometimes an unexpected good can come, too,
Showing the best in people as they pull together for a common good,
Sometimes out of turbulent times we find a rare strength inside ourselves that we didn't know was there and see a remarkable beauty of kindness in others,
Even if we were not looking for these special qualities they were there all the time for us to find,
Somehow a turbulence brings out these best abilities to be seen and shown to us to be right at hand.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Mar.25- " Best Worth Work" By Susan Pearl

How does a person work their way through difficult feelings?
I think the key word is "work" because it does take a lot of "work",
It takes a lot of "work" to find a way through a grudge to forgiveness,
From being hurt to being healed,
From anger to peace,
From despair to hope,
But it is "worth" every bit of effort of the work in doing so, because then a person will know,
That, by doing such work, the way through it all is found and the very best "worth" in life can now show.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Mar.22- "A Being Set-Up Thought" By Susan Pearl

A cycle of trying to change others will go round and round,
Until it comes tumbling down,
Or until someone stops the chain,
By not letting things continue the same,
For we can only change one person and that person is ourself,
The thought of changing others sets up an endless cycle of trying to help,
Like a form of bargaining, as if- I do this then you should do that to make it fair,
But if I have to do both a set up cycle has begun that will get us no where.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mar.21- "Tranquil" By Susan Pearl

Isn't the word "tranquil" a beautiful word?
So quiet, so calm, so very still, so tranquil,
Like thoughts of slanted rain gently coming down, so soft and steadily,
Relaxing the body and mind to drift off so easily to have some rest,
Like a suspended peacefulness that falls over us and over our weariness.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mar.20- "No Guilt Of Remorse" By Susan Pearl

There should be no guilt or remorse for wanting to have a change for a better course,
For some may want to stay with statis quo and not to go a different way day after day,
But within our deep well of a conscience we keep an awareness of right and wrong,
And know when a time for change has come or when a time for that change has gone,
New ways to take, old ways to forsake,
Honesty can be at stake to admit what is fake,
There should be no guilt or remorse for wanting a change for a better course,
We can not fear a mistake when true honesty is at stake,
Wanting things to be better and for the good of all should, also, have ourself included,
Showing the deep well of our conscience is high in character by leaving no one excluded.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mar.19- "That's Not Who I Am" By Susan Pearl

As the years have gone by I have become more confident in myself,
I know myself and what I stand for and by knowing who I am I, also, know who I am not,
Like a person who has experienced something rare that person will, also, know when it is there and when it is not there,
Throughout life there will be times of peer pressure, times of others wanting us to do things we may not want to do,
I think the best answer is to say, "That's not who I am",
It is a firm answer yet it is not jugdemental,
And I am not a judgemental person,
"That's not who I am".

Monday, March 18, 2013

Mar.18- "Meeting In The Middle Lesson" By Susan Pearl

Don't run after people,
Walk towards people and reach out to people who are walking towards you and reaching out to you, also, mutually,
Draw a line and don't cross it,
The other people should not cross the set line of limits either, mutually,
Meet people in the middle, mutually,
If they cross the line and come onto your side of the mutual line you have just learned something about them,
If they won't meet you at the mutual line and expect you to do more than your share to meet them you have just learned something about them,
These are all true lessons being taught to us,
And not all our teachers in life will be at a blackboard.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Mar.15- "Forgottten Dessert" By Susan Pearl

Sometimes when a dessert is so rich and full of calories,too,
I try to cut the dessert in two,
And save some for later in the day,
It gives something to look forward to,
And if I happen to forget about it, all I can say,
It is better yet for me to have the second half the following day,
But I have never ever forgotten a dessert long enough,
That it has to be thrown away.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Mar14- "Naive" By Susan Pearl

They say there is a fine line between opposite emotions and that is hard for me to understand,
To me the distance between opposite emotions should be so far away from each other that they couldn't even be seen in the same spectrum,
But others do know much more about these things than me and so they help me see,
The naive and idealistic ways of myself and how I have a tendency to see things the way I wish they could be.


Mar.14- "Lasting Efforts" By Susan Pearl

When personal considerations are for the good of all right now and to come,
Then some very wise decisions will be made and lasting efforts will be done.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mar.13- " A Reality Of Life" By Susan Pearl

I have been told that:
To think we will win every time is an unrealistic expectation,
To think we will probably lose each time because something will go wrong is anxiety,
To think we will definately lose each time no matter what we do and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it is depression.
These thoughts have too much certainty one way and are too underdone the other way,
But somewhere in between such extreme thoughts therein lies reality,
The fact is that sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, it is all a mixture and that's a reality of life,
To have continuous acceptance of this reality the better off our life will be,
And I would be remiss of my responsibility to not write about what I had to learn about life's reality,
We can do our best and still lose, we can make mistakes and somehow win, but to move on keeps us ready to begin with hope again.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mar.12-"More Space And Change Of Pace"By Susan Pearl

A person shouldn't criticize another person for wanting more space and a slower change of pace,
Time to get away from a hectic work schedule once in awhile,
This slower pace can be renewing and beneficial and it is not being lazy or negligent,
When things are coming at us fast and furious it is best to have some distance or space between it all,
In fact, I think such times of getting away from it all and having a slower pace can be very rejuvenating,
It doesn't have to be expensive either, sometimes just sitting in a lawn chair somewhere watching the clouds pass by,
Such a break from routine is productive and brings much more accomplishment for a person with this renewed energy.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Mar.11- "Time Change" By Susan Pearl

We changed our clocks to "spring forward" one hour,
At 12:00PM yesterday I said,
"This no more feels like noon than the man in the moon".

Friday, March 8, 2013

Mar.8- "Steady Course" By Susan Pearl

Even when landmarks are obscured,
A compass will show what is sure,
To hold a steady course.
Even when things go the wrong way,
A person knows which way to go for a better day,
To bring back a steady course.
And getting to the destination that was hoped to find,
Is a journey of knowing the best thing to do at the time,
And by doing the best thing at the time, time after time, so steadily,
Holds the course steady in getting to the place where we want to be.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mar.7- "Not To Buy" By Susan Pearl

Sometimes I think people think too much of money,
And as some say, "The best things in life are free",
So what could these things be?
Peace of mind by living within our conscience is a real possibility,
Also, health and happiness, living a life filled with joy and clarity,
The gift of time, a priceless memory,
These are some of the "best things in life" that are free,
All these are invaluable and can not be bought in any store,
And these are just a few because there are so many more,
Money has a place that is something that no one can deny,
But the ultimate best things in life are things that no one can buy.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mar.6- "Sparkling Dreams" By Susan Pearl

Streams of dreams have gone by,
Yet the sparkles of dreams in streams I can still see in my mind's eye,
Oh, a diamond to wear gleems, too,
But what can outshine dreams coming true?
Fulfillment of what is hoped for and believed to be,
Sparkling dreams in my mind's eye are still there for me to see,
So have dreams really gone by,
When the sparkles of them are seen in my mind's eye?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mar.5- "Try" By Susan Pearl

Just because I lost my balance in life and fell,
Doesn't mean that I can't get back up and become steady again and sure,
Same destination but a different journey and maybe an occasional detour,
I can make it and only time will tell,
Things can work out without a doubt,
So to try, try and try again is what it is all about.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Mar.4- "A Different World" By Susan Pearl

Recently it seems like people don't give each other even the time of day,
Yet alone to having something nice and encouraging to say,
Could it be the break neck pace that is being chased,
Makes it hard to take time or to visit face to face,
Being very friendly isn't really now advised for safety,
Because they say it is a different world than it used to be,
And so, as hard as it is to say I think this different world is here to stay,
With technology being now how we give the time of day in a different way.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Mar.1- "Sports" By Susan Pearl

The clock is ticking away,
Time is picking the hour and the day,
To show us when the last game is over and done,
Then we'll know the final outcome,
And who won,
Then it starts all over again just like before,
The whistles, the buzzers, the crowds and the roar,
The spirit of sports takes flight to soar,
To carry us to see that final championship winning score.