My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Friday, January 18, 2019

"Good Dog - Good Times" by Susan Pearl

It is hard to say
 good-bye to good times.
 a dog's age sets in.
That is exactly
 what it has been,
 good dog and good times
 over and over,
 again and again.
So many good times,
 too many to count
 a special kind of bond,
 without any doubt.
Such a beautiful
 time in life to treasure
 that is so beyond
 any kind of measure.
Recalled and thought upon
 more smiles to come.

Monday, January 14, 2019

"Clear to see" by Susan Pearl

Aft' the dust settles
It is clear to see,
The black TV stand
Is turning into-
A light shade of gray-
It is dusting day.
Dust keeps settling down-
Over and over,
Again and again,
Clearly shows the time
Of needs to be done,
Even if not fun.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

"Six Hour Vacation" by Susan Pearl

Vacation station
Awaiting for me,
Here I come, gladly.
My recliner chair,
My TV remote-
End tables holding
Insulated cups-
I'm all fixed up,
With lattes for me,
Cappuccinos, too,
And mochas, what fun-
My six hour vacation has begun,
And a six hour vacation is better than none.

Friday, January 11, 2019

"Missing the Boat" by Susan Pearl

I asked my good friend-
Has your ship come in?
"Why, yes", my friend said-
"My ship did come in-
but, sorry to say-
I was at the airport".

Thursday, January 10, 2019

"My Lottery Dream" by Susan Pearl

Oh, lottery dream,
My lottery dream,
When will you come true?
It is so much fun
thoughts of the lump sum,
Dispersing the funds
Into thirty five banks
Across fourteen states.
With ticket in hand
I view winning balls,
Dashing the banks list
My excitement falls,
This has got to stop
Causing ups and downs
The prize was not won
More money to win,
Maybe fifty banks,
In thirty nine states.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

"Welcome to Football" by Susan Pearl

Screeching whistles,
Deafening crowds,
Exciting plays,
Some injuries,
Seconds to go,
Will they, won't they?
Officials say---Touchdown!
No, No, No
What will the replays show
When will we know?
Suspended in time
The clock is stopped-
Can hear a pin drop--
Welcome to "Football".
A fumble away,
Then an interception display,
Runs eighty yards,
Takes it into the in zone,
But a flag is down on the play
Now, What will they say?
Kicks a field goal,
But missed the timeout call,
So it really doesn't matter after all.
Welcome to Football.
But when it comes together
It is a breathtaking sight to see,
The speed and momentum click
Success overcomes adversity
The touchdown is made
The roar as they score
Welcome, welcome to Football.

Friday, January 4, 2019

"My Cavern Alarm" by Susan Pearl

The cavern's spoken,
My stomach has growled,
It's time to get up
And face a new day,
I wake up hungry
Each and every day,
There is a story
I was born hungry,
Sucking on my fist
Just after my birth.
So without a doubt
I think about food
It started at birth.
A cup of coffee,
And a piece of toast
Is my breakfast plate.
That's all it will take
Don't want to be late.
Got to keep movin'
Rumbling quakes await
What growling sounds to make
Embarrassing sounds
Interrupting sounds
Humanly strange sounds
The cavern awakes.