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My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Aug.30 -"Riddle Time" By Susan Pearl

Here is a riddle:
What is something you can't buy,
But it is limited,
And you have to "take it" in order to "give it",
It doesn't have wings
But it sure can fly by?

The answer is "time".

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Aug.29 -"A Pearl View" By Susan Pearl

When we have to live with a constant irritation it can be so unpleasant at times,
But remember the shell fish living with the constant irritation of the pain of a grain of sand or living with an irritant of another kind,
And then remember a rare pearl is made under such conditions by bringing out the best that can possibly be,
That tolerates the setting by the use of an amazing and built  in special ability,
For the irritation to become a one of a kind pearl does take time,
And that ability to live with life's irritations is of great value that brings new and rare beauty for us to find. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Aug. 28-"Folly Risks Hurt" By Susan Pearl

When does fun become folly, when does it happen?
Fun should be fun for everyone,
But when it is overdone,
The foolishness of folly comes when it is on a "no limits" run,
Folly has risks of hurting ourselves and harming someone,
Inside or out and feelings count the hurts of folly can quickly come,
I have read that, "Foolishness is the opposite of wisdom".

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Aug..27- "Time and Placement" By Susan Pearl

Two totally different circumstances but similar happenings has caused me to have some special thoughts to share,
The two totally different circumstances were:
This past week a friend  left her home to go to an assisted living center,
Also, this past week our grandson left home to enter his first year of college,
Two totally different circumstances but yet similar in the fact that a new time, a new adventure and a big change,
Time and placement in life are in motion,
An ongoing motion that moves us on, and on, and on,
And eventually changes will come.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Aug. 26- "Kind Time Schedule"- By Susan Pearl

Scheduling time is how a lot of things get done,
We should schedule time for work and time for fun,
But one thing each day that should be scheduled into our time,
Is to take time each day to be kind, yes, take time to be kind.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Aug. 9- "Hand In Hand" By Susan Pearl

He showed me things about life that I hadn't ever known,
I showed him how to understand the things in life that we were being shown,
Together we went on life's journey hand in hand for year upon year,
And as different times of life faded into the distance another new time in life for us would appear,
He would keep explaining to me during each new time about the things I had not known before,
While I kept showing to him the new things of life to see and find new depths to explore,
Hand in hand with wonderful fascination and a strong love we have continued on,
Knowing we have learned more together than we ever could have learned alone.

*Personal note:  Today is my husband's and my---   *** 47th Wedding Anniversary.***

This is a very special day for us.

I will be taking a two week blog vacation.  I hope to be back on my blog August 26, 2013.

Thank you,

Susan Pearl

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Aug. 8- Wishes For Happiness" By Susan Pearl

Thoughts of happiness and best wishes are coming our way,
Because there are many good people who want that for us each day,
By remembering them and realizing how much we are blessed,
We will feel the love that surrounds us and feel their best wishes for our happiness.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Aug.7 - "Goodness and Kindness" By Susan Pearl

I tell him that he is a very good person, really he has treated me the best,
He tells me that I am the kindest person, much kinder than the rest,
Yes, "goodness" and "kindness" make a wonderful pair,
I wish that goodness and kindness could be in the lives of everyone everywhere.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Aug.6- "Noticing The Small Things" By Susan Pearl

I heard a comment said so excitedly the other morning,
The comment was, "I just love the small things I have",
I thought that such a comment is not heard very often,
Usually it is all about the big things,
So today I am going to notice the small things I have that I love,
And excitedly celebrate the joy of presently having them to love.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Aug. 5- "No Contest" By Susan Pearl

Too much is too much,
Too little is too little ,
Just right is just right,
But somehow it is all relative,
What is just right for one person may be too much for another person,
What is too little to one may be more than enough to another,
But to be thankful for how much or how little is best,
And not be concerned what others have because it is not a contest.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Aug. 2- "Choices On Life's Buffet" By Susan Pearl

I have said at times,
"Life is like a big smorgasbord buffet--everything is there,
And what you put on your plate of life will become a part of you",
I say this because I think it is an important principle to teach,
And now it is up to me to practice what I preach.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Aug 1-- "Disappointments" By Susan Pearl

The news stung me like a bee,
I had my hopes up way too high, you see,
But a disappointment is not a tragedy,
It is a setback that can be temporary,
But that life is a mixture of being happy and being sad, I know to be true,
And this mixed bag of emotions does include our disappointments, too,
So when disappointments come our way,
It is best to think that they won't stay,
Because something better will come along on a different day,
So if you have disappointments give this thought a try,
It has worked for me and I really don't know why.