My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mar.31- "Leading and Following" By Susan Pearl

I have heard people say "follow you heart",
I have heard people say "let your heart lead you",
Heart is another word for "love",
If love leads us and we follow love,
Then we are following a path towards happiness,
And leading the way for the good of all,
So we can lead and follow at the same time,
And along the way we will have a true peace of mind,
Knowing that we are following what we know to be true,
And leading a way of love that others may follow, too.

I will be taking a two week blog break.
I hope to blog my "400th" blog on April 16, 2012.
Please read some of my 399 blogs to date---enjoy.

Thank You,
Susan Pearl

Friday, March 30, 2012

Mar.30- "Accuracy and Efficiency" By Susan Pearl

In resetting a clock a person wants to have the setting to be as accurate as possible,
There is no sense in setting a clock with an inaccurate time,
When we reset ourselves to try again or to start anew,
It also makes sense to reset ourselves with what is accurate information and currently on the mark for where we need to be in time,
Otherwise something will be out of sink and accomodations will frequently have to be made to allow for such an inaccurate setting,
Then the inaccuracies and discrepancies will become so prominent that the entire function will be effected and not be reliant,
All due to an original inaccurate setting that keeps showing inaccuracies and a dependency on  something else for the consistance of efficiency.
Remember the old saying:  "Even a broken clock is right twice a day".
Too much inaccuracy points the need for a new direction to redirect and reset our current way.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mar.29- "We Almost Met At The Meeting" Part 5 By Susan Pearl

I'm breathless in Rome but I would be speechless anyway,
Because you are before my eyes as I stand here in true dismay,
Our mutual acquaintance asks, "Do you need to go to the hospital for your nose?  Looks like you might need a stitch or two."
But I can only think about seeing you,
Then came as moment that is still hard to believe,
But the wind blew my lost note into my hand like a letter I was suppose to receive,
I said, "Please read this.  I have it all written down for you to understand,
And you smiled at me while you reached for the note with your hand,
Then after you read the note you said, "Well, I have a surprise, too,
Because you didn't know I was the one in charge of the seating at the meeting,
And I purposely arranged the seating that I woud sit by you,
But when you didn't answer my text I waited because I knew you would figure it out and call me next,
Now when your friend called instead of you I had him meet my best friend,
I was still waiting to hear from you but when they fell in love and wanted to elope,
I came with them to celebrate their love and happiness but all the while meeting you was still my hope,
So when I checked my voice messages and there was your message on my phone,
I called you back telling you how much I would love to meet you when I returned from Rome,
So you could have saved youself a lot of trouble if you had checked your voice mail before leaving for Italy",
I said, "But I was in such a hurry wanting for you to have only total honesty, it was so important to me,
And for you to know that I was pretending to be speed reading the instructions at the meeting,
I didn't want you to think I was rude by not returning your text for our greeting,
So where do we go from here?  Can we have a chance--and I mean a chance at romance?"
The answer was, "I would like that very much and who knows,
But for now let's get you  to someone who will take a look at you nose."
So we went for some stiches to be put in my nose, it took three,
And such a very true and honest love began for us by meeting in Rome, Italy.

The End

"We Almost Met At The Meeting"

This has been a five part continuing weekly blog opera by Susan Pearl

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mar.28- "The Late Bloom" By Susan Pearl

Sometimes I think in certain areas of life before we can bloom we have to have more time to grow,
And once we do bloom in that area we will know why we had to wait and why things went so slow,
And to bloom late, or a late bloomer is quite alright,
Because it does become a lovely bloom and it does make a beautiful sight,
Some blooms stay for awhile - they seem to last,
Some blooms have petals that fall off so fast,
But each bloom is made to come and then away it goes,
Just like the times in our life that open up and then close,
So let's keep blooming for as long as we can,
And show beauty to others that is at hand.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mar. 27- "Just Begin" By Susan Pearl

Sometimes when I have a dreaded task that is waiting for me to do,
And I can't imagine how it will be possible for me to accomplish making it through,
I have noiticed that after I have begun,
That is when new thoughts begin to come,
And it is new thought after new thought that shows me how to get it done,
And I don't think I would have had all those new thoughts if I hadn't ever begun.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Mar.26- "Two-Faced Survey" By Susan Pearl

In my opinion two-faced people don't really know where their true loyalties lie,
And that is sad because that is exactly how so many of their friendships turn out to be-a lie.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mar.24- "Enjoyment Wish" By Susan Pearl

I hope you are in a time,
When you have peace of mind,
And the words are kind,
With happiness for you,
In what you enjoy to do.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mar.22- "We Almost Met At The Meeting" Part 4 By Susan Pearl

I am chasing a car and chasing a dream, too,
A dream of getting another opportunity of meeting you,
The car is now stopped at an intersection because the light is red,
And maybe the stop light and keep the car from pulling ahead,
Giving me time to get there before the car pulls away,
I think I'm going to get a chance to meet you today,
I'm almost there, just half a block to go,
But now the car is merging in a traffic lane real slow,
I am so breathless I know I won't be able to call out or talk, but,
I have wrtten everything down on a note I have in my pocket,
Oh, no, the note is not there like I thought it would be,
I must have lost it when I fell down so I'll just have to talk to you breathlessly,
Now the light has changed to green and there goes away my dream,
As I'm seeing the car driving to the fast moving lane for the freeway scene,
I almost made it, we almost met, everything was in sight,
Then I hear a car honk and our mutual acquaintance call out,  "Are You alright?"
Our mutual acquaintance had driven after me,
Because someone in the car with him wanted to meet me from the bungalow party,
Oh, could it be? Could it be? Could it be?
Is that you I see?

Who is in the car with the mutual acquaintance?

To be continued,  a blog opera by Susan Pearl

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mar.21- "Life's Not Fair" By Susan Pearl

When it comes to "ups and downs" some people seem to have more than their share,
So it is easy to think that life isn't fair,
And that is a correct thought,
Because "being fair" is one thing that life is not,
And there are times when we should step in to give to others some needed support by being there,
Showing to them that they are loved and well thought of while they are going through what is not fair. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mar.20- "Thankfulness Brings Joy" By Susan Pearl

The light of thankfulness is beginning to shine,
And that means the joy of a new day isn't far behind.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Mar.19- "Unrealistic Expectations" By Susan Pearl

Sometimes when I am disappointed in the actions or lack of actions that others do or don't do,
I ask myself if maybe I have unrealistic expectations of what I thought would happen and of others, too,
Then I remind myself that I don't know what the future holds or what changes will come to be,
And if I think that these things for sure I know, then I have an "unrealistic expectation" of me.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mar.17- "New Depths Of Discovery" By Susan Pearl

I think "pearl (rare or hard to find) moments" are parts of each day to see,
Looking for the beauty of each day gives us moments with new depths of discovery,
Such moments are truly special and these moments are really there for us to notice and find,
And these moments in life make memories that are a treasue, each moment being a true one of a kind,
Taking time to look and to notice these moments-
Is where it will begin,
Then a new meaning about something will be shown for us to behold,
Adding a new depth in life to explore as more new meanings will unfold, 
And such moments, once found, can not be ever taken away,
Showing us more beauty upon beauty that are parts of living each day.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Mar.16-"What To Do" By Susan Pearl

No matter what, no matter who,
The best that any of us can do,
Is to be faithful and true,
But it is easier said than done,
For it is just not for the big things that will come,
It is for the every day small and little things, too,
Big or small, what ever we do--being faithful and true,
Is the best that any of us can do.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mar.15- "We Almost Met At The Meeting" Part 3 By Susan Pearl

The first thing I want to do now that I am in Rome,
Is to look up a mutual acquaintance of the friend to whom I loaned my phone,
So I'm on the porch of the acquaintace trying to knock louder than the music being played inside of this quaint little bungalo,
And then I realize that a party is going on, so, "when in Rome do as the Roman's do", and into the party bungalo I go,
The mutual acquaintance recognizes me and says, "Nice of you to come. Welcome.  You just missed the Bride and Groom. They are now driving away to elope and then go on their honeymoon."
So I knew I went from 'having almost met" to "having just missed" and that was disappointing to say the least,
I couldn't believe how close, once again, I had come to not meet after traveling north, south, west and east,
The acquaintance asked me to stay at the party but I just wasn't in a festive mood,
But decided to stay for awhile because I didn't want to seem rude, and besides there looked like there is some really good food,
The acquaintance went to the window and said,  "Oh, dear, it looks like they are having some car trouble and they really are not that far from here,"
I bolted from the door running faster than I had ever ran before,
I think that I may have actually gotten here in time for us to meet,
Because I can see a stopped car far away down the street,
I think I have gone to "Plan B" which is kind of hard to do,
Because I didn't even have a plan one yet alone a plan two,
But like they say,"Rome wasn't built in one day",
And I think things are finally turning my way,
Whoops!! My feet are slipping.  On the street's loose gravel I am now tripping,
I am falling down.  My nose has hit hard on the ground,
The car, still in the distance, looks like it is starting to drive again,
I'll try to continue to run holding my injured nose with my hand.

Can the car be reached in time?  Is it too late to turn things around?  What is writen on the paper that was left behind from the fall and is now laying on the ground and being swept away with the wind?

To be continued........"We Almost Met At The Meeting"  a blog opera by Susan Pearl

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mar.14- "Precise Talk" By Susan Weigel

The people who talk on a two-way radio seem to have a precise talk,
"Yes" is an "Affirmative",
"No" is a "Negative",
I would need a precise word for "I don't know",
Or "It's just a guess" or "Can other people be hearing this"?
With all kidding aside, I think that when we speak we should talk in a precise way- that doesn't leave room for error or doubt,
To say what we mean and mean what we say- people will know precisely what we are talking about,
And clear and precise communication can be like a talent that opens a door,
Allowing us to have conversations with others whom we hadn't known before,
Precise and concise talk gets to the point without a lot of rambling on and on,
Precise talk gives more time for other things needing to be done,
And having more time is appreciated by everyone,
So the more time that having precise talk does give,
The more it becomes a "Yes", to live precise talk is an "Affirmative".

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mar. 13- "Ordinary and Extraordinary All In One" By Susan Pearl

We are ordinary people,
Who live in an ordinary house,
In an ordinary place,
With an extraordinary love in our heart,
And an extraordinary happiness to share and show,
With an extraordinary peace of mind by doing so.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Mar.12- "Recycled Riddle" By Susan Pearl

I remember being asked the riddle--- "What gets bigger the more you take away"?
The answer is "a hole".  The more dirt that is taken away from a hole the bigger the hole gets,
Sometimes, in life, I think the more time we take to dwell about things from the past ---the bigger those moments in the past becomes in our mind,
There are just some things we have to "stop" taking time for and not think about them anymore-- because these things can seem to get bigger and bigger to us in our mind as we take more and more time reliving them and dwelling on these past times.
And we sure don't want to fall in any deep holes as the recycled riddle shows,
And without a doubt we don't want to make a hole so deep that we can't get back out.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mar.10- "Truth" By Susan Pearl

"Truth" should be a constant quest for you and me,
 If we run from the "truth" we are not facing what we need to see,
Because the "truth" will make us have an awareness of what has to be,
To move us forward and towards "truth" for having a quality of life in a high degree.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Mar.9- "Opinions" By Susan Pearl

Everyone has a right to his or her own opinion,
Everyone has a right to dignity and respect,
What really is the best is when an individual opinion,
Is in line with the rights of dignity and respect for all,
Such opinions can go hand in hand,
In bringing freedom to a diverse land.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mar.8- "We Almost Met At The Meeting" Part 2 By Susan Pearl

I want so much to see if there are any messages from you texting me a greeting,
From when we were sitting side by side at the communications meeting,
But I have loaned the phone,
And just found out that the friend to whom I loaned the phone took the phone and is vacationing in Rome,
But no problem because I don't want this to turn into a game,
After all we sat side by side and I saw the seating name card with your name,
So now I will look for your name in the phone book,
And I have found it quickly on the first look,
So I am calling your number and will explain,
Why I am calling and how I got your name,
But your voice mail is telling me,
To leave a message because you are vactioning in Italy,
Could you have met my friend by texting me?
You deserve a relationship based on honesty,
So to find out I have called back your number again on the phone,
And left my name and number asking you to call me when you get home,
So, now, all this has become somewhat perplexing,
Because while I was wondering all this another friend was texting,
The text read,  "Did you hear about the soon to be wedding in Rome?
I guess it all started with a text message on a phone."
Now I can't let go,
Of wanting to know,
Could it be you and my friend are going to marry in Rome,
And did this romance all begin with a text message intended for me on a phone I loaned,
So to Rome I will fly,
A round trip ticket I will buy,
But as I was leaving for the trip and locking the door of my home,
I thought I heard the ringing of my phone,
I decided to let it ring and to let it be,
Because I may have a wedding to crash in Italy.

What will happen in Italy?  Who was on the phone?  Is this a wild goose chase or is a true love on the way?

My Blog Opeara continues----

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mar.7- "No Clue" By Susan Pearl

Isn't it something when certain people don't even have a clue,
They don't realize that you have changed or the things that you have gone through,
And they laugh at the looks of others and poke fun at what others say and others do,
But you aren't laughing along with them like you used to,
Nothing is wrong, you have moved on and these things are no longer funny to you,
Because what was funny before isn't funny any more and they don't even have a clue,
They still will poke fun at everyone and not know why it is no longer funny to you,
Isn't it something when certain people don't even have a clue and you do.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mar.6- "My Easy Chair And My Bed" By Susan Pearl

It seems like it is the simple things that mean so much,
I remember my dear friend when it was getting close to the end,
I remember these words said,
"I want so much to sit in my own easy chair and sleep in my own bed again,"
But it wasn't meant to be,
It just wasn't meant to be,
So whenever I sit in my own easy chair and sleep in my own bed,
I remember those words that were said and know how truly blessed I am.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Mar.5- "A No Go" By Susan Pearl

If someone said that he or she held the answer for me and for everyone,
I would not walk away,-----I would run,
For, in my opinion, no one person has all the answers for me and you,
But together, with all our best ideas for finding needed answers, somehow, we do.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mar. 3- "The Loose Cannon" By Susan Pearl

Being around a "loose cannon" causes more stress by causing a very real amount of uncertainty to be at hand,
Because no one knows just where, for sure, the projections or effects from the "loose cannon" will land,
It is like being with what can explode at any time or anywhere,
So whenever we have to be around a "loose cannon"---beware and stay aware of what is really there.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Mar.2, "Basics" By Susan Pearl

To take care of ourself first is not a selfish act,
It will keep us on track better and that is a fact,
We can't give to others what we don't have ourselves to give and it works like that,
Whenever we give more than what we have to give- it will catch up with us eventually,
So live the basics of taking care of ourself first- then we will have more to give unselfishly.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mar.1- "Blog Opera Explanation" By Susan Pearl

I wanted to add something new to my blog for the month of March.
I call it my--- continued on Thursdays---  "Blog Opera".
On the five Thursdays in March I hope to have a continuing romantic-comedy blog opera.
Hope you enjoy it.
The first blog opra is entitled, "We Almost Met At The Meeting" Part 1,
Thank you,
Susan Pearl

(To read the blog opera please read the other blog for March 1,2012)
I have posted two blogs for today. One blog is the explanation of the blog opera.
The other blog post for today is the blog opera.