My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Monday, October 31, 2016

" Peace Awareness " by Susan Pearl

When peace becomes the strength of our inner character core,
Then we are centered and anchored on an ever enduring rock strong shore-
Where no storm can pull us out into the mighty and raging sea,
Because the design of peace won't allow such tossing about it to be.
And this core endurance lasts past the storms that come and go,
     because we are aware and we know-
Storms are temporary and the feelings they arouse will not last,
Such feelings will leave--like storms-- they pass-
     sometimes they pass fast,
     sometimes they last longer but they do go away,
     and there will be the dawn of a better day.
With an awareness of a peace that is strong we stay calm.
"Peace" is the rock strong shore,
     and "peace awareness" is the center of our character core.

Monday, October 24, 2016

" Comparison is a Thief " By Susan Pearl

The expression "Comparison is a Thief" is relatively new to me,
I saw it for the first time last year on a sign for a home decoration,
There is something about that expression that makes me ponder--
     what does it mean?

It may mean something to me and not have that same meaning to others,
For instance:

I was thinking what do I compare the most.
The answer is that I compare how things are to how things used to be.
How can comparing the past to the present or
     comparing the present to the past be a thief?

I am older now and when I think what I can do now
      as to what I used to be able to do,
      I am comparing  the present to the past.
When I think how much I could do to how much I can do,
      I am comparing the past to the present.
It is a waste of time and that is what the thief means to me,
     comparison is a waste of time, 
     comparison steals our time.

We cannot ever get that lost time back.

The past is gone, things have moved on and changes have taken place,
So enjoy the party of today and not compare it to yesterday's party.

Comparison is a thief.
It steals our time and it can steal our joy of the day.

Comparing ourselves to others,
Comparing others to ourselves,
Once again,  a precursor to grief,
     because "Comparison is a Thief",

Comparison is a bad habit
     that keeps the spontaneity of the moment from happening.
It's like a stuck record repeating over and over again the same thing.
We have to retrain our brain to get out of the deep comparison groove
   and to do so is a very important and worthwhile move.
For we will hear the entire original song that is new each day
     and be in the moment of life that is unlike any other previous way.

Monday, October 17, 2016

" No More Hurt Feelings " by Susan Pearl

If I could tell others what the most recent lesson in life
   that I have learned,
It would be---
   "Don't let it hurt your feelings".

I have recently outgrown "my feelings being hurt",
It took awhile, almost a lifetime,
     and it did have some growing pains, too,
     but a realization has come to be-- that is new.

The "hurt feelings" bring me to live under the influence of others negative attitudes.
I cannot allow myself to be under the influence of others negativity anymore.
Because their negative opinion does not have the influence on me like it did before.

I think , "It doesn't bother me, I am fine,"
   and then I move forward with my "no more hurt feelings" state of mind.

We have to keep moving and not get caught
    or stay put in one place of thought.

I think that as we grow in faith, hope and love-
     these three will show
     what we need to know
     in finding what is good and true.
Leading us to know how loved we truly are,
     and believing it, too.

Knowing we are loved-- our feelings remain free,
     constantly, naturally, easily
     from being influenced by others negativity.

Having "hurt feelings" doesn't fit after outgrowing it,
And just like trying to wear outgrown shoes there does comes a time
     to leave some things behind.
Then the influence of others negativity will no longer be,
For we have grown comfortable with what is called "maturity".

Monday, October 10, 2016

" Thoughts About a Picture" by Susan Pearl

There is a picture of two beach chairs under a large umbrella by the ocean that truly intrigues me every time I see it.

The beach chairs are empty so naturally I wonder why.

Could it be that beach chairs are empty because they are awaiting us to come and relax on the beach?
(like an invitation for a future vacation)

Could it be that the beach chairs are being used but the two people are currently doing something else like a swim in the ocean or a walk on the beach?  This conveys to me that there are more things to do at a beach than just to relax.
(like an invitation to have even more to do than just relax)

An, finally, could it be that the scene is to remind of past times enjoyed on a vacation or time of relaxation and fun and somehow it is inviting us to take time to do these activities again.
(like another invitation)

Whatever it is, there is something about that picture that intrigues me and gives me pause whenever I see it.  It pulls me in and then invites me into thought and exceptional contemplation.. That is what art is supposed to do.

Monday, October 3, 2016

" Amidst it All " by Susan Pearl

Amidst it all: 
God's love holds us strong.
Amidst it all:
Faith and hope carry us on.

And with the changes taking place,
And with time and with grace,
A new peace comes to be,
That thankfully and humbly we can see-
Amidst it all.

It had been awaiting there for us to find,
And it took grace and it took time,
Amidst it all,
For us to live a life that isn't going to be the same,
And to accept the change,
We keep reestablishing this peace within,
Time and time again-
Amidst it all.