My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

#98 "Personal Thought" By Susan Pearl

Later this year I will be married for forty-five years,
It seems like more and more I think about my husband,
And about my life I have shared with him,
I think, "What a wonderful man,"
And then I think, "How blessed I am."

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

#97 "The Rut" By Susan Pearl

When we lived in the country it was obvious that road conditions played a big part in our daily comings and goings and safety in our travels.
One thing that reallly made travel difficult were deep ruts in the roads.
If the conditions were just right, like after a gentle rain, the road was easy to make ruts in with the vehicles.
However, if a big heavy truck would drive on the same road under the same conditions the ruts made by the big truck were incredibly deep.
And those were the ruts a person could easily get stuck in, get helplessly high centered, and have difficulty in the journey.
In fact, ruts of that degree really only allowed for the one way to get through and that was the way of  manuevering through the rough rut.
It was better to reroute our trips to avoid the deep ruts until the road was maintained to be smooth again.
So it is with life,
If the conditions are right an event can make a rut become a part of our daily routine conditions,
Also, the more tramatic and heavier the event the deeper the rut,
It is best to reroute our thoughts to avoid a thought pattern that can become stuck in a rut or have to constantly manuever through only one way of thinking,
Life is a journey and it is to our best interest to avoid getting stuck in a rut over and over again,
To reroute our thoughts for a better and smoother journey will keep our options and choices open and add to our quality of life.
Even though the rerouting may seem to take longer and be a longer way of doing things it will be less stressful, less difficult to handle, and less struggle for us to reach our destination and that will also add to our quality of life.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

#96 "How To Live In The Now" By Susan Pearl

We are told to "live in the moment" ---to live in the "now,"
But if we keep reliving the past, then how can this be done?
How can we be focused on the current happenings of a new day or even having fun?
Because being a prisoner of the past keeps us away from experiencing the current day,
Thoughts of the past can hold us away from being in the "now", the past is where we stay,
But to change our thoughts from living in the past to the new thinking of what we are doing right now,
Opens the way for us to escape from being a prisoner of the past and to be living in the "now"-- then somehow,
This new thinking unlocks a door,
And we are "now" free, we aren't held prisonser of the past like we were before,
This way of life gets easier with time,
And this way of life is there for each of us to find.

Monday, March 28, 2011

#95 "Right Speed" By Susan Pearl

When I was young I had a record player that could play threee different speeds of records,----78----45-and 33 1/3.
Once in awhile I would set the record speed to be too fast or too slow just to hear the unusual sound of the record.
It amazed me by just a trip of a switch the record became inaudible and that the melody and lyrics were changed so much that the song could almost be unrecognizable for listening.
The music just didn't make sense at the wrong speed.  Everything was there for a beautiful musical experience but it had to be played at the right speed.
Sometimes when life doesn't seem to make sense, and we know everything is there for a beautiful life maybe we need to alter our speed to be in line with our surroundings.
We have to take time to listen and make sure our internal speed matches our surroundings for the two to be in harmony and make beautiful music.
And we have to remember that just as the record speed needed to be changed according to each record maybe we have to change our speed as different settings and circumstances arise, otherwise, it will not make sense even though everything is there for it to work- it just won't because the speed doesn't match what is needed at that particular moment.
It is good to listen to life---and to make the frequent adjustments needed for clarity.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

#94 "In a Round About Way" By Susan Pearl

I got a lot done yesterday,
       in a round about way,
Even though I know,
       what I did doesn't show,
I'm glad it is done,
       and I know it will come back to me in the long run.
Like changing oil in the car can't be seen,
        like a wash and wax that makes the car look prestine,
But there are those things that have to be done,
And even though they don't show they will come back to us in the long run,
So in a round about way these things save us more work, no doubt,
And that is what the doing work in a round about way is all about.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

#93 "Freedom and Connection" By Susan Pearl

I have read that connection brings freedom,
I had thought the opposite to be true and that freedom is being free of all connections,
Connections bring with them limits and a binding hold that seems contrary to the thought of being free,
How can a person truly experiencing freedom be bound or tied to a connection?
But after some serious contemplation I have to agree that connection brings freedom,
The reason I say that is because of the logic and the fact this logic can be so readily applied to life,
For instance, a connection to one's self would bring freedom from the need of pleasing others,
A connection to morals and standards bring freedom from substance abuse and abusive settings whether they be pyhsical or emotional,
Connections bring freedom and it is a thought worth sharing and living in a practical daily way.

Friday, March 25, 2011

#92 "Easy" By Susan Pearl

I recently had a procedure done and it was easy,
I decsribed how easy it was to others by saying,
"The procedure was so easy it was  like a 'walk in the park' while having a 'piece of cake'."
Then I thought it may be a little hard to eat 'a piece of cake' while having a 'walk in the park',
So I have just decided to say the procedure was a 'piece of cake',
Now that is an easy procedure for sure.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

#91 "Special Place" By Susan Pearl

Where does the past go---is there a place that it could be?
Like today, where has the past gone for you and for me?
Is it somewhere to be found but only in memory?
I think the past is held in a special place, and that special place is called "Mercy."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

#90" "Dead End Logic" By Susan Pearl

Whenever I keep coming to the same dead end,
And I keep coming to it over and over again,
I know it is time for me to try a new avenue,
And maybe bypass the dead end and find the way through,
Taking me to where I hope I could be,
I change my way to find the best for me,
And changing my ways is something only I can do,
So it's up to me to be at the same dead end or to find the new way through.

Monday, March 21, 2011

#89 "Territory Statement" By Susan Pearl

At a public meeting several people expressed their disapproval of a decision that the "Decison Makers" had made.  The "Decision Makers" were present at the meeting to answer questions and to hear the comments.
After the meeting I approached one of the "Decision Makers" to tell that I agreed with the decision and ask that how can the "Decision Makers" take such heat from an angry crowd.
The "Decision Maker" smiled and said, "It comes with the territory."
I then realized that we have to know what comes with the territory we occupy.
We have to face the responsibilities of the positions of authority we choose to serve and represent.
Being ready and able to stand up to defend the decisions we make comes with the territory.
The underlying reasoning for decisions should be for the safety and for the good of all.
Such certain decision making responsibilities come with certain territories.
As I was told, "It comes with the territory," -and the person occuping the territory has to know he or she will be held accountable.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

#88 "I Didn't Know" by Susan Pearl

I didn't know at he time that my childhood friend was dying,
I can still see her cherub like face and blonde ringlets hair,
Beautiful big blue eyes and a smile that was ever present,
As a child of eight years old I didn't think anything about playing only indoors at her house,
We played jacks by the hours, even made it to 'around the moon' with our jacks expertise,
Then one day her parents told me she wasn't able to play,
I noticed that as I walked home from school she would look out at me from her upstairs bedroom as I walked by the front of their house,
She was in bed and smiled and waved,
I would stop on the sidewalk and entertain her by doing an old soft shoe,
Or a fake trip to stumble and catch my balance,
She laughed and we would wave,
One day she was gone, then the curtains were drawn,
Mother sat me down and told me she had passed away,
I just didn't know, I didn't know,
The family moved away but I remember her to this day.
Oh, the innocence of childhood.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

#87 "Trust" by Susan Pearl

When I was young and someone would have asked me what I thought the opposite of "fear" would be,
I qould have quickly answered  that the opposite of "fear"  is "courage'  or "bravery",
Now, that I am older I think that "trust" is the opposite of "fear".
It is a trust that I have or will have the strength to do whatever is required of me at the exact time I am asked  to do so,
In my opinion, it is a trust that whatever I need will be there whenever and at the exact moment I need it,
And that these needs may be met in the form of the talents of others or an unexpected opportunity or maybe having to have the grace needed to accept failure and in knowing the fact that the very best was done at the time.
"Trust" plays a big part in the counteraction of "Fear",
And to the degree of that trust will be the degree of courage and the degree of bravery.

Friday, March 18, 2011

#86 "Quick Fix" by Susan Pearl

A person made this comment to me once "Change the environment---change the person".
I have thought about that comment and I have the opinion that we have two kinds of environment--internal enviorment and external environment.
Both environments are equallly important.
We have seen people suddenly become wealthy and that would be a large change of external environment.  Some have done well and some went back to their orginal less wealthy environment.
We have seen people who through tragedy or disaster have had a change in external environment and yet through the strength of their character managed to adjust and find a new place of comfort and productivity.
We have seen people have a quick make over--a quick fix--but it didn't last long.
In my opinion the internal environment, the self esteem, the confidence, the moral values have to be in place for the external environment change to last.
Otherwise, it is only going to be a "quick fix" and won't last long.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

#85 "Pairs" by Susan Pearl

Some people and some things come in pairs,
When you see one you ususally see the other--like salt and pepper,
I think when it comes to 'discipline' -  'discipline' is paired with 'limits',
When you see discipline you will, also, see limits,
Discipline and limits are a true pair that go 'hand in hand' everywhere.
I think healthy people have limits and I think a healthy society has limits.
So healthy people and a healthy society will have discipline,
If discipline is there -- so will be limits,
If limits are there -- so is discipline,
A healthy way of life can be a strength to be built upon,
That withstands being able to function throughout a multitude of times and situations.
The pair-'Discipline' and 'Limits'- go together--when you see one you see the other, too,
Fiscal discipline will have spending limits - this principled 'pair' can be applied to many areas of life that occur each day.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

#84 " Remebering--"No Man Is An Island" " by Susan Pearl

In the 1960's our high school choir sang the song "No Man is an Island".  We got an 'one rating' at the district competition singing the song.  The words of the song impressed me very much and I loved singing it.
With the recent tragedy of suffering in Japan, and knowing Japan is an island, I have recalled the song, "No Man is an Island" that gave such a lasting impression to me so very many years ago.
I found the song on U Tube being sung by the SNU Choir.
It is well worth a person's time to view this video of the choir singing "No Man is an Island" and to consider the words of this beautiful song and its' timeless message.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

#83 "People Who Inspire" By Susan Pearl

People who inspire others are "true' inspirations" if they activate an ability in others to see his or her own potential  and ability to achieve a dream and to look inside themselves for the dream to come true.
The difference is that some show how great they are,
While others show how great we can become,
And it is exciting to see them not because of seeing their dream come true,
But because they show us to believe that our dream can come true, too,
And instead of seeing how great they are we see how great we ourselves are,
That is a "true inspiration" to bring others to believe they can do great things,
Some people show how great they are, others show how great we can be,
Those who truly inspire bring out the best in you and me.

Monday, March 14, 2011

#82 "Tasks and Tools" By Susan Pearl

Ceartain tasks call for certain tools, 
Some of these tools become so big that these tools enter the category of specialized equipment,
Certain skills are required,
No one person can do it all but together we can.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

#81 "Wasted Energy" By Susan Pearl

In our home we try not to waste water or electricity.
It is something we do autmatically as we wouldn't think of having water needlessly running from the faucet, or to leave lights on or electronic equipment on when no one is in the room,
It is very easy to do this as we wouldn't want to waste the resources.
This preferred way of "not wanting to waste" can, also, be applied to our thoughts,
Whenever we think,
----What could have been,
----What would have been,
----What should have been,
We can interupt those thoughts with knowing--
The more we dwell at the wishing well of things that can not be,
The more we should realize that it is a waste of our time and a waste of our energy.
And our time and energy are limited resources, too,
So "not wanting to waste" these resourses gives them a true and meaningful value.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

#80 "Good Advice" By Susan Pearl

A wonderful insightful man lived in our area for a few years,
He brought his own lifetime of experences into many conversations,
He was a jolly man with a good sense of humor,
It seemed like he could see remarkable things in settings and situations that I would not have seen,
After I had gone through a very trying time and I told the man that by knowing him I had tried to think positive because I thought that is what he would  have told me to do,
He said that he wouldn't  have said that but instead he would have told me "To take one thing at a time and not to get ahead of myself."
He moved away shortly after that but to this day whenever I feel overwhelmed I remember his words, "To take one thing at a time-and- to concentrate on what I am doing at that moment -and- to not get ahead of myself with my thoughts."
It has become a new way of life for me and it is a good and very positive way of life for me, too.

Friday, March 11, 2011

#79 "Anti-Bullying Perspective" An Essay By Susan Pearl

Many years ago an afternoon "talk show" had a special guest for the show.  She was a young successful model who had now reached movie star stature.  The host of the "talk show" seemed apologetic as he posed the first question to ask her.

The host started the question by stating that he thought he already knew the answer to his question since the guest was only 22 years old but he was going to ask it anyway--so the host then asked, "If you had your life to live over is there anything you would do different?"  The host and the audience were absolutely stunned when the guest answered the question by saying, "Yes, there is something I would do different."

The host, in dismay, said he was surprised at her answer because she was so successful at such a very young age what could it possibly be that she would have done differently. 

The guest composed herself and then explained that when she was in high school there was a very small boy in her class.  She said he was constantly teased and bullyed for being small. She swallowed hard as she went on to tell that in band class the teacher had been called away and the students were suppose to go ahead and practice.  Several class bullies took the small classmate and locked him in a base guitar case.  He stayed in the base guitar case throughout the entire class period.  The bullies let him out at the end of the class.  She then went on to tell that the experence was so humiliating for the small boy that he committed suicide that same evening.  The guest then began to cry.

The host of the "talk show" was caught off guard by the guest sobbing and her sadness.  The host leaned forward and asked, "So what would you have done different?"

The beautiful young actress wiped her eyes and answered in an emotionally trembling voice, "I would have let him out.  If I had my life to live over I would have let him out."

Her grief and regret were real and to this day I remember how moved I felt by her sincere sorrow.

To bully and humiliate another caryy far outreaching consequences for these disrespectful actions. It not only effects the peace of mind of the victim being bullied but also it can take away the peace of mind of those witnessing the bullying.  Sometimes this loss of peace of mind can last an entire lifetime and become harder to bear as time passes. Because with time there comes a true realization of how precious life and how very meaningful actions for the good for all can be. Bullying comes with a very high price of regret that is often paid for day after day with emotional currency.

It is best to stop bullying by not having it be accepted.  A change in people's hearts needs to take place and it can with time and an anti-bullying grace of perception.  Such a perception would reveal that "all" of the students of that band class were locked in a "case of fear" that day.  Then later they would be locked into a "case of regret".  The students who witnessed the terrible humiliation of a classmate that day will forever regret not coming to his aid.  Bullying causes so much emotional distress, pain, so much loss for so many for so long.  An anti-bullying grace would change the perspective that any type of bullying is not an acceptable behavior because such actions have terrible consequences.  Inflicting pain upon another should never be considered fun for anyone.

This "talk show" I viewed was on television probably fifty years ago.  When I see the reports and interviews on televion today about bullying I see that same pain, hurt and regret.  Bullying is still locking people into "cases".  I remember her words that day, "I would have let him out."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

#78 "Time Markers" By Susan Pearl

The older I get the more I mark time in my mind by the presence of the people I know or the absence of the people whom I have known.  The meeting of someone is a marker in time and, also, the losing of someone is a time marker.  The older I get the more time markers I have.  I remember dates of years by remembering who was there or not there.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

#77 "Beautiful Saying" By Susan Pearl

One of the most beautiful sayings that I have ever read goes like this:
"I love the life I live and live the life I love",
Whoever thought of this saying did us all a favor because it says so much in so few words.
A person can subsistute the word "love" with another word,like,
"I enjoy the life I live and live the life I enjoy", or,
"I respect the life I live and live the life I respect".

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

#76 "Rain Of Pain" By Susan Pearl

Running after pain, for if the pain gets ahead of us and we begin to chase the pain,
It is like running after the sun in a hard downpour of rain,
The sun is hidden from us to find so there is nothing to gain to run after what will only come with time,
Meanwhile we believe that even in the rain there will be a time when we will once again feel the sunshine,
To stay ahead of the pain takes the skill of learning to cope and wait for things to pass and rearrange,
Staying ahead of the pain is learning how to to live a life with the things we can not change,
Then somehow the sun starts shining again,
And it happened without having to run after the pain in the downpouring rain.


Monday, March 7, 2011

#75 "Having a Lot" Susan Pearl

I have heard there are two kinds of people--"the haves and the have nots",
I have also been told there are two other kinds of people--"the givers and the takers",
Both of these espressions are to convey differences,
And make an effort to show or illustrate how vast these differences can be,
I think people are more of a combination of giving and taking,
Also if a person has love that person has something that money can't buy,
Food on the table, a roof over our head and clothes on our back is all we really need,
That is having provision for the day, and should be appreciated because it is having a lot.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

#74 "Life's Road" By Susan Pearl

Having a journey on the the road of life is comparable to going down an actual road,
The scenery will keep changing as with life which also keeps changing,
Also being watchful for extremes gives a journey a certain amount of discernment,
Because any traveling on the extreme right or the extreme left of the road will bring the risk of falling off,
It is best to travel life's road more so in the middle of the road,
Realizing that the broader the road is, the more extreme the edges will be,
And it is best for us to be safer and more sure footed as we travel our jouney in life,
Extremes will be on both sides of us at all times, but how close we get to either exteme edge is up to us.  

Saturday, March 5, 2011

#73 "One Place" by Susan Pearl

We all know we can only be at one place at a time,
But in this fact there may be a bigger picture for us to find,
And then we will know when to say,  "I can't do this scene,
Because it will take me away form my dream,
For I can't be two places at the same time,
It's one place or the other-- and the decision is mine."

Friday, March 4, 2011

#72 "The Brilliant Broadcaster" By Susan Pearl

I remember an interview with a brilliant broadcaster, 
Even though the interview was many years ago I can still apply the information shared about the daily reporting of the news,
A question had been asked of the daily news broadcaster as to why the news reports were of bad news or what was going wrong instead of good news and what was right,
The broadcaster told that there is such a limited amount of time to report the news and it would be impossible to list all the cats who were back home safe at the end of the day--so the news is to report the one missing cat.
So when I listen to the news I remember there are many, many things going right, too, that day-- and even though the reports may be of what is wrong-- time restraints make news reporting to be that way.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

#71 "The Thought Eviction" By Susan Pearl

Living in the past is not the place to be,
In fact, at times, it can imprison me,
And when I notice others who live in that imprisoned state,
And I hope they can get out before it's too late,
Because we can train our brain to go to certain places and the past is one of those places,
And the more we let our mind go there the easier it will become until it fills the mind's ultimate automatic spaces,
And once living in the past becomes an automatic thing to do,
We have to retrain our brain and not allow past thoughts to come through,
So it is like sending an eviction notice to these thoughts that they can no longer occupy our mind like before,
Then we won't try to make our life fit around these thoughts any more,
And these thoughts are not welcome to come back back again,
Because if they do our retrained brain will simply not let them in.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

#70 "Fleeting" By Susan Pearl

Seeing a fleeting butterfly is like having a fleeting thought about a memory of recall,
Sometimes just a quick unexpected glimpse captures it all,
A glimpse of a past moment in our living a life span,
Then quickly fleeting it goes and we are back to our present work at hand.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

#69 "One Friend" By Susan Pearl

I have heard that for every one thousand acquaintances we know, there will be but one true friend,
So to have one true friend is like finding a gem that gives our life many treasured facets time and again.