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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

OCT.17- "My Told And Taught Blog" By Susan Pearl

This is a very special day-
This is my 500th blog!

The reason why I blog the way I blog,

I was "told" I have a talent for writing,
I was "taught" to share my talent,
And that I should freely share my talent,
Because my talent was freely given to me.

And that is why I blog the way I do,
I have taken what I have been told,
And I have taken what I have been taught,
Put them together and "surprise"- believe it or not,
My "Pearls take Time" blog is what I got.

Hope it is enjoyed by many,

Thank you,
Susan Pearl

I will be taking a blog break to celebrate and reread my 500 blogs.
Hope these 500 past blogs are read and enjoyed by others, too.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Oct.16- "Currents" By Susan Pearl

The current of a stream, the current of a river, the current of the ocean,
Even though swimming against the current may be more than twice as hard,
And swimming against the current may take more than twice as long,
There are times in life when we must swim against the current,
Because to hold our own when swimming in a stream or river,
May keep us where we ought to be,
And keep us from being swept away and out into the currents of the sea,
Where the currents would be much stronger and to a higher degree.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Oct.15- "Repeated Kindnesses" By Susan Pearl

What if a person would forget everything he or she ever knew,
And each time that person entered the same room everything seemed brand new,
That's the way it was described to me by a person while this difficulty was being gone through,
Saying to me, "Everything just seems so new ---every time, too, and who are you"?
In this setting may we be surrounded by the kindness of others whose assistance for us they repeatedly do.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Oct.12- "Combination Moments" By Susan Pearl

One word is spoken at a time,
One word is written with one letter at a time,
The connection of single units upon single units forming specific combinations,
Combinations of single units linking combinations of single units,
Combination moments brought together by many distinct single units,
By doing one thing at a time we contribute to building combination moments,
When these individual units of good efforts keep coming together over and over again,
Then combination moments for harmony and peace are beginning to blend,
And all the hard work that has been put in,
Has made combinations that are in line to win.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oct.10- "Uncertainty Is A Certainty" By Susan Pearl

We don't know for sure what a day will bring,
Sometimes we say, "same old thing",
But when it is all said and done,
We really don't know what exactly what will come,
Day by day, uncertainty is a certainty that we can not erase,
Because anyone can trip while running a race,
And we can lose any trace while giving chase,
Some days tears of joy will come with fun to embrace,
Other days sorrowful tears may stream down our face,
For uncertainty is a certainty that we can not erase,
We should truly have hope for things to go well,
But what the day actually brings only time will tell.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Oct.9- "Waste Not Thought" By Susan Pearl

If I don't eat the large portion of food that was served---it will go to waste,
If I do eat it---it will go to my waist,
Waste not or waist not are both worth the thought,
But fortunately my own container for leftovers I have brought.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Oct.8- "Inconsistancy" By Susan Pearl

Clean dishes kept in a dirty cupboard,
Does this defeat the purpose?
"How dirty?", one may ask,
"Filthy-Very Bad", the response tells,
Yes, then it does defeat the purpose of cleanliness,
The purpose is defeated by such a double standard,
A purpose has to be consistant and true to standards from beginning to end,
Once a purpose is compromised it can no longer be counted on for integrity,
So once the purpose is compromised and breaks a principle that is known to be true,
The purpose then can not fulfill what it was originally intended to do.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Oct.5- "Examination Preparation" By Susan Pearl

When a person takes an examination it is good to prepare each day as best as person can,
Keeping the upcoming examination in mind and learning the new things to understand,
And I think each day preparing for a personal examination of conscience is by doing what a person has learned to be true,
For the good of all---not only good for me but good for you, too,
And having a personal examination of conscience is just as important as any other examination a person could do,
When a person's conscience is clear and know "for the good of all" they have done their best,
Then they have past, with flying colors, the examination of conscience test.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oct.4- "The Have To -Or -The Want To" By Susan Pearl

A wise person told me that with time I will know the "have to" relationships and the "want to" relationships in my life towards others and, also, others towards me.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Oct 3- "Comedy Lament" By Susan Pearl

Sometimes I think that comedy has gone off of the track,
And I wish that good comedy could come back,
I grew up with comedy like Lucille Ball,
Good comedy lifts a person's spirits because it is so funny and filled with lots of laughter , too,
It makes wonderful memories that lasts for years and later a person enjoys to recall,
And sometimes may even bring another laugh by just thinking about it all,
Sometimes, now, I think we laugh at things that shouldn't be laughed at,
But we laugh to be polite even though it may be a rude or a mean comment,
This makes me miss the comedy I used to know,
Oh, what I wouldn't give for that kind of the fun again in a good comedy show.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

Oct.1- "Pockets Of Rain" By Susan Pearl

The weatherman said, "Pockets of rain",
Can a pocket of rain in thin air be contained?
I've heard "Spotty rains", "Scatttered showers" and a "Slight chance",
"Probable", "Possible" and "Occasional within a certain distance",
"Pockets of rain" seem to be more for dress decor,
Because-on jeans, shirts, some skirts and on coats are what pockets are for,
Yet, it is a fact that the weatherman knows more about the weather than me,
And if he wants to call it "pockets of rain" -than "pockets of rain" it will be.