My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Feb.29- "Leap Year" By Susan Pearl

Today is leap year,  February 29th, 2012,
So here is my leap year blog,

Let's leap into the month of March and march our way through,
Keeping in step with the good and wonderful things we can do.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Feb. 28- "Good Ol' Days" By Susan Pearl

Some people say they wish they could live back in the "good ol' days",
But just because those days were good for some doesn't mean they were good for everyone,
So we should remind ourselves how far, for the good of all, that we have come,
And we have to try with all our heart to show others the kindness we have been shown,
And tell others about the love and hard working, tireless efforts we have known,
Because so much sacrifice has been done to make a better way for us today,
And the dear parts of the 'good ol' days' do remain and by passing them on to others causes them to stay in some sort of way,
And the "good ol' days" live on for a new time to see a more selfless love and true goodwill for all to be.
Then the "good ol' days" has been pased on to a new generation to recall their own "good ol' days" when they were shown sincere and dear efforts for the good of all.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Feb.27 -"Game Times" By Susan Pearl

When our family and friends get together they like to play a memory game,
The game can go on and on,
And it is a lot of fun,
But I really can't remember who won.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Feb.25- "Technology Table Talk" By Susan Pearl

During their dinner date he asked,
"Is rust
   on lettuce
She responded after a quick sip from her coffee cup,
"I think I know but give me a minute and I will look it up."

Friday, February 24, 2012

Feb.24- "Sowing Seeds" By Susan Pearl

So many seeds of discord have been sown,
And some of these seeds have become wind blown,
And discord is coming into areas where it has not been seen before.

So many seeds of peace have been sown,
And some of these seeds have become wind blown,
And peace is coming into areas where it has not been seen before.

So let us sow seeds of peace each day of our life,
In hopes the peace will take root instead of discord and strife,
Let us also cast seeds of peace to the wind,
And may they blow and grow where discord has been,
Bringing a harvest of lasting peace to the people once again.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Feb.23- "Keeping It Real" By Susan Pearl

Realizing and accepting that life has uncertainty, probability and no guarantee,
Should eliminate the unrealistic expectation that we know for sure what will be.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Feb. 22- "Our Standing Ovation" By Susan Pearl

For you and me, --we hear the music of a symphony,
A symphony of life that will play each day sometimes very soft, sometimes very loudly,
And we become absolutely enthralled,
By the beauty of it all,
With many standing ovations given as the symphony plays,
Expressing how grand life is in such a multitude of ways.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Feb. 21- Anchor Of Hope" By Susan Pearl

I like old pictures and I remember an explanation of an anchor that was told to me when I was a child,
I was told that the anchor in a certain picture represented hope,
The anchor was a symbol of hope,
The ship is anchored during a storm with the hope that it will not be tossed about in the storm,
The anchor sybolized that hope is an anchor in life to keep us from being tossed about in the storms of life,
Now that I am older I can see hope as an anchor in other ways,
When the vessel lowers the anchor it is in hope that there will be a good catch to be found in the sea,
An anchor is lowered and divers dive deep in waters with the hope to find a pearl of great value and quality,
But some hopes are not meant to be,
Hope is an anchor in our life which keeps us believing good results are possible to achieve in unknown circumstances,
Once in awhile an anchor can become caught on something below and is no longer able be lifted from what is now holding the anchor to be stuck,
So there are times when we have to cut anchor that has gotten caught because we must stay free on life's sea,
But cutting an anchor doesn't mean that hope is gone,
It means that we will carry a new anchor of hope in our vessel as through life we venture and travel on.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Feb.20- "First Things First" By Susan Pearl

When I was growing up I was taught that charity begins at home,
And that it is hypocritical to do for others while neglecting our own.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Feb.18- "Mind Over Matter" By Susan Pearl

What really is "mind over matter"?
To some if they don't mind, then, to them, it really doesn't matter,
But if it matters to you then it should matter to me,
And I should hear your plea,
Because if the frame set of our minds is stronger than what is in the way,
It can be a mighty force for good and address the important matters of each day.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Feb.17- " My Counting Fats Refrain" By Susan Pearl

Now that I am trying to lose the weight that I have twice regained,
I have made up a little "Counting Fats" refrain:
Too many fats that go down the hatch,
Will find a way to stay and attach.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Feb.16- "Wanting The Best" By Susan Pearl

I appreciate the people in my life who want me to be all that I can be,
People who know that it will be to my best interest and they want that for me,
And others will benefit ,too, if I live a life to the best of my ability,
They have taught me to believe that all of this can be a real possibility.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Feb.15- "Nice and Not So Nice" By Susan Pearl

With money it's nice to regain any losses,
But it sure isn't that way to regain any weight losses,
One is nice, the other is- not so nice,
And that's why I have to lose the same weight twice.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Feb.14- "Hope And Double Joy" By Susan Pearl

Hope your day is filled with happiness,
And good times surround you along with the people you love,
Double bouquets of best wishes are being sent your way,
Joy upon joy to bring wonderful moments for memories that will stay.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Feb.13- "Time And Life" By Susan Pearl

Time and life can show us the truth about others plus the times in life will equally help,
To show not only the truth about others but, also, show us the truth about ourself,
Applying these truths can add up fast,
Giving to us what will last after certain times in life have past.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Feb.11- "Strength and Weakness" By Susan Pearl

I've heard that we are as strong as our weakest link,
And that a mighty vessel with one small leak can sink,
But sometimes it is best to concentrate on our strengths instead of what is weak,
And by taking a strength and making it stronger and stronger can bring a winning streak,
Because our special strength will put us in a league of our own,
And this strength may open an opportunity to become well known,
But no matter where our strengths take us,
Or how well known they make us, we should, also, think,
That we are as strong as our weakest link,
And a mighty vessel with one small leak can sink.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Feb.10- "Quality Of Life Wishes" By Susan Pearl

Look around, look around--what do you see?
I hope you see some opportunities,
And that you can keep and build upon the efforts and abilities you have attained,
And the strengths that you have now I hope that they can be maintained,
I hope you have choices and can select what you like best to have and to do,
And I hope you have support systems in place to help and encourage you.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Feb.9- "Real Sure" By Susan Pearl

Swimming is a repetition of the same motions done over and over again,
Repetitious motions are often needed to put distance between us and from where we begin,
So much of life is an effort to go through the consistant repetitive motions from beginning to end,
And from where we were to where we are now will show us as to how far the distance has been,
The repetative motions done over and over again bring us in the direction we want to go then,
So we have to be real sure that it is in the right direction that these repetitious motions are done in,
Of course, there are times to rest and relax, also, that's true,
But if we are in over our heads there is only one thing we can do,
And that is to start repetitious motions to put some distance between us and what is pulling us in,
And these repetitious motions should keep us afloat until we can get on solid ground again.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Feb.8- "How Far Is Far" By Susan Pearl

When looking ahead how far is far?
In bad weather a person should be able to see the hood of the car,
Then on a clear day a person can see the road perfectly,
On a winding road a person can not see around the bend,
Going uphill limits a person from seeing very far ahead,
How "far" sometimes is up to chance,
And it just depends on the circumstance.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Feb.7- "Bridges Are Nouns" By Susan Pearl

Looks like a bridge to me,
Looks like a bridge to me,
Looks like a bridge to me,
Looks like a bridge to me,
Looks like a bridge to me,

A bridge is like a link extention to futher a connection to where we want to be,
Such links are needed to leave behind areas and bring us to receive,
The areas of faithfulness and hopfulness and lovingness we believe and desire to achieve.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Feb 6- "Contradiction" By Susan Pearl

No one likes being contradicted especillay while speaking,
But yet some people are their own contradiction,
What they say and what they do are two different things,
Following  a contradiction is being led by fiction,
A contradiction can help us see what we need to know,
And even show us at times the best way to go,
So we do not become a contradiction,
And live a life of what is real and not fiction.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Feb.5-"From Bare To Breathtaking" By Susan Pearl

From bare to breathtaking became the tree following the snow,
The snow laden branches are hanging lower now like trying to take a bow,
Giving a picturesque beauty to behold in the cold,
Taking full strength of the tree's bough to support the pose, oh, so quiet and still, a sight of suspended  elegance to thrill,
Then comes a whimsical wind, brushing off the snow, like white fairy dust it swirls and twirls to the snow covered ground only to blend in,
And there stands the bare tree waiting to be dressed and undressed again,
I love seeing the beauty that will come and go,
While looking outside my kitchen window.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Feb.4- "Parade Placement" By Susan Pearl

A better plan has been made,
I don't have to march behind the animals in the next parade.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Feb.3- " An Unbreakable Love" By Susan Pearl

I recall they had a drawn picture of a diamond heart on their wall,
They explained to me the picture had a special meaning that they wanted me to see,
I learned the diamond is the hardest and strongest of all gems, and the heart symbolizes "love",
The diamond represented being too strong to break, therefore, "unbreakable"- and the diamond being in the shape of a heart represented "love" -- so, the two, together, meant an "unbreakable love",
I still recall that drawn picture of a diamond heart on their wall,
As to who drew the picture of the heart shaped gem I think it was one of them,
It must have been a special gift to show the special love they knew,
A picture of their unbreakable love that one of them so lovingly drew,
A drawn picture of a diamond heart that related what words could not say,
The drawing was a priceless gift showing their unbreakable love in a very special way.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Feb.2- "The Caught Thought" By Susan Pearl

Thoughts should be free and not be caught like being held in a vise grip,
Otherwise thoughts may be caught and held by the grip of a vice.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Feb.1- "Falling Gracefully" By Susan Pearl

Can we call a somersault a graceful fall, or not?
If we can call a somersault a graceful fall,
Then we should learn how to fall gracefully,
All I know is that when falling we should tuck and roll,
We all have times when we shall fall,
And doing a somersault does not seem like a fall at all,
So why not do a somersault?
Then when we fall it could be very graceful,
Because we have learned how to tuck and roll,
Yes, I think we can call a somersault a graceful fall after all.