My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Monday, September 26, 2016

"Time to Listen" by Susan Pearl

I remember well when a lady explained to me that not only does a lighthouse have a light for warning, but, it also has a very loud foghorn.
She said that when it was foggy the lighthouse would sound the foghorn and she said it was fierce for those living close but the sound could be heard from a distance for safety to others.
Another time I remember being shown that a shepherd will use his shepherd staff and tap the rocks to show the sheep where he is when they can not see him.
The sheep will hear the sound and know where to go.
The reason I am writing this is to say that there are times when we just have to listen for direction.

To listen is a wonderful part of our journey because we truly will know and recognize the moment we hear the direction for us to go when needed at certain points in our life.

It will be familiar to us.

Sometimes the sound can be a warning such as in the case of a foghorn.
Sometimes the sound can be comforting such as in the sound of a shepherd staff tapping on a rock.
There are so many different circumstances and settings that-
 sometimes, all we can do is to "listen" for direction.

It will come.
Meanwhile, all we have to do is to go about our life and listen.  We will know and recognize the direction we should go when we hear it.

Monday, September 19, 2016

"Trust and Respect " by Susan Pearl

I think that trust and respect go hand and hand,
      and lasting relationships are built on them. (respect and trust)

"Trust" and "Respect" go hand in hand,
I have been told that the most supreme form of respect is "Reverence"-
     and such "Reverence" is only to be given to God. 
God alone is worthy and deserving of our highest reverence.
God is true and faithful and we can "Trust in God"
    and we can trust in God's love for us and in His goodness and mercy.
He has proven His faithfulness and love in an utmost and true way,
     and He alone is deserving of our utmost respect and trust each day.

We can greet each day trusting God will meet the need of each day,
     and know the peace of God that shows by faith a kind and meaningful way.
We have reverence for God and we trust in God.
His love has, does and will prevail and His compassions will  not fail.


Monday, September 12, 2016

" No Contest " by Susan Pearl

People who see and appreciate every day the richness and fullness of life,
     live enriched full lives each day.

The small and simple things in life are truly the best,
     and they are free to you and free to me without winning any contest.
Like the stars at night are there for all of us to see
     with the richness and fullness of their special beauty.
Sunrises and sunsets and even twilights, too,
     are given to everyone the same with a wonderment of colors so true.
And a lovely full moon, the sound of a whippoorwill,
     wild flowers growing on the side of a hill-

The small and simple things in life are truly the best,
     and they are free to you and free to me without winning any contest.

Life is rich and life is full and it is there for all of us to see,
An enriched and a full life for each of us can truly be.
Without any contest for any of us to have to win,
It is "simply" seeing life through the eyes of appreciation.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

" Keep Giving " by Susan Pearl

"Keep" and "Give" does sound like opposites.
But---  REALLY----the words-  "Keep" and "Give"- work together for a consistent and constant source of an ongoing, steady, reliable resource.

One meaning of the word "keep"is the word "maintain".

"Maintain" is a very important part to continue an ability to make efforts for the good of all.

"Maintain Giving"------
"Keep Giving" ------

Such as:
Keep giving your best and take pride in what you do.
Keep giving your love with faith and sharing your hope for the best.
Keep giving time for just yourself each day and stay refreshed and renewed.
Keep giving your respectful opinion for the benefit and dignity of all.
Keep giving life opportunities to show how good it can be and the beauty it holds.
Keep giving encouragement with kindness.----

     Today and every day I would like to " keep giving " encouragement.
         So, it is my sincere hope for those who need encouragement that they know-    
     They are not alone and that God loves them very much-
God will keep giving the grace to meet the every need of each day
        and step by step He will guide and show the way.