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My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Monday, December 28, 2015

" Slanted Rain " By Susan Pearl

The steady slanted rain is lit up by a street light,
As I'm looking out through a window into the night,
Restful and relaxing thoughts begin coming to mind,
And within myself a peaceful place I gently find.
This "non judgmental" place is where I want to live,
Knowing the calm tranquility that only such a place can give,
The steady slanted rain lit up by the street light is a relaxing thought to me,
And I call on it often no matter how stressful a day or night can be.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

"The Garden Hall"

Uncle Nick's sweet corn had a flavor all of its own,
Popping with juicy tastiness, it was delicious because it was garden grown,
And with Aunt Anne's fresh picked and sliced tomatoes not much more was needed to make a meal,
I remember sitting at their table and I remember the special love I would feel.

They enjoyed seeing others enjoying their labor of love by sharing and giving their best that could possibly be,
And these kind memories are the ones that stand out amongst all of the rest to me,
I wish there could be a big "Garden Hall" so everyone from everywhere could come bringing their best efforts and share them for the good of all,
And enjoy seeing what their labors of love have done to benefit everyone for years and years to come,
By giving the best that could possibly be,
Like it was given to me.

In appreciation for all the good things that have been done for me throughout my lifetime by others....big or small I appreciate them all.  Thank You.
Susan Pearl