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My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Nov.30- "Taking Pride" By Susan Pearl

I am so proud of the pride that people take in so many ways,
Taking pride and giving their best makes for living responsible days,
Doing a good job and with integrity doing things to the letter,
Makes for a setting of maintaining what is good and can even make things better,
Which is called an improvement,
Because with taking pride the great challenges can be met,
Taking pride does not rest,
And I know right now there are people giving their very best.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Practical Ways To Dream" By Susan Pearl

Personal Note-this blog is part of my ongoing
 "Keeping it Real" series of writings that I frequently blog about.
 Thank You.                                      

Oh, reality versus fantasy,
Oh, the facts we know for sure versus only feelings leading to visions of grandeur,
So if we have a dream that sometimes only we can see,
There are guidelines for being practical with what we wish to be,
And basing our dream on facts keeps things practical while becoming a reality,
But a dream based on only feelings has anxiety and a constant risk of calamity,
And that's difficult to take day after day,
It's less stress to dream in practicle ways,
For no one knows for certain what the future will be,
And that fact is a guideline for keeping things in reality.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Nov.28-"Different Seasons-Same Peace" By Susan Pearl

They say for everything there is a season,
And some say there could even be a reason,
Because in life there is so much that we can understand,
and those new discoveries can to be found right at hand,
That's why we try, and try, and try again,
To understand what was, at one time, beyond our grasp,
with one discovery leading to another discovery filling in each gap,
Until a crossway seems to appear before us from out of somewhere,
Allowing us to go beyond what we had ever known before and finding a special peace there,
Maybe the reason for each season that we have the opportunity to live,
Is to discover the new peace and beauty that only that particular season can give,
More beauty and peace to know, more of life to show, but in ways that are new,
Views of life's ongoing seasons and discovering reasons leading the way through.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Nov. 27-"Woof-Woof" By Susan Pearl

Yesterday was quite a day,
I was in the basement and I called up the stairwell for my husband to come,
He didn't hear me,
Almost immediately our wonderful dog barked in the garage,
I could hear my husband coming and he would walk past the stairwell to go to the garage,
When he was in sight at the top of the stairwell I called out again,
I asked him to help me with a project in the basement and that I had been calling for him to come,
He said he hadn't heard me,
While we were working on the project I said that it was interesting that he didn't hear me calling but he had heard our dog bark,
I told him that if calling for him didn't work,
That from now on I might just bark,

Monday, November 26, 2012

Nov26- "The Sail Ship Clock" By Susan Pearl

I have been noticing a sailing ship clock we have,
We have had the clock for years,
My mother had it on her fireplace mantle,
She had gotten it at an action,
The couple's estate things being sold at the auction had some items from his parents,
He had gotten the clock when his widowed dad went to the nursing home,
His widowed dad and mother had been married for over seventy six years,
The clock represents to me that time sails by on the sea of life,
Time sailed by for the widowed dad,
Time sailed by for his son,
Time sailed by for my mother,
And time is sailing by for us, right now,
Yes, the sail ship clock---time is sailing by on the sea of life,
With the waves of minutes in each day and night coming and going,
Until the journey is complete.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Nov.23- "Catalyst For Change" By Susan Pearl

I am not a chemist by any means, but the thought of a catalyst fasinates me,
To have certain elements and then to add a catalyst the elements will change,
But, yet, the catalyst remains the same,
The "good of all", that we believe in, can be a catalyst for positive change,
And this change will be for the better,
But if this catalyst of "for the good of all" is not allowed to work with all the needed required elements,
Then the wanted chain reaction for the change for good will still have to wait,
But the belief of "for the good of all" will not change,
It will remain the same and it will be there ready to give the right elements the change that will bring about the betterment of all,
And with things changing for the better then the best will be yet to come,
There is just more and more work that needs to be done by everyone,
Our desire "for the good of all" is a catalyst for change,
And even after the change the catalyst of "for the good of all" will remain the same.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Nov.22- "Thankfulness" By Susan Pearl

I think being thankful opens a door in our lives to enjoy wonderful and beautiful times,
With an attitude of gratitude and appreciation a common connection to the past, the present and the future are part of our inner being,
This common connection brings us a feeling of happiness,
There is a common connection of appreciation for what has been done for us,
A common connection of gratitude for what we have,
And a common connection to our future filled with thankfulness,
All at the same time,
Truly, this is the wonderful and beautiful experience that thankfulness gives to enjoy! 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Nov.21- "Yes" By Susan Pearl

Yes, yes, yes,---things can turn out well in the long run,
Yes, yes, yes,---with faith, hope and love it can be done.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Nov.20- "Broken" By Susan Pearl

Bones can be broken, too much pressure and force,
Promises can be broken, too much insincerity,
A mood can be broken, too much noise and commotion, a sudden crash during a kiss,
Bones can mend,
Moods can be recaptured,
But a broken promise will remain broken.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Nov.19-"Vacation Chat" By Susan Pearl

I asked, "Where will you be going for your next vacation?"
The answer was, "Death Valley",
I responded, "Sounds like the ultimate breath taking experience."

Friday, November 16, 2012

Nov.16- "Sentimental Name" By Susan Pearl

I try not to have unrealistic expectations of others,
So I really don't expect others to understand how much my name "Susan Pearl" means to me,
And why my name is like a special gift given to me by my dad,
A dad who died when I was one year old and who I never got to know,
He had chosen the name for a girl and had the name ready for over a decade,
Twelve years later and after having four sons I was born,
He named me Susan Pearl, now with four boys and a girl,
We were a family of seven until on that April day when dad went to heaven.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Nov.15- "My Handiwork Gift" By Susan Pearl

I like to crochet afghans and give them for gifts,
I tell people receiving the afghan that it represents something special from me:
It represents---Like life I have put a lot of love into it---
And to think about all the love I have put into making the handiwork gift, because, there will be mistakes and imperfections that will need to be overlooked.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Nov.14- "Lonesome Versus Opportunity" By Susan Pearl

Whenever I feel lonesome for the way things used to be,
I know somewhere, somehow, I am missing an opportunity,
An opportunity to see---
The new things that this time in life is holding for me,
I have to look for our own opportunity with each new time,
And there will be more to know and, like a pearl, it is waiting for me to find,
So instead of missing and being lonesome for the things of the past,
I become busy with the oppotunities of the present and enjoy them while they last,
So, whenever I feel lonesome for the way things used to be,
I know somewhere, somehow, there are pearls of opportunity waiting for me.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Nov.12- "Oven Cleaning Day" By Susan Pearl

Some things in life are like working as hard as you can cleaning an oven all day,
Only to close the door of the clean oven and have it hidden away,
Then someone may say,  "Doesn't look like much has been done."
Then you can answer,"Guess you haven't looked inside the oven."

Friday, November 9, 2012

Nov.9- "Up to Par" By Susan Pearl

If others makes us feel that we are not up to par,
Who ever gave them the right to set the height of our bar,
For if we think that it is neccessary to be what others think we should be,
Then we will be living in some sort of state of constant anxiety,
Like an ongoing passing of inspection to decide if we are up to par,
Because we think by pleasing them that they can show to us who we are,
But that is not the way life should be,
We shouldn't live in a constant state of anxiety,
And we should have peace about ourself and the life we live,
Learning that the mistakes we make we can readily forgive,
Baring in mind that no one is perfect and the fault finders will stay the way they are, 
And maybe underneath it all--- they may the ones who, in fact, are not up to par.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Nov.8- "The Dry Pond" by Susan Pearl

On a drive home yeaterday a dry pond caught my eye,
I said,  "When that pond is filled to the brim,
   then we will have enough rain again."
But until that comes true, no doubt a drought is what we are going through,
Our western parts need some rain so send some rain filled clouds please,
These clouds without rain are just a tease,
The land sure could use a long soaking shower,
Because the soil is beginning to feel like powder,
And crops can be "dusted in" for just so long,
Without blowing away when the wind is strong,
Oh, when that pond is filled to the brim,
Then we'll have enough rain again,
On the drive home yesterday a dry pond caught my eye,
And this drought and the need for rain is the reason why.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Nov.7-"Leadership Quality" By Susan Pearl

A leader has the courage for consistancy of character--no matter what--no matter who--no matter when.
And that consistancy can be be counted on by others--no matter what--no matter who--no matter when.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nov.6- "Facing A Certain Direction" By Susan Pearl

When I am facing the truth - this I know,
I am facing towards the direction that is the best way for me to go.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Nov.5- "Opportunities and Rainbows Comparisons" By Susan Pearl

Some opportunities are like rainbows,
Conditions cause them to be,
They won't last long,
So a person has to respond very readily,
And act while the oppotunity is here,
Because when conditions change such an opportunity will disappear,
Then there are opportunities that are like rainbows indelibly painted into an- equality of all with freedom for all- landscape scene,
These opportunities are permanently in place and at any given time they hold true for the rights of all aspiring to live the realization of a dream.

Personal Note:
It is time to write my blog again and I shall try to write another 500 blogs,
I hope to post several blogs each week--- I hope these blogs are enjoyed.

Thank you,
Susan Pearl