My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

"The Nonjudgmental Tree" By Susan Pearl

A good mentor friend said to me,
" I want you to be as nonjudgmental as you can possibly be,  
   when you see this crooked fir tree,
Because when the tree comes into view
  remember you don't know what it has been through.
Even though the crooked tree is on the end of a row
  and all the other fir trees stand straight as an arrow,
You still don't know that as each day is dawning
   the end fir tree is in the shade of a nearby awning,
So the fir tree leans to the west and is bent to the right
   to reach toward the early morning east sunlight.
When you see the crooked tree think that it has done the best that it can,
With the circumstances it has at hand,
   and be as nonjudgmental as you can be,
   seeing a tree working twice as hard to reach what for others comes so easily".

Saturday, March 23, 2019

"Stepping Stones of Kindness" by Susan Pearl

Stepping stones of kindness is what this week has brought to me,
Stepping stones of kindness that came into view for me to see,
Stepping stones of kindness that helped me come to where I need to be.
Stepping stones of kindness are there to assist through each journey.

Monday, March 18, 2019

"Noble Call" by Susan Pearl

If we would take the good that we know to be true,
And let this good show and shine through in what we say and do,
Then our point of view would be answering a noble call
   of having peace on earth and goodwill towards all.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

"Four A's" by Susan Pearl

There are four words that begin with the letter "A" that I try to remember whenever hard changes come in life,
"Alignment" to the change-----not being misaligned helps with pain.
  This is a form of acceptance.
"Adjust" to the change--- in knowing we cannot change this different circumstance and setting.
This is a form of acceptance.
"Adapt" to the change----this helps with learning how to live with what we cannot change.
This is a form of acceptance.
And now the number four word that begins with an "A"------ACCEPTANCE----
Acceptance brings the peace that leads to healing.