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My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Monday, March 28, 2011

#95 "Right Speed" By Susan Pearl

When I was young I had a record player that could play threee different speeds of records,----78----45-and 33 1/3.
Once in awhile I would set the record speed to be too fast or too slow just to hear the unusual sound of the record.
It amazed me by just a trip of a switch the record became inaudible and that the melody and lyrics were changed so much that the song could almost be unrecognizable for listening.
The music just didn't make sense at the wrong speed.  Everything was there for a beautiful musical experience but it had to be played at the right speed.
Sometimes when life doesn't seem to make sense, and we know everything is there for a beautiful life maybe we need to alter our speed to be in line with our surroundings.
We have to take time to listen and make sure our internal speed matches our surroundings for the two to be in harmony and make beautiful music.
And we have to remember that just as the record speed needed to be changed according to each record maybe we have to change our speed as different settings and circumstances arise, otherwise, it will not make sense even though everything is there for it to work- it just won't because the speed doesn't match what is needed at that particular moment.
It is good to listen to life---and to make the frequent adjustments needed for clarity.

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