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Monday, March 21, 2011

#89 "Territory Statement" By Susan Pearl

At a public meeting several people expressed their disapproval of a decision that the "Decison Makers" had made.  The "Decision Makers" were present at the meeting to answer questions and to hear the comments.
After the meeting I approached one of the "Decision Makers" to tell that I agreed with the decision and ask that how can the "Decision Makers" take such heat from an angry crowd.
The "Decision Maker" smiled and said, "It comes with the territory."
I then realized that we have to know what comes with the territory we occupy.
We have to face the responsibilities of the positions of authority we choose to serve and represent.
Being ready and able to stand up to defend the decisions we make comes with the territory.
The underlying reasoning for decisions should be for the safety and for the good of all.
Such certain decision making responsibilities come with certain territories.
As I was told, "It comes with the territory," -and the person occuping the territory has to know he or she will be held accountable.

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