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Saturday, March 19, 2011

#87 "Trust" by Susan Pearl

When I was young and someone would have asked me what I thought the opposite of "fear" would be,
I qould have quickly answered  that the opposite of "fear"  is "courage'  or "bravery",
Now, that I am older I think that "trust" is the opposite of "fear".
It is a trust that I have or will have the strength to do whatever is required of me at the exact time I am asked  to do so,
In my opinion, it is a trust that whatever I need will be there whenever and at the exact moment I need it,
And that these needs may be met in the form of the talents of others or an unexpected opportunity or maybe having to have the grace needed to accept failure and in knowing the fact that the very best was done at the time.
"Trust" plays a big part in the counteraction of "Fear",
And to the degree of that trust will be the degree of courage and the degree of bravery.

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