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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

#96 "How To Live In The Now" By Susan Pearl

We are told to "live in the moment" ---to live in the "now,"
But if we keep reliving the past, then how can this be done?
How can we be focused on the current happenings of a new day or even having fun?
Because being a prisoner of the past keeps us away from experiencing the current day,
Thoughts of the past can hold us away from being in the "now", the past is where we stay,
But to change our thoughts from living in the past to the new thinking of what we are doing right now,
Opens the way for us to escape from being a prisoner of the past and to be living in the "now"-- then somehow,
This new thinking unlocks a door,
And we are "now" free, we aren't held prisonser of the past like we were before,
This way of life gets easier with time,
And this way of life is there for each of us to find.

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