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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

"Old Saying Has Good Advice" by Susan Pearl

"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".

 In my opinion, this old saying is telling us that it is best not to find fault or gossip about others or be nosy about other people's business.  Because, none of us are perfect.  We are have our own set of problems and troubles to deal with. For us to throw rocks at others for the way they are living their lives is not appropriate when we ourselves need to work on our own life. We ourselves are just as vulnerable and if word gets out that we are talking about others lives in a critical and negative way the people who hear what we are saying may think "who do we think we are to be talking about others when our life isn't what it should be either".....and that is why---"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".

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