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Friday, May 29, 2020

"Old Saying Tells of a Finding Things System"" by Susan Pearl

"A place for everything and everything is in its place".

This old saying "a place for everything and everything in its place" was taught to me as a way of saying to return things to where they belong after I used them.  That way the next person who wanted to use the item could immediately find it and not have to hunt for it.  It was taught as a thoughtful thing to do.
However, we did have one "junk drawer" and that was the drawer that held a lot of handy items that may be needed.  A lot of times I was asked to get something and told, "It's in the junk drawer"....and , sure enough it was there.....and , it was returned to the "junk drawer", after being used.  The funny thing is that the things in the "junk drawer" was not junk.  String, twine, claw hammer, screwdriver, plyers, electrical tape, masking tape, scotch tape, ruler, tape measurer, glue, scissors, rubber bands, thumb tacks etc..  Next to the silverware drawer I think it was the other most used drawer we had in the house.
Throughout my life, no matter where we lived, we have had a "junk drawer".  It has helped so much for having "a place for everything and everything is in its place".  But nowadays I think it really should be called "an utility drawer".

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