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Friday, May 1, 2020

"Old Saying Illustrates the Strength of Diversity" by Susan Pearl

Don't put all of your eggs in one basket.

If we put all our eggs in one basket and that basket is tipped off of the table chances are we will lose all of our eggs.  However, if we put only so many eggs into several baskets and one basket tips off of the table we will still have the other eggs.

If we put everything we have into one thing and that one thing goes under we will lose everything we have.  If we have diversity for what we have then if the one thing in that diversity goes under the other areas of diversity will be there for us.

I have learned that diversity brings strength.  We need the butchers, the bakers, the candlestick makers.  We need the wheelers and dealers and potato peelers.  All are important and contribute to the strength to the fabric of society.  We are given more choices that adds greatly to our quality of life.  Some of these diversities bring support systems into our lives in various forms and services which also add greatly to our quality of life.  The diversity of strengths allows for the maintenance and
efficiency of all the areas of operations for establishments that help maintain our quality of life.

Because of the strength of diversity the fabric of society has many, many different threads all coming together to make the best quality of life that can last through difficult times.  Realizing individual talents. work and creativity that are given in varying degrees become the strength of diversity.  It is vast and it serves many needs and fulfills many dreams while being the multiple avenues that carries us forward.  We try new things and we are openminded appreciating with respect the strength and beauty of diversity.   Our horizons have broadened and we see and understand views we had not known before. These new views have been shown to us by diversity.   It is good to see the options available and think in more ways than one. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket.

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