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Monday, May 4, 2020

"Old Saying Heeds Warning" by Susan Pearl

Where there's smoke there's fire

Warning signs are there to convey something is problematic.  Symptoms can be warningssigns,  a road sign about a curve ahead is a warning sign, a pedestrian walk can have pedestrians in it.  Warnings to be alert for problems or potential problems have to be heeded for our safety and for the safety of others.

Our family had a very small warming sign of smoke for a brief moment from a duct vent in our house.  We called the fire department and all of us left the house.  The fire department came and while they were there the furnace ignited and they put the fire out with foam.  The smoke was a warning sign of a hot fire flare up coming.  Smoldering smoke is a warning sign of an impending fire.

Also, smoke is a warning that the fire is already active and getting bigger---to see smoke in the distance is an alarming sight.

We should always be cautious of fire but when there is smoke we have to take immediate action.  The smoke needs to be investigated and eliminated for a fire to stay under control.  After the fire is put out even one live ember can start a fire again.

This old saying has been given different meanings for different situations by poets and writers.  For instance they have compared it to rekindling of an old ember to start the burning feelings of love again.

Also, I have heard it used when a report of a scandal or an investigation is underway.  A person said to me, "Where there's smoke there's fire so there must be something wrong someplace".

When we notice that something is wrong it is a time to heed it is a warning of something else being there causing such a distinctive and alarming warning.  Where there's smoke there's fire.

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