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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

#41 "Nine Year Old Chaperon" By Susan Pearl

I was a chaperon at the young age of nine, the "big tattle tale" kind,
My brother wanted to have the car to take his date and go to the outdoor theater show,
His request was granted on one condition and the condition was that I would go along,
Taking his little sister along to the drive-in movie was not his cup of tea but he did agree,
So began my undercover work of being a chaperon and it was better than easedropping by the phone.
At least I got to see a movie not to mention the concession stand and so the chaperoning of my brother began.
There was a playground in front of the big picture screen and I couldn't wait to swing on the swing.
As twilight began it was time for the movie to be shown and my brother gave me money for a grape snow cone.
He asked for no spills in the car that I eat the snow cone while sitting in a lawn chair in front of the concession stand -sounded like a good plan.
Then back to the car and once there my thoughtful brother said that he thought I could see the movie better from the lawn chair.
From the back seat of the car it did seem kind of hard to see the screen,
Back to the lawn chair I went fending off june bugs as I sat there that night because the june bugs were attacted to concession stand neon light,
The car wasn't that far away, it was in sight so I felt like I was still on my chaperon duty and watched the movie knowing things were alright.
Then my brother came and got me when the movie was about to end, because eveyone would want to leave all at the same time then,
He wanted me to be safe in the car before the car stampede for the one exit began,
I remember a man with a red flash light even directed the traffic so things wouldn't get out of hand.
And so concluded my evening of being a chaperon and it was fine with me - playground, snow cone, movie, an evening outdoors - how much easier could it be?

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