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Thursday, February 3, 2011

#42 "Jumping Rope" By Susan Pearl

The rhythmic beat, the rhythmic beat,
Feeling the rhythmic beat, in my feet.
The timing,.timing, timing,
Like hearing a bell chiming.
The long heavy rope is being turned by ambitious young arms,
Over and over and over again, now, time to run in, jump, and time to run out again.
That is round one, said and done, and it was fun.
Over and over and over again, now, time to run in, jump one, jump two, and run out again.
Over and over and over again, now, time to run in, jump one, jump two, jump three, and run out again.
Now the rhyming will begin, a showdown of durability with the words of the rhyme coming from a vague memory.
Rhyming, rhythmic rhyming about going to a place and rhyming, rhythmic rhyming about "how many did she see"?
Count one, two, three, Jump, Count one two, three, Jump, for as long as endurance and timing will last.
If it gets to be one hundred successful  jumps then "Hot Peppers" will come real fast,
And that is like ten bull whips striking at the feet at lightnig speed, the jumping can still be counted but if it gets too fast the feet's timing won't last.
It is not only a test for the one jumping the rope but also for those turning the rope whose arms are tiring just as fast as the "Hot Peppers" are fast,
The contest is on, as fast as all three can be- arms turning like spinning windmills and feet jumping too fast to see.
Then a foot is caught on the hand blistering rope and it is over.The rhythmic beat was broken, The jump rope really wins again and outlasts all, but really none can loose, wasn't it a matter of time to tire from the timing of the rhythmic beat getting so fast or just the thrill of seeing how long the rhythmic slaps on concrete would last.
The rope that came to life and brought so much fun for the day is now put away.

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