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Friday, October 29, 2021

"Chasing the Evidence Race" by Susan Pearl ( Friday, mystery blog #8)

 (After leaving the Automotive Restorations business place Garrett decides to stop at a local diner for lunch.  The diner is only one block from Automotive Restorations.  Garrett's original thought when he had gone into the restoration business was to talk with the owner.  Garrett knows there is no problem for him to find out the owner's name but chances are he may be able to pick up some information at the local diner. He parks his car and goes into the diner. Garrett decides to sit in a booth instead of sitting at the counter for lunch.  He wants to look around the entire place and see all the activity and interactions. The decision for a booth was made easy for him because there was only one empty booth.  Garrett takes a seat in the booth and a waitress nods and says)

Waitress: I'll be right with you.

Garrett: No hurry. (The waitress finishes with checking out a costumer. She gets a glass of ice water and some silverware wrapped in a cloth napkin. She grabs a menu and gives Garrett a big smile as she comes to his booth.  

Waitress;  Hey there, I'm Tam. (She hands Garrett a menu and places the silverware and water on the table in front of Garrett.)

Garrett:  Your name is Tam?

Waitress: Yes, by the time I got to second grade I thought "Tammy" was too long to write. So, I would leave off the ---m--and--y---and changed my name to Tam. (Garrett smiles and looks at the menu as the waitress asks) Do you need some time to look at the menu?

Garrett: No, I'm ready to order now.  I'll take a corn beef on rye with a touch of mayo and coffee. I take my coffee plain. 

Waitress: I'll bring your coffee.  I just made a fresh pot and you'll get the first cup.

Garrett: That makes me feel special.  (They both laugh.  Garrett can't help but think how good it feels to laugh.  It seemed like such a long time since he's laughed.  The waitress brings his cup and then gets the fresh brewed pot of coffee.  She brings the coffee to his table and pours him a cup.)

Waitress: You can have as many refills as you want. (Garrett nods and smiles then sips some of the fresh brewed coffee.)  Looks like your order is already in the window. (She gets his order and places it in front of him saying,) Enjoy.

Garrett: Thank you. I will. (He takes a bite of his sandwich and holds his napkin over his mouth before saying) This is delicious.

Waitress:  Good. I'll freshen your coffee.  Looks like you get the first and second cup of the fresh brew.

Garrett:  This coffee is as good as it gets.  Thank you, Tam.  (The waitress smiles and pauses as they look into each others eyes for a quick moment, then Garrett says) Stay safe.

Waitress: Oh, I do with all that's been happening lately. Sylvia, the one who was murdered, was a regular here.  She would come during her lunchbreak and then run some nearby errands. I was shocked. She and her guy, a real "muscle man", came in at least a couple of times a week together.  I haven't seen him since her death.

Garrett:  Is his name Max?

Waitress:  Why, yes it is.  Do you know him?

Garrett:  No, but I am getting acquainted with restored classic cars and I've heard of him.

Waitress:  I think they met at where she worked at the Automotive Restorations place a little ways from here. So sad. I better keep moving. Thanks for coming in. Come back and visit us again.( the waitress smiles and then she leaves to help other customers as the noon rush is on. Garrett finishes his lunch and he leaves a generous tip. Another person checks him out. After leaving the diner he notices he is right next door to a bank. Garrett decides to go into the bank and ask a few questions about the Guaranteed Transfer Rule.  Little did Garrett know that a major lead was awaiting him at the bank.)

to be continued: Monday, November 1,2021, 

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