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Thursday, October 28, 2021

"Chasing the Evidence Race" by Susan Pearl (Thursday, mystery blog #7)

(After Nate leaves Maze goes into the back bedroom and reaches into a box holding thirty to forty disposable phones. He takes out two phones. Maze puts on his motorcycle leather attire, helmet and large sunglasses. He's convinced no one would recognize him. He went to a storage unit, opened it and walks out his heavy motorcycle.  He then pulled down the storage unit door and gets on his motorcycle, revs it up and rides away.  He wants to get to a private place before making his crucial call. But yet, he thinks that if he made his call from a busy place it wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb on any ping towers.  He chooses to go to a busy city park to make his call. After arriving at the park he finds a quieter area and makes his call.  He gets a quick answer. Immediately, an answering machine states to a caller "please leave a message".

Maze: Wrong number.

Called phone:(Clicks and there is only a dial tone. Maze knew he would have to wait awhile for the other person to respond to his signal. That person would have to get ready and have a disposable phone, change locations and look up the number of Maze's phone.  "Wrong Number" was a code for phone number 18.  After about fifty minutes his phone rings.

Maze: Are we chilled?

Caller: The weather is fine for all systems to go.

Maze: I want to say there are some more complications with Nate.  He lied to an investigator about not knowing me even though he has a tattoo that I not only gave him, but, I also signed it.  It's right on his arm and he is saying he doesn't know me. I know he was put on the spot and had to think of something on the spur of the moment but what he came up with is now digging us into a hole.  Before long they will know me and the whole organization.

Caller:  That wouldn't be good.

Maze:  He lied about not knowing me but when it came to him telling about finding Gus he described Max to a "T".  I know Nate hasn't met Max but Max is a key player and now his description of being a "muscular, body builder type" is out there.  Plus, not only is his description out there but, also, the description of his '55 Ford Fairlane.  Can you believe it? How long do you think that would take to put together and find?  I think it wouldn't take very long. Do you know what I mean when I tell you how complicated he is making things? 

Caller:  Yes, I do.

Maze: I better go and throw away this phone.  I'll call again.

Caller: Wait. We shouldn't have to cleanup his messes. That's part of our code. He is not following what is the best thing to do. He should know better.

Maze;  That's just what he did with Lana. He didn't follow a loyalty code to our friendship. He didn't follow the best thing to do. He didn't do the right thing for our friendship and she lost her life for it.

Caller: Maybe it is time for Nate to really formally meet Max, if you know what I mean.

Maze. For Lana's memory I'd like to be there and see him get what he deserves.

Caller: It's going to happen.

Maze: The sooner the better.

Caller: It's going to happen.  Call me in one week for the plan and details.

Maze: You've got it. (Maze disposes the phone in a nearby trash can. He drives his motorcycle back to the modular home and parks, turns off his motorcycle in front of the storage unit. He opens the garage door, walks his motorcycle into the storage unit and starts to close the garage door.  When he is  reaching up to pull down the door he notices a piece of tape.  He immediately knows Nate has put the tape there to see if he has used his motorcycle.  Maze carefully pulls down the overhead door and lines up the tape to reapply it to the door. Maze is thinking, "Nate can't even do this right". Maze shakes his head in disgust and then redirects his thoughts to being so glad Nate's days are definitely numbered and he can be there to watch it all happen.)

to be continued; Tomorrow

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