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Monday, October 25, 2021

"Chasing the Evidence Race" by Susan Pearl (Monday, mystery blog #4)

"Chasing the Evidence Race" is a fictional writing by Susan Pearl.  Any similarity to any actual event is coincidental)

(Garrett glanced around at the cleanliness of the house and commented)  This is really a nice place.  Someone should live here.

Nate:  I do live here.  You know how most people go out for their morning jog.  I go out each morning for a drive in my vintage car.  It really is enjoyable.  I get a lot of looks.  I have to laugh when I take the limousine out for a morning drive and with the tinted windows and people do a double take because they are wondering who could be the important person in the backseat of the limousine.  So, when you came I was out for my morning drive. When I came back I saw you waiting and thought you were probably here for a storage unit rental.  Tomorrow I'll be driving my 1963 Studebaker Lark sedan.  It's a real head turner.

Garrett: You sure keep this place spotless.

Nate:  I'm a slight to mild germophobic.  I don't like to be close to people because of microorganisms.  I'm a lot better than I used to be.  I keep working on it.

Garrett: I heard you found Gus.

Nate: Another guy was ahead of me. In fact, he held the door open for me when I was going in. He went up to the bar before me and then hurriedly looked behind the bar.  He told me Gus was on the floor and looked dead. He tried to take a pulse but he couldn't find one.  He said he was going to call the police and we should wait outside to not contaminate the area.  Well, that word "contaminate" was enough to give me a full blown panic attack.  I hadn't had one in awhile. I was having trouble breathing so he told me to just go on and that he would take care of things with the police.  After all, he had been the first to find Gus and he had tried to take a pulse.  So I left and came home to calm down and take a shower.  I limit myself to one shower for each panic attack.

Garrett:  Did you know the man?

Nate: No, but I have seen him at some car shows and swap meets.  He is very muscular and looks like he works out a lot.  At the car shows he drives a restored blue and white 1955 Ford Fairlane.  At first I thought that his car and my '55 Chevy looked a little similar but then I noticed more differences because of the chrome work, the grill and the tail lights. They are both great and nostalgic cars to me.

Garrett: Do they have any car shows or swap meets coming up.

Nate: I haven't checked. It seems to wind down this time of year.  People kind of go to their favorite shows and swap meets during the year and once they are over they wait for the same ones the next year. Of course, there are people who probably go to every one they can.

Garrett:  Tell me about the memorial service for Gus.  How about it?

Nate:  How about it?  I went for awhile and left.  That's all.

Garrett:  Did you set things up for the service?

Nate: No.  I just went to pay my respects at a distance.

Garrett: This morning I noticed when I drove off the main road onto your gravel parking lot that you do not have any visible surveillance cameras.

Nate: No, not any more.  I am beginning to think that it has become too problematic to keep replacing surveillance cameras.  That they are more trouble than they are worth because they get broke as fast as I can have them installed.

Garrett: Thanks for your time.  If I have any more questions can I give you a call?

Nate:  I'd rather you stop by.  That would work best for me.

Garrett:  I like your beautifully painted sign on wall the that reads, "Have a seat and I'll be with you as soon as I can" and so I will do just that if ever I want to talk to you again.  That sign is beautiful and looks like a professional artist painted it.

Nate:  It is. An artist friend painted it for me.  He has a way with contrast of colors.  I get a lot of compliments on it.  

Garrett: I am learning that some artists do have a recognizable style, especially if they leave an initial or something identifiable.  Like this painted sign has a "M" in the right hand corner.

(Garrett picks up his file and leaves.  Nate watches from a window as Garrett drives out of view and then Nate locks the front door.  Nate walks down the hallway and notices a small cobweb in the corner of the hallway ceiling. He rolls up his long sleeves, gets a broom and knocks down the cobweb. He then cleans the broom and returns it to the laundry room closet. As he comes out of the laundry room he hears someone knocking on the front door again. Garrett has come back.

to be continued: Tomorrow

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