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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

"Accidental Date With Fate" by Susan Pearl (Tuesday #12 mystery blog)

 (The sophisticated high rise hotel apartment complex that Lana Daltine had lived in has all of the latest high end security features which impresses Garrett as he walks through the lobby. He steps up to the lobby courtesy desk counter and asks for directions to the managers office.  Instead he's handed a form to fill out.  After filling out the 24 questions page with all hand written answers, no check boxes, he is asked to take a seat and wait. After an hour an office receptionist comes into the lobby and comes over to Garett.)

  Office Receptionist: The manger will see you now. I must tell you she will not apologize for your wait because you did not have an appointment. (The receptionist leads Garrett down a beautifully decorated hallway and into a plush all mahogany office.  The office chair is turned away with the back of the chair facing Garrett as the receptionist says to Garrett) As soon as she finishes her call she'll be with you. (Garrett nods and the receptionist leaves the room.  The office chair swivels around and the manager says sharply)

Manager: No appointments are not allowed more than ten minutes.  I have read your filled out form which  really only has direct questions to me about Lana Daltine.  First, my name is Pearl Baynor. Your name is Garrett Oaklon Cummins.  Nice to meet you.

Garrett:  You, too, 

Pearl: Now, in reference to your questions; No, I have not thought of anything new or wondered about anything since my police interview.  No, I didn't know her or any of her friends.  She had signed a one year lease and it was paid in full almost instantaneously with her signing of the contract by a money wire for the full amount of one whole year being deposited in our corporate banking account. No, I had no interaction with her.....well...,(pauses) ,...I'll take that back....she did call me once to ask if her friend who is a tattoo artist could bring his equipment and give her a tattoo in her apartment like the manicurist does.  I told her "no".  This was entirely two different situations.  The manicurist is under contact through the apartment complex hair salon.  The tattoo artist would not be covered by insurance liability and could not be allowed.

Garrett:  What was her response to it?

Pearl:  She was alright with it. She did get a tattoo a couple of days after our conversation.

Garrett: Did she go by taxi?

Pearl: No.  Funny you should ask because she talked to the lobby receptionist and gave permission for the receptionist to buzz her apartment when the tattoo artist came to pick her up for her appointment. So the tattoo artist picked her up and took to the tattoo place and brought her back.  That is some kind of service.

Garrett: I'll say.

Pearl: Well, our ten minutes are up.  Everything should be on record with the police. Hope you have a nice day.  I have an appointment and an apartment showing shortly.

Garrett:  Appreciate your time. Did you ever see her tattoo?  Just curious.

Pearl: Yes, it definitely was very unusual.

Garrett: How so?

Pearl:  It was on her upper arm and it was of a locked cell door with a hand reaching out for a key. But the key was tattooed on the top of her other arm. It was a big skeleton key. It gave me the creeps  because it was obvious there was no way the tattooed hand could reach the tattooed key.

Garrett: But with it being a skeleton key wouldn't any skeleton key work?

Pearl: I never thought of that. Now, to stay on time I must go. I don't want to leave anyone waiting because I was taught that's a sign of arrogance.

Garrett: We don't want that. Thank you, again, for your time. (Garrett leaves the plush office.  He walks to the lobby and goes to the receptionist at the courtesy desk counter and asks the receptionist)  Can you or anyone tell me the name of the tattoo artist who Lana Daltine gave permission for her to be notified about the artist's arrival inside the lobby? Or do you have a record of Lana Daltine's allowed guests?

Lobby Receptionist:  I don't need any record.  I was on duty that day.  It was unusual because it was the and only call we had ever received from her at the courtesy desk concerning anyone.  The tattoo artist was the one and only guest ever to check in that she had a notification request.  She did leave the building once a month. A limousine picked her up each time.  She entered the lobby at exactly the same time the limousine pulled up in front of the entrance.  If it was raining the chauffeur got out and held an umbrella and escorted her to the car and opened the door for her.  The chauffeur did get out every time to open the door for her in picking her up and when leaving her off. She was one of the easiest people I ever saw living here because she didn't have any interaction.  Our inhouse restaurant delivered one meal a day to her apartment. That communication did not come through this lobby desk. The inhouse manicurist gave her a weekly manicure and she went to the inhouse salon weekly, but, again those communications did not come through this lobby desk.  She definitely was not demanding. The tattoo artist notification request was the only interaction she ever had with this lobby courtesy desk counter.

Garrett:  Can you tell me anything about the tattoo artist?

To be continued-tomorrow


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