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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

"Chasing the Evidence Race" by Susan Pearl ( Wednesday, mystery blog #1)

(Garrett returns to the tattoo parlor to talk with Patrick.  Every effort at the local police station,  contacting mortuaries, cremation services and coroner reports had turned up empty.  There isn't even a death certificate for Gus on file in the state's vital statistics.  How could there have been a memorial service without any death certificate records anywhere? Garrett wants to talk to Patrick about the memorial service.  Maybe a bar patron who liked Gus provided the cremation service out of state.  Garrett goes into the tattoo parlor and asks Patrick if they can talk in the back office,)

Patrick:  Sounds serious. What's on your mind?

Garrett:  A lot.  I have a lot on my mind.  I want you to tell me about the memorial service for Gus. Did anything seem unusual or has made you wonder about since the service?

Patrick:  No, I thought it was a very nice memorial for Gus.  We I drove up to the field and there was a white table with a white bib apron laying on the table like Gus wore and a white bar towel like the one Gus always had on his shoulder.  There were ashes holders on the table that were 100% biodegradable and eco friendly to the environment.  The holders for the ashes were made out of leaves and had a leaf on the top.  There was a note on the table instructing that those in attendance should take an ashes holder and go to any area in the field and spread the ashes.  Also, the ashes holders should be left on the ground.  There wasn't any music or a minister.  It was unique and seemed just right for Gus. It was easy, simple and no fuss.

Garrett:  Was there anyone there representing a funeral home.

Patrick:  No.  We came at 10:00 AM.  The time was known just by people calling and telling each other.  Kind of like a family gathering would be organized for everyone to know about.  After spreading the ashes we all left and drove away.  The table was left in the field.  There were a few ashes holders left.  I thought that other people may be coming later or throughout the day and it was thoughtful to have ashes for them to spread, each in their own personal way.  At the memorial service some people went by a big shade tree to spread ashes. Others went to the center of the field to spread the ashes.  I did half of his ashes by the tree and the other half of his ashes in the full sunlight. It was quiet and peaceful. I thought it was very respectful and meant a lot to have that moment remembering Gus.

Garrett: Do you know who set up the table and then removed it.

Patrick:  I heard Nate did it.  Someone had asked him to be in charge of setting things up.  Then he came and went during the time the group was there.  He must have been checking if things were going alright.

Garrett:  I would like to speak with Nate.  Any ideas where I might find him?

Patrick: No, I don't know anything about him and really I don't know of anyone who does know Nate.

Garrett:  Thanks for your time, Patrick.  Appreciate it.

Patrick: Sure, any time.

(Garrett left and sat in his car for awhile. He was wondering if he should let things rest like letting Gus rest in peace or should he try to find proof of death  Had Gus been murdered and then buried and this whole memorial service was just a roux?  Without a death certificate could he be alive?  Garrett decides to talk to Officer Miles about his suspicions.)

to be continued: Tomorrow

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