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Monday, October 11, 2021

"Accidental Date With Fate" by Susan Pearl (Monday #16 mystery blog)

 (The day went faster than Garett thought it would.  The statements and reports were easy and interesting reading. He was already on his second legal pad of taking notes.  He looked at the clock. It was 3:00 PM and Garrett understood why he was feeling hungry.  He had brought two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and several bottles of water in a small food tote. He decided it was time for a break. The break was short lived.  He had just finished his second sandwich when Officer Miles entered the room.)

Miles:  We have found some important evidence today.  Gini is on the phone and wants to talk to you about it. (Miles pressed a button on the phone for the incoming call that had been placed on hold then he left the room closing the door behind him)

Garrett: Hello, is it alright if I put you on speaker phone.  I'm the only one in the room. (Gini concurred)

Gini: (on speaker phone)  They found the necklace today.  They found it in Hanna's apartment.

Garrett: What?

Gini: I know it is a shock.  But remember Hanna did say that Henry was a half hour late for work that morning.  I'm thinking he may have planted the necklace in Hanna's apartment after she left for work.  This is all speculation but the time frame does work out for him planting the necklace and driving to work.  It would be right at a half hour to do all that.

Garrett;  What is Hanna saying?

Gini:  She says that's the only way the necklace could have possibly gotten there.  It had to be put there by someone else.

Garrett: What took them so long to find it?

Gini: It was hidden behind a brick in the fireplace.  The prosecution thinks that this cinches the deal.  I am simply snowed under with meetings until Saturday afternoon.  Can we touch base Saturday afternoon about 4:00 PM?

Garrett:  Yes, I can come to your place at that time.  Until then I am going to see what I can come up with.

Gini;  Got anything yet?

Garrett:  Let's just say I have lots and lots of loose ends.  Now, if some of them start coming together, something may be coming. I have several interviews lined up. I should know more by Saturday. See you then.

Gini:  What looked bleak for Hanna is now looking bleaker.  See you Saturday but if there's a change I'll let you know. (Garrett hangs up the phone and ponders things as he stares off into space.  Officer Miles knocks on the door and opens it)

Miles:  Better call it a day. Time for me to lock up.  It will all be here tomorrow exactly like you are leaving it.

Garrett: There really isn't much from Richard's or Henry's wives in the reports.  I hope I didn't overlook anything.

Miles:  There isn't much and there won't be.  After the funerals they went to the family mountain resort for some time to process and grieve in the peace and quiet and beauty of the mountains.  I have their phone number and if anyone has any questions they are more than willing to tele visit.  Both of them gave me the keys to their houses and said they trusted my discretion and if anything was needed to check out a lead for any reason that they gave me written permission the houses could be entered for finding the needed information.  The only thing they insisted on is that I have to be present during anyone looking for any information.

Garrett: That doesn't happen very often. I noticed Lana Daltine had a 911 call a little over eight months ago.

Miles: That turned out to be a false call and she apologized.  She said she was walking and a man was stalking her and she felt uncomfortable so she called 911 requesting help.  It just so happened we had a police car two blocks away and when the police got there Lana said the man had turned to go in a different direction and had even crossed the street.  She said it was a false alarm on her part and with the serial killer out there it may have played tricks on her mind and made her think it was more ominous than it was.

Garrett:  Interesting.  Her life really changed right after that, right at eight months ago, and it seemed like she came into a lot of money. The timing is interesting to me.  Also, do you know anything about a Maze Arman.

Miles: Sure;  He's got a record that is significant with petty thefts and a burglary.

Garrett:  Can you give me a printout of his picture?

Miles: No problem.  I'll help in any way I can.  (Miles leaves then comes back with a printout of Maze Arman. Garrett has gathered up his things. Miles hands Garrett the printout.  Garrett looks at it and then puts it with his other things in between a couple of legal pads.)

Garrett:  Thanks a lot.  See you tomorrow. (Garrett leaves.  On the way home he decides to stop by Dover Enterprises and randomly talk to employees. One of these impromptu interviews with a part-time employee will give Garrett the needed information to change the case.)

To be continued: Tomorrow


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