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Friday, June 17, 2011

#178 "Rhyming Tips for Sum and Some" By Susan Pearl

The word "sum" is the grand total of adding everything up.
"Some" is to indicate so much of this or so much of that, like- "I drank some of the tea but not the full cup."--This "some" is not the total amount----"there is some left behind maybe for another time."

Note--"Some"--- the first three letters are "S" "O" "M" ---
The first three letters of "so much of" are "S" "O" "M"

To add up --there is an "U" in the word "up"---
And there is the letter "U" in the word "sum".

Other tips for "weigh, way and whey"

The word "weigh" with the "i" is something "I" do not like to do--weigh on a scale.
The word "way" with the "y"--if ever a person is at a road that is shaped like a "Y" that person better know which "way" to go.
The word "whey" ("wh"ey) is for when ("wh"en) milk is separated into curds and whey.

Tips for "knight and night"

The word "knight" with a "k" may have seved a king ("k"ing) of old.
The word night with a "n" comes after sundown (sundow"n").

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