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Monday, June 13, 2011

#174 "Two Lovers On A Journey" By Susan Pearl

Two lovers on a journey,
A journey through time,
Two lovers on a journey,
They're going to make it just fine.

It didn't hurt his feelings as he walked out the door,
He thought, "She'll get over it, she has before.
It frustates me so when she looks to me for help,
When I now she has the strength she needs inside of herself."

Meanwhile, she is writing in her journal these words, "I truly know.
There is a kinder side inside of him but why doesn't he let it show?"
Then he went to work in the morning and came home laid off from his job,
She tenderly held him close praying he wouldn't lose his faith in God.

She whispered "We're going to make it through,
Because I believe in our love and I see great things in you."
He said, "Your kind words are just what I needed to hear,
Such words come from your strength and have eased my fear."

She said, "A new life is beginning for us and whatever will be,
I know I have the strength to meet it with the strength  inside of me,
I learned that from you, I learned that from you.

He said, "I now know my words mean as much to you as my touch,
There is more of me to give than I ever knew, thank you so very much,
I have learned that from you, I learned that from you.

Two lovers on a journey,
A journey through time,
Two lovers on a journey,
They're going to make it just fine.

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