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Monday, September 6, 2021

"The Accidental Date With Fate" (Monday) by Susan Pearl

Hi, Readers,  This next five blogs with be my first five segments of a mystery script entitled:

"The Accidental Date With Fate" 

Each month there will be five blogs, Monday through Friday, for a continuing mystery story.   On the first full week of each month the Monday through Friday installments of the mystery will be posted.  This will continue the first full week of each month, Monday through Friday until the mystery is solved and completed with the final words, "The End". 

This is the first time I am writing an an ongoing mystery for a week each month until completed.  It is my ardent hope that it will be enjoyed by the readers.  I am stretching my writing capabilities but I believe I am up to this creative task and challenge.  The mystery story is written like a script, nothing fancy and is more of a narrative type writing ----here is the beginning of:

 "The Accidental Date With Fate"

With Best Wishes,

Susan Pearl


(Inside a large corporate office building)

Speaker ---                                                                                                                                                    Hanna:  Henry told me that it was imperative that I immediately come to your office.  He said that you wanted to talk to me personally and privately.  What's this all about, Richard?

Richard: (walks in from his customized office veranda, steps behind Hanna to close and lock the door.).Then he says rudely, This is about something that didn't have to be this way.  It didn't have to be this way, Hanna!!

Hanna: Move from standing in front of the door because I really want want to leave.  If you are blocking my exit I considered myself being kidnapped. I want to go.  I want to go, now.

Richard:  It didn't have to be like this.  I didn't have to be like this.

Hanna:  Like what?  This is so off. wrong. You look so mad.  Stay away. I carry a revolver and I am calling for help. (takes out revolver and cell phone)

Richard: (lunging) You provoke me!!!

(struggle---shot fired)

Hanna: 911, I think I killed an attacker. 2420 Modenther Drive, Suite 18

Henry:(running into room)  I thought I heard a gunshot.  It's Richard! (checks for vitals)  He's dead.

Hanna:  When did Richard tell you he wanted to see me?

Henry:  What!!  He never----I don't know what you are talking about!

Hanna: Don't you remember telling me less than a half hour ago that Richard wanted to see me immediately for a private conversation in his office?

Henry: No!!!

Hanna: I hear sirens.  The police are coming!

Henry: You better not lie and involve me.  It is your word against mine.  You are going to get caught in a lie if you don't change your story!

Hanna:  But it's not a lie!!!

Henry: I say it is. I am in no way involved in the death of my twin brother.

Hanna:  Henry, did you set this up?

Henry:  (yells and screams)  Police Help!!!  Help!!!  She's got a gun!! (he reaches for Hanna's gun. He twists the gun towards her chest. They struggle and fall to the floor causing the gun to fire)--(Hanna stands up---Police enter----

Police: Drop the gun!  

(Hanna drops the gun and raises her hands)

to be continued- (tomorrow)

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