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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

"Accidental Date With Fate" by Susan Pearl --( Tuesday)

 Hanna:  I don't understand, officer! (sobbing)  I don't understand.

Officer:  Put you hands behind your back. I am handcuffing you and placing you under arrest.  You have the right tp remain silent.  If you don't remain silent anything you say may or will be used against you.  You have the right to an attorney.  If you can't afford one --one will be appointed.  Do you understand?

Hanna:  Yes, I am under arrest. (faints)

Officer:  She's passed out. (He places her to the floor and leaves room briefly for water)  (Other officer in room is checking bodies for identification)

( officer returns promptly with paper cup of water then exclaims) Where is she? She was just here!!! (He runs out onto veranda and looks both ways)   I see someone getting on a bus at the end of the block.  We have got to stop that bus.  I'm calling it in to central. (Officer steps out onto veranda to message dispatcher. Other officer is still checking bodies for identification.)

(Hanna quickly appears from behind the flowing drapery with a side flounce of extra material covering the opened veranda sliding door.  She suddenly bolts from the room).

(both officers shout in unison)  Stop!! 

(Hanna leaps across the hall into the open vault. She fumbles with her handcuffed hands but quickly  finds the button to close and arm the vault.  The vault door promptly closes and clicks three times. the police are locked out. Inside the vault a hidden man comes forward and yells)

 Vault Man: Hey, don't close the vault door. I'm in here. (He runs to push the door but it is too late. The door clicks three more times and then loudly latches. He pounds on the door yelling, ) No!  No!  No! (He turns around and sees trembling handcuffed Hanna and asks) Are you handcuffed?

Hanna: Yes, I am.

Vault Man  I would really prefer if you would sit in this corner so I can watch you.  I don't want to have to knock you out to get you there.

(Hanna moves to corner and sits down on the floor.)

Vault Man.(shakes head) This is a timed release lock. This safe won't open for 24 hours.  We're going to be in here awhile if they don't break through the door.

Hanna:  Can anyone open it by hand?

Vault Man: No, only one person knows the combination and that one person, unfortunately, is me. I came and opened the vault because of the police activity. everything checked out fine and I was getting ready to leave and before I knew it the door was closing. 

Hanna: I didn't know what else to do! They think I murdered two men.

Vault Man: You what????

Hanna: I said that they think I murdered two men.  I may have killed them but I didn't murder them.

Vault Man: Don't move.  I mean it.  I told you before that I don't want to knock you out.

Hanna: I killed them but I didn't murder them.

Vault Man: Stop, tell whatever you have to say to the police not me.

Hanna: Please listen to what I have to say. This may be my only opportunity to tell someone my side of the story.  I'm desperate! I've been set up! I can't believe this has happened.  I'm doomed if you don't listen to what I have to say!

Vault Man: You can talk but not move.

Hanna: Please, please hear this--They may soon be trying to blast the vault open.  I don't know how long I have before I fall under such false accusations, if that happens I DON'T HAVE A CHANCE!

Vault Man:  Why do you say that?

Hanna: Because I was set up so good....without a flaw.  but something must have gone wrong.  I know I killed them both in self defense.  The second brother was trying to position the gun to shot me and I don't think that had been in a plan.  They both wanted me dead., but why?

Vault Man: You are telling me you killed Richard and Henry the twin brothers who own this massive enterprise?

Hanna: Yes.  I had to!!!

to be continued: (tomorrow)

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