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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

"Old Saying Puts Things in Order" by Susan Pearl

That's like putting the cart before the horse

In putting a cart and a horse together the horse goes in front of the cart ----the cart goes behind the horse.  That way the horse can pull the cart and that is the right way to do it as the cart is too heavy to pull manually.  The horse is needed to pull the cart in order for it to move along and be where we want it to be.  Otherwise, the cart isn't going anywhere because it is in the wrong placement for things to work right.
  When we don't have things lined up in an order that is correct to work properly chances are we are not going to go anywhere but keep staying in one spot.  It is very important to be aware of what we want to do and where we want to go and line things up accordingly.  This is important in all aspects of life.  If we find that in a certain area of life we are noticing things are not working out right maybe we should take time to look at our order system and how we have things lined up.  Maybe what is very important to us in life and a priority of lifestyle really isn't that important and needs to be placed after the things that should be first.  Otherwise, that's like putting the cart before the horse.

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