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Thursday, April 9, 2020

"Two Old Sayings go Hand in Hand" by Susan Pearl

There is more to it than meets the eye.
and the other old saying is:
It's like seeing the tip of the iceberg.

The tip of an iceberg is a warning that there is more under the water and to not get close.  Such icebergs can be enormous and that part of the iceberg is under the water and cannot be seen.  There is more than meets the eye and proceed with great caution.

If hiking and a fresh bear claw print in some soft dirt is seen then there would be more there than meets the eye. It would be another kind of warning sign because the danger may have moved on or not.  Maybe, it would be best to go home and hike on another day.

Do you think the COVID-19 has more to it than meets the eye and not to get close to it?  Do you think it is a moving threat, stationary or both?  To proceed with caution we should practice social distancing, wash hands and stay at home.

We know COVID-19 has places where there are large numbers of cases and we know it is, also, on the move.  Let's just stay home until there is a better and safer time to do our regular activities because we know there is more to this than meets the eye.

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