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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

#214 "Discernment Of The Selfish" By Susan Pearl

Selfish people will come and go from our lives,
And each will take a part of our life if we let them,
They can take our time, our strength and our attention even our assets,
To be only for themselves without any mutual thought or any mutual mention,
And it can take a toll on our self esteem over the course of time,
Because selfish people think only of themselves without the best interest of others in mind,
To be taken apart bit by bit and part by part and giving it away with nothing to show in return,
I'm telling you in my lifetime that was one of the hardest lessons I ever had to learn.
I learned to say "no" time and time again,
Selfish people have come and gone away but the unselfish people became my friends to stay.
And it is a far better life than it was before that I can certainly say.
Because I am no longer being selfishly used and the people I now know wouldn't want it any other way.

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