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Thursday, August 11, 2011

#198 "Waterfall Lesson" By Susan Pearl

I studied a picture of a beautiful waterfall, 
The amazing waterfall has area that were so thin I could seee the background behind the waterfall,
Then I saw so many areas that were completely white with the fast moving waterfall,
I noticed the difference between the two is the length between where the water is falling to come against the next ledge,
The shorter the distances between the waterfall landing ledges to the next landing ledge the more the density of the waterfall,
The farther apart the landings ledges were for the waterfall the thinner the waterfall became,
And that is when a person can see behind the waterfall or see through it,
Maybe when rough areas in life come way too frequently it is best to make an effort to get away for a brief while and put some distance between ourselves and these rough ledges,
This may allow us the opportunity to be able to see through things and be able to understand what is behind it all,
Just like seeing through to what is really behind areas of a fast moving waterfall,
It is good to know what is behind it all for the fastmoving times in life,
And that perspective may see a new lovliness with a new understanding of the full picture.

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