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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

#196 "Anniversary Tribute" By Susan Pearl

Hello, it is good to be back doing my blog. I had a nice blog vacation from July 8th-August 8th and I have a lot of new thoughts and perspectives that I am looking forward to sharing with my reading audience.

Today is a very special day for me.  Today is my forty-fifth wedding anniversary.  I would like to write an anniversary poem for my blog today.  Thank you.

Many years ago I thought I saw something so good in you,
And time has proved that what I saw is true,
Little did I know that when I promised to have and hold,
That our love would be that of a hundred fold,
And we have known a love that knows no end,
Because what is given comes back time and time again,
I have been there for you and you have been there for me,
When it wasn't easy to be.

And we could count on our love like the strength of an oak tree,
Constant and steady the way love ought to be,
We leaned on our love, too,
When we didn't know what to do,
And it just would not give in,
It gave back more than was taken time and time again.

Over the years we kissed away the tears,
And one by one we put away our fears,
Our love became like a wall refusing to fall,
And we held on through it all.

Time will test all loves to tell if they are true,
Happy Anniversary, I love you,
With a love that has been there for you and me,
When it wasn't easy to be.

And we could count on our love like the strength of an oak tree,
Constant and steady the way love ought to be,
And we would lean on our love, too,
When we didn't know what to do ,
And it would not give in- it's been,
Giving back and giving back over and over again,
It's been a love without an end.

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