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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

"Removing a Rose Bush Dilemma" by Susan Pearl

We have an unusual situation with our rose bush.

It is very unruly.  I have estimated it may be close to fifty years.

The long tangled twenty feet vines are covered with one inch spike thorns.

These thorns are capable of shredding garden clothes, snagging and piercing garden gloves.

The fact that the rose bush blooms for 2 days once a year- 

   makes a person wonder "Is this really worth it?"

Awe, but there is something special about the beauty of a rose.

Even if it blooms for only 2 days a year.

But our patience is running thin,

Maybe because we now have thin skin.

I don't think we should have to take a box of band-aids to trim a rose bush.

As long as we take time to enjoy the beauty of the rose bush I think it will stay in the garden.

There is something special about the beauty of a rose.

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